A certain Hong Kong hero of the world

Chapter 453 Lin Weilong comes to visit and will fight to the death?

"Help me calm down the situation. You should know about me being shot last night. I want to know who the shooters are!"

The situation in Southeast Asia is unstable, and many gunmen work part-time as mercenaries. But most of them are Southeast Asian black rats who come across the sea to kill people for money.

Hiring black rats from the mainland is also a way, but it is not easy for gunmen to enter from the mainland. The ghost guys are not just talking about the blockade of the mainland.

Therefore, the most affordable shooters usually come from Southeast Asia. Not many people there understand Cantonese, and even if they are caught, there is no way to receive useful information.

"Any Southeast Asian can be a gunman if he picks one up. There's no way to check, Brother Luo..."

Chen Haonan was more concerned about Wang Zuluo's shooting than Duan Kun. After all, this matter was also related to his maritime smuggling channel.

Without Wang Zuluo standing in front of him, Big Boss B would have no way to stop the evil forces coming from within Hongxing.

"Southeast Asia is not easy to check, but there are not many people doing maritime business here on Hong Kong Island, not to mention those gunmen don't bring short dogs with them when they go ashore!"

The gunman used the Big Black Star. Everyone knows that this kind of gun is produced in the mainland. Even if there are imitations in Southeast Asia, there are not many imitations.

Everyone knows that searching for people is worse than searching for guns, but there are many more people doing arms business here on Hong Kong Island than doing maritime business.

"Zhou Weisheng is dead, and the channels in Hong Kong are cut off. Now you are saying that I have gone too far?"

In the East Tsim Sha Tsui Hotel, Uncle Chao was sitting on the sofa with a gloomy face.

"The money originally belonged to A Luo. If your people made a mistake and lost the money, the money is ownerless... Since it is ownerless, of course whoever has the ability can take it..."

The doctor on the other side of the phone calmly refuted Uncle Chao's accusations.

What's more, she persuaded Wang Zuluo to ask him for money, and now this guy from the United States is still aggressive.

"Our cooperation is limited to sending money into Hong Kong Island. Now the money has landed. It was an accident during the transaction, not to mention that the mad dog also got the money..."

There is one thing that has not been said, that is, Zhou Weisheng, an important member who just arrived here and participated in money laundering, also died in the hands of Wang Zuluo.

This account sounds like a muddled account, but Uncle Chao feels that he has suffered a loss. Not only did he die, but he also lost face. The most important thing is that his channel has been proven to be unsafe and his credibility has dropped to freezing point.

Among all the solutions, the most trouble-free and cost-effective one that can also scare the rest of the people on Hong Kong Island is to kill Zulu Wang.

Since the problem cannot be solved, then get rid of the person who raised the problem. This is what American gangsters always do.

"Be more stable recently, otherwise we won't be able to do much if the people above are keeping an eye on you."

On the phone, Peng Xinjian's voice was obviously filled with suppressed anger: "Do you know what Hong Kong Island needs?"

"Do we need the ghost guy to get out and let the Chinese take charge?"

Wang Zuluo raised the corners of his mouth and replied with a smile.

"Fart, what Hong Kong needs now is stability!"

Peng Xinjian was stunned by Wang Zuluo's answer, but he quickly reacted.

"There are many societies on Hong Kong Island. If you kill one, another one will appear. Just like bed bugs, they can never be eliminated."

"So what we want now is stability. Since we can't eliminate them, let the familiar bed bugs continue to exist, because they have existed for a long time and there are several file cabinets of evidence."

Peng Xinjian changed his subject and started talking about something unrelated to what happened yesterday.

"If these bugs don't obey, the evidence in the police station's file cabinet is like an exterminator, which can send them to death at any time..."

After finishing speaking, Peng Xinjian paused and gave Wang Zuluo time to think.

In fact, everyone knows this kind of thing, but if you know it, you know it, and the nature of the matter will be different if you say it.

This is a warning!

Wang Zuluo could already predict Peng Xinjian's expression on the other side of the phone. He must have a gloomy face but a smile on his face.

"Yes, I believe that the Royal Police on Hong Kong Island can ensure the safety of the citizens of Hong Kong Island, especially if an entrepreneur's villa is affected by criminals without compensation."

Wang Zuluo did not answer as Peng Xinjian expected, but instead asked for compensation.

"Let me say it again, I, Wang Zuluo, am a serious entrepreneur. If Officer Peng wants to find people from the Triad Society in Mong Kok, please go talk to the people in Hongxing."

After saying that, Wang Zuluo hung up the phone.


Hong Kong Island really needs stability. If it is unstable, how can those ghost guys make money?

Wang Zuluo was very disdainful of Peng Xinjian's talk of stability. There were many ways to achieve stability, but maintaining the status quo with the community was the most unstable.

Either we must ruthlessly clean up the associations, or we must vigorously develop the real economy to give jobs to those idle people on the streets of Hong Kong Island.

Of course, if you want to achieve these two points, considering the current situation of the British Hong Kong government, it is no less difficult than going to heaven.

Buzz buzz~

The mobile phone left on the table began to vibrate, and Wang Zuluo picked it up casually.

"Aluo, I'm Lin Weilong!"

Wang Zuluo was stunned, why would this nominal boss call him?

Ever since his sister-in-law Zhou Peilian went on a trip, the relationship between Lin Weilong and him had become strangers due to Luo Weina's persuasion.

There's no such thing as a clean break, but the two parties only maintain a nominal relationship, and there is no relationship at all in private.

"Brother Long, do you want me to do something?"

Wang Zuluo asked directly without beating around the bush.

"I have a batch of marine cargo to be landed tonight...but the coast guard has been a little nervous recently..."

After talking a lot, Wang Zuluo finally heard that the other party wanted to use Chen Haonan's shipping channels to get his goods ashore.

But Lin Weilong has his own shipping company, so it stands to reason that it would be very easy to arrange for smuggled goods to land.

But now the other party is asking for help, this batch of goods is wrong!

Rocket fuel!

Wang Zuluo took a breath of air when contacted about Chi Hu's visit to Hong Kong Island some time ago.

This bastard wants his own life!

If Wang Zuluo didn't know that Lin Weilong was secretly dealing in rocket fuel when he was engaged in smuggling arms, he would definitely be involved in this matter now.

According to normal thinking, if Lin Weilong asked for help, others would definitely think that the goods were just arms.

Although it is risky to bring this thing ashore, due to the recent turmoil in the powder market, the Coast Guard has focused its attention on those fishing for powder.

Although arms have risks, they are not big, at least not too big recently.

But after switching to rocket fuel, the risk is no longer a big deal.

This is a damn reminder!

"Brother Long, it's just arms. I know a colleague of yours named Lai Dafei..."

Wang Zuluo casually found an excuse to deal with it, but he sat upright as he spoke.

Whether the relationship between Lin Weilong and himself will become a life-or-death affair depends on the other party's answer!

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