A certain Hong Kong hero of the world

Chapter 409 Sabre-toothed Tiger Armored Vehicle

"Brother Luo, I'm sorry, things didn't go well this time..."

Wuying looked at Wang Zuluo with a frustrated look. He knew that Brother Luo asked him to go out to do things this time, just to make him perform meritorious service to make up for the last gunman incident.

But now things are messed up. Although he killed Tai Zi Gang, his existence was also exposed.

"Who can do everything smoothly?" Wang Zuluo threw away a cigarette, then looked at Wu Fei and said: "Take the three of them to Macau to hide from the limelight, and come back after Xin Ji chooses a new restaurant."

Pointing to the fishing boat on the beach, Wang Zuluo smiled and said to Fei Quan and the three people standing behind Wuying: "After we come back, we can choose the security company of Xinlianying at will."

Fei Quan and the others were a little worried when they heard that they were going to Macau, but they suddenly became excited.

Going to jail and running away are the things that bad guys go through the most before they take over.

Commonly known as the "academic qualifications" among the young and Dangerous.

He took out a document bag and threw it to Wu Fei, and said: "There are 100,000 yuan in it, which is enough for you to stay in Macau for half a year. Remember, don't gamble, otherwise I'm afraid you will starve to death in Macau."

If Hong Kong Island is the world of young and Dangerous boys and provincial Hong Kong flag soldiers, then Macau is the world of gambling masters such as Gods of Gamblers, Gamblers, and Gambling Kings.

Which casino doesn’t have a gambling expert on staff?

It doesn't matter if you win a small amount of money, but after winning hundreds of thousands or millions, do you believe that you will lose your life before you even spend the money?

The casino doesn't look for trouble, but among the associations that are inextricably linked to the casino, there are still people who are interested in making money.

I'm not afraid of flies, but I'm afraid that some of them are bad at gambling. I'm just afraid that if a lucky star shines, they win money and risk their lives.

"Okay, come on board, I still have to receive the things from the security company."

With a wave of his hand, Wang Zuluo told Wuying and the others to hurry up and get on the boat.

Not many people dare to go out to Macau in broad daylight. With Dasha's management in Saigon, it is risky to go out this time.

But Wu Fei and the others made too much noise. Although there are many young and Dangerous people in Hong Kong Island, cases occur frequently.

Cases in which automatic rifles can be used will also be treated as a priority by the police department.

Although the devils in the British Hong Kong government regard Hong Kong Island as a hen that lays golden eggs, they still need to at least maintain a semblance of stability.

If Wuflies and the others don't leave, there will probably be wanted posters all over Hong Kong Island.

"Brother Luo, let's go..."

Wuying put away the document bag in shame and stepped onto the fishing boat with a few people.

After sending Wuying and the others away, Wang Zuluo immediately took Aji and rushed towards the security company's location.

He still had to go to the gangsters at the Ministry of Transportation to give him money to install license plates on the bulletproof vehicles he brought back.

"Brother Luo, the six vehicles are all modified from Maozi's truck chassis..."

Two hours later, Wang Zuluo arrived at the pier and looked at the bulletproof vehicle driving off the ship. The smile on his face never disappeared.

"The outer shell of the car is all hand-made, and I feel it is much more perfect than one stamped by a machine!"

Zhou Shichang rubbed his hands excitedly, obviously very satisfied with the bulletproof vehicle he brought back.

Wang Zuluo walked over and opened the door of a car. He found that there were no seats inside, and he suddenly had a dark look on his face.

"The seats were removed before boarding the ship. Not only were there no seats, the engine was not even installed..."

"Don't look at me like that. This way, you can still ship it back as a display model. If everything is installed, each vehicle will cost at least hundreds of thousands more."

Reaching out and knocking on the thick car door, Wang Zuluo looked at the dimmed anti-collision device on the windshield. Wang Zuluo had no doubt at all whether the car could block submachine gun bullets.

