A certain Hong Kong hero of the world

Chapter 438 Don’t move, I’m going to rob

"Come on, damn it, people from Dongxing are useless if they do anything other than attract fans!"

Three Chen Wanshan's men, carrying a cloth bag, quickly shuttled through the alley.

"There is no one in front of you, you can pass by."

A guy wearing black half-sleeves stuck out his head at the entrance of the alley, looked around, and then waved to his companions behind him.

"We might as well hail a taxi..."

The guy carrying the bag was panting, and after wiping the sweat from his head, he complained.

"Do you want me to stop a police car for you? Jump on the street!"

Hei Banxiu cursed in a low voice. If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, he really wanted to go up and punch this bastard.

There were only three of them, big men, carrying a cloth bag that obviously contained a person. If they were to stop the taxi, it would probably not take more than two minutes for the taxi driver's convoy channel to be filled with news about their kidnappers.

Even if a taxi takes them, their final destination must be at the entrance of the police station.

It's not that taxi guys act bravely, but that they, the guys who drive taxis, don't have some connection with the local community or the plainclothes officers of the police station?

Regardless of whether he is an informant or not, the informant fee will not be less.

When you get on the bus, the taxi man will pass the code and pass the news through the car intercom.

Colleagues will naturally help contact the plainclothes police officers or uniformed police officers they have worked with, and then they will wait at the door.

As soon as the car stopped, people came to arrest him.

In the end, the credit will go to others. In addition to the informant fee, you can also earn a good citizen banner.

Don't ask why Hei Banxiu is so familiar with the process. Which police officer in Southeast Asia doesn't handle cases this way?

I guess the policemen coming to Hong Kong Island are also like this...

"I knew I would drive away... By the way, have you contacted the boss?"

Hei Banxiu regretted a little. Although the situation was urgent before, he still had time to drive.

But because the street was full of white-shirted Xinlianying gangsters, he lost his sense of proportion for a moment.

They were chased and killed for several streets. If they hadn't fired a few shots to knock down the two thugs, they wouldn't have been able to escape.

"No one answered the phone at the boss's villa. He probably went out to play with horses."

A man holding a mobile phone put away his hands in frustration and ran towards another street with Hei Banxiu.

The front is Hongxing's territory, and Xinlianying's mourners won't be able to catch up for a while.

"Stop, put your head in your hands and stand against the wall!"

The three of them had just taken a few steps when a shout came from the alley next to them.

Looking back, a policeman wearing a military police uniform was holding up his pants with one hand and pointing a gun at them.

It was obvious that the policeman was going to the toilet just now, and he drew his gun only after seeing the three of them walking.

"Sir, there are three of us. We only have ourselves. We still have hostages in our hands. You don't dare to shoot."

Hei Banxiu raised his hands, turned around and looked at the police officer who drew his gun and pointed it at them, smiled and said:

"How about this, you, continue to go to the toilet, and we, go another way, and we will pretend that I have never met..."

As he spoke, he gestured to the uniformed policeman with his hand, slowly put it down, and took out a few rolls of Hong Kong dollars from his jacket pocket.

He shook it in his hand, slowly squatted down, and put the money on the ground.

Although he was speaking in a serious tone, his eyes were extremely sinister.

He has determined that all cops in any country in the world are greedy for money!

As long as the uniformed policeman's eyes are distracted on the Hong Kong dollars and the hand holding the gun hesitates even a little, his companions will kill this unsighted uniformed policeman.

Want money?

How about I burn it for you to spend in your next life?

"Cut the fucking nonsense, put your head in your hands, put down the hostage, and squat on the ground!"

Just when the three of them were trapping the uniformed policeman in front of them and preparing to make a fool of themselves, another scolding came from the other side.

At the same time, two gunshots rang out in succession, and blood splattered on the back of Hei Banxiu's head, and he staggered and fell to the ground.

Those rolls of Hong Kong dollars were soon stained red with his blood.

Also falling to the ground with him was the guy holding the Big Brother phone.

This bastard was unlucky because the first bullet was aimed at Hei Banxiu, who was squatting down to put money, so when he shot the next time, the muzzle of the gun was not completely raised again.

The bullet entered through the chin and emerged from the temple. When the forensic doctors saw it, they would scold them and rush to the street to find something to do.

There was only one guy left carrying a bag. Before he could react, a .38 hit his waist, but the muzzle was pointed slightly downward.

"Don't move, I'll shoot your second brother if you dare to move!"

Li Xianying was talking, and after seeing that this bastard really didn't dare to move, he rubbed his hands on his clothes a few times in disgust.

He was also peeing just now. After hearing the commotion here, he came out to support without stopping the flow.

My hands were covered with water...

"What are you looking at? Why don't you come over and handcuff someone?"

Song Zijie, who was still dazed over there, finally realized what he was doing. He quickly put away his point 38 and fastened his pants as he walked.

When he came here, he first took the hostage and put it on the ground, and then took out the handcuffs and cuffed the buster.

"Are you violating... by doing this?"

"What a violation. Did you drink too much expired coffee?"

Seeing that the criminal was handcuffed, Li Xianying put away his gun, walked to the wall, unbuttoned his pants again, and released the water.

Just now I only peeed half of the time and then held it back. Now that I've turned on the water again, I still feel like I can't urinate cleanly.

"You said this in front of the street, do you want us to be complained?"

After solving his physical problems, Li Xianying kicked down the only survivor.

He pulled Song Zijie aside and reminded him softly.

"We have all been sent to this barren street. In the past few days, we have only caught one Southeast Asian stealing a manhole cover."

"If this continues, we will never be able to get transferred for meritorious service in our lifetime."

"Besides, they have hostages in their hands, do you really want to take the money and let them go?"

Li Xianying talked a lot, and finally looked at Song Zijie like a scumbag.

"I'm not, I didn't..."

Sure enough, Song Zijie, a clever guy, was immediately led astray by Li Xianying.

Don't worry about whether Li Xianying didn't warn before shooting.

"Kidnapping... oh, kidnapping a girl, and preparing to kill the police with a gun. Finally, I will accuse you of bribing the police officers!"

Li Xianying walked up to the two guys he shot dead, wrapped his hands with his sleeves, pulled out the pistol from the corpse's waist, and stuffed it into the corpse's hand.

He is not an unprincipled criminal policeman. He just fired the gun because he discovered that Hei Banxiu and the others were about to draw their guns.

If they don't strike first, Hei Banxiu and the others will really get the gun in their hands. With hostages in hand, he and Song Zijie might be unlucky and have to raise the flag of the British Hong Kong government.

I believe that this unlucky guy who put up the flag is 100% that pretty boy named Song Zijie.

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