A certain Hong Kong hero of the world

Chapter 458 What are the rules for revenge?

"Brother Luo, please inform me in advance next time you want to kill someone. I have so few people with me. If I hurt you..."

Shi Mingquan and Wang Zuluo were smoking in an alley near Shaima Street.

He put his head out and looked at the scene of policemen pulling people over on the other side of the street. He was relieved that he was dead.

This time Wang Zuluo wanted to trouble A Le on a whim, and most of the men brought by Death Quan were blocked in the street by EU.

Now Wang Zuluo only has a dozen boxers who have been protecting him.

"What are you afraid of? Are you still young when you kill people in Mong Kok?"

Wang Zuluo threw the cigarette butt on the ground and glared at Death Quan.

Could he say that he came back this time because what happened during this period made him feel a little suffocated?

Did you beat A Le just to take it out on him?

Damn it, I’m an old guy, what’s wrong with letting me indulge?

"Ahe, drive to the next street and wait for me..."

Listening to Wang Zuluo's voice on the phone, Ah He agreed and hung up the phone. He shrugged at Ma Jun who came to talk to him at the car window:

"My boss told me to have a midnight snack and chat with the police officer next time I have time..."

Ma Jun leaned on tiptoes against the car window and stared at Ahe for a while. He gritted his teeth and was about to take out his gun and ask Ahe and others to get out of the car for inspection.

"Officer Ma, what are you going to do?"

A hand was placed on Ma Jun's gun holster, and then a young man with a 33010 police number on his shoulder squeezed between Ma Jun and the car.

"The police force's police regulations clearly state that investigation and evidence collection can only be conducted voluntarily by citizens. We do not have the right to force citizens to cooperate with investigations!"

The young police officer looked at Ma Jun very seriously, raised his voice and shouted: "Not to mention you have to draw your gun on the citizens!"

"Do you know that you have broken the law? I suspect that you have a problem in your heart, and I will complain to your superior."

Ma Jun's temples were pounding, and he just watched helplessly as Ah He stuffed the slightly exposed submachine gun back into the luggage bag and zipped it up.

"Did you know they had guns?"

Ma Jun stretched out his hand and pulled the young EU police officer, who was full of warnings, twice, and found that he was standing firmly with his back to the car, with no intention of leaving.

"If you want to search citizens' cars, please apply to my superiors first, because this is now the task of our stormtroopers..."

"I'm going to attack your mother's application. I've caught so many thieves..."

Ma Jun was so angry that he really wanted to punch the stupid face in front of him, but he suppressed the idea after thinking that he had already filed three complaints in just two days this week.

"Patrol car No. 2, right? I want to find your superior and ask the sergeant in your car to come out. I can't tell you clearly!"

Being stupid, he couldn't explain the other party's police regulations. Ma Jun could only take out his police officer ID card, open it, and let the other party see his police sergeant's rank.

As for why the police rank dropped after being promoted?

Then you have to ask the unlucky guy who was sent to the intensive care unit of the hospital by Ma Jun a few days ago...

"Our police chief is arresting someone over there, you can go find him."

Pepper raised his chin at the position of his police chief Zhu Huabiao.

"Just wait, I will definitely file a complaint against you!"

Being able to get the words "complaining against you" out of Ma Jun's mouth shows the skill of Pepper, a stupid young man.

"Keep an eye on these cars. If they run away, be careful and I will cause trouble for you after get off work!"

After saying harsh words, Ma Jun ran angrily in the direction of Zhu Huabiao.

Pepper ignored Ma Jun's threat at all. He turned around and saluted Ah He, then moved away and said, "You can leave now. Remember, there are many people on the street, so don't speed..."

Ah He took out his ears. He suspected that he heard wrongly.

Since when did Hong Kong policemen become so principled?

When did these bastards arrest someone without arresting them first and then showing them their ID?

There are many similar little tricks, such as requiring three warnings before shooting, but most policemen go through the motions in a low voice or speaking super fast before shooting.

There is no need to delay others from shooting...

"Okay, let's go now... By the way, thank you, officer. Officer, you are such a good... good policeman!"

After giving a thumbs up to Pepper, Ah He started the car and left the street.

"Don't let them go... don't let them go..., damn it!"

Ma Jun had just explained the reason to Sheriff Zhu Huabiao, and by the way, he sued Qianjie severely.

But when he turned around, he found that Wang Zuluo's car and escort car had driven away in a hurry. He was so angry that he smashed all the documents in his hand on the ground!

"Where is the car?"

The corner of Zhu Huabiao's mouth curled up, but he immediately returned to his original state, pretending to look at Ma Jun with a strange expression.

"You just complained about my colleague, saying that he was shielding criminals, but there was no car at the scene, let alone criminals..."

As he spoke, he pointed at the injured people sitting on the street, screaming and waiting for ambulances to arrive:

"The suspect is over there. If Mr. Sheriff is very free, please help rush the white car..."

Ma Jun took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, reached out and tapped Zhu Huabiao, then bent down and picked up his ID.

Damn it, wasn't it that when arresting a criminal, he mistook an EU plainclothesman as the criminal's companion, and was a little too harsh when he struck?

Besides, I had to put on my uniform again and patrol the streets because of this incident, and these stingy guys actually embarrassed me. They were the scum of the police station!

A few minutes later, the motorcade picked up Wang Zuluo and drove along the main road towards Tsim Sha Tsui.

"Brother Luo, what will you do next?"

Luan Mingquan looked at the duffel bag that Wang Zuluo threw into his arms, opened the zipper and saw the weapons inside, so he asked.

"Go kill people!"

Wang Zuluo replied with a fatal sentence while adjusting the holster he had just put on.

Now the gunman who attacked him has been killed, and Dumble will never help investigate why the gunman mingled with his men.

So Wang Zuluo could only find trouble with Xinji's sitting in the hall Xu Hua.

To put it bluntly, this matter was caused by Xinji for no reason. Who else could we look for if not him?

As for everyone knowing that this matter was planned by Uncle Deng, why didn’t Wang Zuluo go to Uncle Deng...

Persimmon needs to be squeezed by the weak. Xinji has just split and has been dealing with Hong Le for so long, and its power is not as good as before.

If you don't trouble him, who will?

Since the gunman can't be found, of course, revenge must be found by Xin Ji who instigated the trouble!

"Brother Luo, isn't it a bit bad to use trolls?"

Death Quan was a little surprised by Brother Luo's change. Before, Brother Luo kept saying that he must abide by the rules of the road...

"We are going for revenge. What are the rules for revenge?"

Wang Zuluo pulled the slide, inserted the pistol into the holster, took the time to raise his hand and slapped the back of Shan Mingquan's head.

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