A certain Hong Kong hero of the world

Chapter 422 Dare to cause trouble during the security mission?

If Chen Wanshan had to say who he looked down upon the most in Tong Lianshun, it would undoubtedly be Luo A Niu, who had just grown up.

Because her mother was a masseur and contracted syphilis when she was pregnant, Luo Aniu was born with only half of her face normal.

There was a large birthmark on the other side, which was an eyesore to anyone who looked at it. Coupled with his poor background, he has no say in Tonglianshun.

Now that Luo Xiang'an has left the purchase of weapons to him, he is obviously trying to cultivate this street fighter!

There are already enough Luo family members who have the right to speak in Tonglianshun, we cannot add one more!

Thinking of this, Chen Wanshan said, seemingly unintentionally: "The price of weapons is not transparent, can you make a lot of money by just taking a trip? That little bastard is really cheap!"

"It seems that when I see that bastard in the future, I will have to call him Master. Otherwise, what if he gets the upper hand and gives me little shoes to wear?"

Chen Wanshan's strange aura successfully made Luo Xiangfu frown.

It's not like he doesn't know that Chen Wanshan is sowing discord, but he also feels that there are already enough people in the Luo family talking about things, and it would be nice to have one less person.

"What can I do? Do you want me to go over and make Xiang'an change his mind?"

Luo Xiangfu looked at Chen Wanshan with a helpless expression, his meaning was obvious, he didn't want to do anything that would offend others.

Chen Wanshan couldn't help but cursed secretly, but his face still had the same calm expression as before, and he said:

"Let Luo Yonggang do it. Didn't he do this kind of thing before?"

Chen Wanshan rolled his eyes and immediately thought of the key to breaking the situation.

"Yonggang is still finishing things in Thailand. It's simply unrealistic for him to come back now. I think it's most reliable that you have to do this."

Luo Xiangfu is not a vegetarian, and he will not personally do anything to refute Luo Xiangan.

"It would be great if Xiang'an died..."

Just thinking about it silently in his heart, Luo Xiangfu suppressed this idea.

the next day.

Wang Zuluo came out of the villa early in the morning and rushed to the security company.

Today is the opening day of the jewelry show and an opportunity for the security company.

Although Wang Zuluo rejected Le Huizhen's invitation to participate in the jewelry exhibition at Cointreau Hotel, he still needs to pay attention to it.

What's more, there were people who wanted to get involved yesterday, so we need to be even more careful today.

"Brother Luo, the security guards have been dispatched and are now starting drills at the predetermined location to ensure that the afternoon mission goes smoothly."

When Li Jie saw Wang Zuluo coming, he immediately came over to report the situation.

"There will be no accidents if there are full-time operators to contact the rich people on the list."

Zhou Shichang also came over and added. Seeing everything in order made Wang Zuluo feel relieved.

But thinking of the doctor who was still wandering around, the smile on Wang Zuluo's face faded again.

Who knows if that lunatic will continue to choose to attack the jewelry exhibition after losing Rabbit and the others?

If he really wanted to do it, it probably wouldn't be as sneaky as in the movie.

A biological brother died. What if that guy was provoked and prepared to attack?

Jewelry is only in a protective device, but it is not indestructible.

You can open it by cutting it bit by bit with a cutting machine, but it just takes a little more time.

If it were Wang Zuluo, the safety device holding the jewelry would not be able to be opened, but the floor would definitely be able to be opened.

Cut open the floor, stuff the jewelry and the safety device into the elevator and transport it down.

The elevator of the Cointreau Hotel can even drive a car into it. What's the point of stuffing a safety device for jewelry into it?

He didn't believe the owner of the jewelry would add a self-destruct system to the safety device.

It's the kind of system where if someone uses violent means, the device will directly destroy the jewelry.

This is the same nonsense as those in American TV shows that say a bank vault will trigger a self-destruct device if someone breaks into it destructively.

If the money is stolen, it is still possible to get it back, and the government or insurance companies will help pay the bill.

But if it was destroyed in a bank vault, do you think the insurance company would argue with you?

Will the local government or police station argue with you?

You said you destroyed yourself to ensure that the money would not be stolen, but who would believe it?

Therefore, Wang Zuluo is not optimistic at all about the TNS security system of the Cointreau Hotel.

"Brother Luo, there are many new faces on the street..."

Shen Sha's call came over, making Wang Zuluo raise his eyebrows.

Shen Sha is the person sent by Wang Zuluo to cooperate with the security company, and his motorcycle boys can act as bodyguards.

Just change your clothes and spray-paint the security company's logo on the motorcycle.

It was past four in the morning when Duan Kun and the others came back from Temple Street last night, and they were probably still catching up on their sleep.

We have to wait until the brothers who have gone out to do things have rested. It will probably be noon.

So in order to ensure that nothing would happen this morning, Wang Zuluo specially said hello to Qi Qi and Liang Kun.

"Tell the plane to arrest a few people and ask them to see if anyone is trying to cause trouble!"

Wang Zuluo is not a policeman, and he needs evidence to do anything.

Now that Shen Sha said that a stranger came over, it must have discovered something abnormal.

There are new faces in Mong Kok every day, whether they are tourists or people who come to shop and eat.

But the strange faces that can be pointed out by Shen Sha are definitely not these ordinary people.

Sure enough, Shensha quickly revealed the anomaly he discovered.

"There are a lot of people watching around our venue and the security company."

"Those guys don't know that most of the food stalls in Mong Kok are our people, so they didn't avoid them at all when they were watching."

Wang Zuluo pondered for a moment, and then said to Li Jie beside him: "Isn't it embarrassing to let our security guards go out for a while, but they are blocked at the door and monitored?"

Li Jie was stunned for a moment, and then reacted immediately.

What Wang Zuluo said was that there were non-professional monitors outside the security company, and the security guards he trained had not yet discovered it.

"I'll have someone go out and check right away!"

Li Jie opened the door and walked out of the office, preparing to arrange for someone to go out and teach those bastards who dared to show off in front of Guan Gong a lesson.

Because of the incident at the Cointreau Hotel, the security company focused on its mission and did not pay attention to the surrounding movements.

You can't blame others for this. If you want to blame, just blame those blind bastards.

Soon, two guys covered in flesh and bones were captured by Li Jie's men.

Wang Zuluo asked the bodyguard to take over and take the person to the nearest warehouse for interrogation.

Sun Lien Ying Group has its own small warehousing company, and many warehouses in Mong Kok have been forcibly rented.

Nowadays, these small warehouses everywhere have become a good place for Wangzu Luoguan people.

After a person is caught, a lesson is indispensable.

Killing Wei Feng before asking is a common method used by both black and white in Hong Kong. How could Wang Zuluo abandon this practical tradition?

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