A certain Hong Kong hero of the world

Chapter 452 Torture and Chen Wanshan’s Compromise

"Don't worry, we are brothers, I will send out people to help you find news tonight."

Standing up, Wang Zuluo patted Officer You on the shoulder skillfully, and said with a smile: "But you also know that there will definitely be a lot of noise when San Ren goes out..."

"Well, I heard that tonight several food stalls have jointly organized an event to gain popularity by giving away orders. Anyone who comes there with a flyer will get a free order..."

Officer You thought about it for a while, and then looked into Wang Zuluo's eyes and said seriously: "My boss has told me that the streets of Mong Kok must be quiet these days!"

Wang Zuluo waved his hand and said: "I will send some people out to collect the wind. I will definitely not wander around Mong Kok..."

Officer You's expression softened. He took out a cigarette and held it in his mouth without lighting it. He smiled and stretched his hand in front of Wang Zuluo.

"What are you doing? My lighter is gold-plated. If I give it to you, aren't you afraid that I will say you took bribes later?"

After Wang Zuluo finished speaking, he tried to push the lighter in his hand to Officer You, but he blocked it with his hand.

"What I want is a flyer for the food stall for tonight's event. Pou Street, why don't you use a broken lighter to test our Royal Police?"

"Which royal policeman can't stand the test?"

The excuses for free food stalls are all made up by Wang Zuluo, and of course they are not included in the flyers.

But it will be there in a few minutes. Brother Luo said that if the food stall has an event, he will definitely do it.

You said Brother Luo bribed?

Shit, this is obviously a newly opened food stall that offers free orders just to gain popularity.

You ask why all the people who went there at that time were workers from get off work?

Can't it be a coincidence?

Is it okay to look down on the British Hong Kong government and the Royal Police?

Are you talking too much?

"Do I have a grudge against you?"

In a warehouse in Mong Kok, Chen Wanshan was splashed with water and woke up.

"I'm from the Luo family, and I'm from Tong Lianshun!"

Chen Wanshan opened his eyes and saw Wang Zuluo in front of him, and immediately asked to move out of the Luo family to save his life.

"What? Brother Shan is thirsty?"

Wang Zuluo turned slightly and covered his ears with his hands, as if he had not heard Chen Wanshan's voice clearly just now.

"Wang Zuluo, you know what I mean..."

Chen Wanshan's hands and feet were broken, and he could only lie on the ground and stare at Wang Zuluo, very angry at Wang Zuluo for pretending to be crazy and acting stupid.

Wang Zuluo also put away his smile and stretched out his hand to pinch Chen Wanshan's chin.

"Do I have any grudge against you? You found someone to kidnap my woman, and then sent a gunman to my villa to fight with someone and put the blame on me..."

With his free hand, he gestured to the men in the warehouse, and soon, a water pipe was placed in Wang Zuluo's hand.

He stuffed the water pipe into Chen Wanshan's mouth, pushed it down hard and stuffed it directly into his throat, raised his chin and asked Ah Ji to unscrew the valve.

Soon a stream of water poured into Chen Wanshan's stomach.

After pulling out the water pipe a few seconds later, Chen Wanshan began to cough violently, and mouthfuls of bloody water spurted out of his mouth.

"Who gave you the news to attack me?"

Wang Zuluo squinted his eyes and waited until Chen Wanshan's coughing slowed down before continuing to ask.

"I am the Luo family...wuwu..."

The water pipe was inserted into his mouth again for gastric lavage. Although it was a little uncomfortable, it wouldn't kill him.

After a few seconds, the water pipe was pulled out, and Wang Zuluo continued to wait for the other party's cough to slow down.

"Who are you helping? As far as I know, the Luo family has no intention of causing trouble for me..."

Wang Zuluo asked again, but Chen Wanshan was still coughing violently and had no intention of answering.

He reached out and grabbed the other person's collar, lifted him up, then loosened his collar, pinched the other person's head, and punched the other person in the stomach.

A stream of water accompanied by blood was spurted out by Chen Wanshan. Because his head was held down, the water gushed out from his nose and mouth, and was finally spat out on the ground.

After Chen Wanshan coughed a few times, Wang Zuluo pinched the other person's head and asked him to look into his eyes.

"Let me tell you a story. In the seventeenth century, in order to frighten the enemy, the Vikings would use knives to cut the flesh on the enemy's back along the spine..."

As he spoke, Wang Zuluo lifted Chen Wanshan face down onto a table and pressed his hand on the spine of the other person's back.

"After slicing open, the Vikings would break the ribs of the victim, roll them out together with the flesh and blood, and finally pull out the lungs..."

"This kind of punishment is called blood eagle!" Wang Zuluo used a little force on his hand, and Chen Wanshan's back had been cut open with a knife.

"If you don't like it, I can smear honey all over your body and put some ants on you..."

"By the way, I can also bury you in the soil, make a hole in your head, and pour mercury in..."

"The mercury will separate your skin and flesh, and the time will be very slow... At that time, you will feel very itchy, so you will struggle violently, but your body will be buried in the soil..."

"In the end, the more you struggle, the faster the mercury will drop, the more itchy you will be, and the speed of skin and flesh separation will also accelerate... In the end, you will struggle out of the soil, but what will come out is your skinless body..."

Chen Wanshan's expression was twisted with fear, and he twisted unconsciously.

When others say these things, he will only think that they are trying to scare him.

But Mad Dog Luo's reputation was well known, and Chen Wanshan believed everything that came out of his mouth.

He can definitely do such a thing, no, he will definitely do it!

"I said, I said..."

"It was the Chinese gangsters in the United States who came to me and said that you had a grudge against the Hengda Group and that if they came to you, they could get the U.S. dollar banknotes..."

Chen Wanshan told everything he knew: "They gave me five million US dollars and promised to support me in becoming a practical talker in Tong Lianshun..."

Wang Zuluo stared at Chen Wanshan for a few times, then finally let go of the other man's body and played with the short knife in his hand.

Chinese American gangsters?

Among the people I offended, the only one I had dealt with was a foreign Chinese gang when I was laundering money last time.

But aren't they the mafia?

Frowning, Wang Zuluo began to think.

"Arlo, those photos you sent, their identities are not in the police station's database at all."

"But some people know that they came back from abroad. Although there is no entry information, the guys doing maritime business have seen them!"

Fei Sha's voice came out on the phone.

"Thanks, I'll pick it up from the usual place."

After saying that, Wang Zuluo hung up the phone, then found Chen Haonan's phone number and dialed it.

"Anan, help me make an appointment with Brother B and tell him that I want to have tea with him."

"Brother B went to Macau to meet Mr. Jiang. Brother Luo, if you need help with anything, just tell me."

Chen Haonan's voice was very calm. It seemed that his recent maritime business had made him grow a lot.

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