"Things such as bulletproof inserts and engines will be transported back by water at night. When they are installed outside the car, not to mention submachine gun bullets, even rifle bullets can withstand a round of strafing."

Zhou Shichang reached out and touched the outer shell of the car and felt that the cost of one million per car was very worthwhile.

What's more, the outer shell of the car was drawn by Wang Zuluo, which is similar to the concept drawing of the later saber-toothed tiger armored vehicle.

Later, when we were in the Mainland, according to the actual situation, it was improved by the masters of the seventh-level and eighth-level workers in the factory.

When it comes to earning foreign exchange, those factories even stopped production in one workshop to build these cars full-time.

The original cost of the project was not covered by this amount, but half of the cost was spent on accessories such as engines and tires from abroad.

"Okay, let's find someone to tow these cars back. I'll find some connections and try to get these cars back on the road tomorrow!"

After Wang Zuluo made a circle, he was ready to leave the dock.

"Hey, I'm looking for Director Chen from the anti-speeding team..."

"Hello, Director Chen is out for a meeting. If you want to find him, please call his personal number..."

Listening to the reply on the phone, Wang Zuluo curled his lips: "Having a meeting? Go out and eat and drink with the fucking public funds!"

Pulling out the number of Director Chen that he had memorized when he helped Nakagurahara last time, Wang Zuluo was about to call when he was stopped by several police motorcycles.

"Hey, pulling an armored vehicle, are you going to fight in the Middle East battlefield?"

"Why, is the security on Hong Kong Island bad?"

Li Xianying took off his sunglasses, walked to Wang Zuluo's car, knocked on the bulletproof cover on the car door, and continued:

"When you go out, do you have to turn your car into a coffin?"

Wang Zuluo asked the driver to raise the bulletproof cover, lower the glass and look at Li Xianying: "Sir Li, if you have time, go catch those racing gangs. We are just transporting them normally."

"Stop talking nonsense, driving license, driver's license, and, by the way, ID card."

Li Xianying lay on Wang Zuluo's car window, stretched his head and looked over with a smile.

"Your car has been very impressive recently. It has appeared at security sites many times, and our traffic police have a photo of your car. It really attracts the limelight."

Wang Zuluo knew that his car was too conspicuous, but he didn't expect the traffic police to be so concerned.

"Speak clearly, or I will sue you for defamation. Appearing at the scene of the crime can only show that the public security on Hong Kong Island is not good. Citizens can encounter crimes wherever they go."

Wang Zuluo opened the door and got out of the car, took out his ID card and handed it over.

"Please tell me why your car appeared at the car accident scene in Yau Ma Tei a few days ago. According to witnesses, a garbage truck driving in the opposite direction knocked over Jiang Zhangang's car and he called the police. But after we arrived at the scene, only Got off a disabled car..."

Li Xianying held Wang Zuluo's ID card in his hand, took out the record book and started taking notes.

"Stop, stop, stop. If there is a traffic accident, you can check it, but make a record... Please let the man named Jiang Zhangang rush to the police station to call the police. Thank you..."

Wang Zuluo had no intention of replying at all. When the other party asked him about Jiang Zhangang, it was definitely not how dedicated the other party was.

Now that both the father and son of the Xinji Jiang family are dead, where will anyone call the police?

Someone from the Wan Chai Police Station must have put this case on Wang Zuluo's head. Li Xianying came here just because someone asked him for help as a favor.

"Okay, since you are so uncooperative, then come back with us. I suspect you are smuggling military weapons!"

Li Xianying pointed at the saber-toothed tiger armored vehicle pulled on the trailer behind with his notebook. Li Xianying looked at Wang Zuluo with a smile.

"Okay, I just want to go to your anti-speed convoy to find Director Chen."

Wang Zuluo was not afraid of the other party's nonsense about smuggling military weapons.

Customs has allowed entry, which means the procedures are complete. How could Li Xianying, a small traffic police inspector, have the ability to put such a big label on himself?

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