A certain Hong Kong hero of the world

Chapter 462 Unlucky Chen Jiaju

"Put down your weapons, I tell you to put down your weapons!"

Several patrol police officers had originally heard the gunshots and rushed over, but when they discovered a large number of Xinji gangsters on the street, they stopped approaching and started calling for support.

After members of the crime squad arrived with a large number of uniformed police officers, the patrol police went over to report what they had learned.

After the uniformed police dispersed the new gangsters on the street, the crime squad also learned the information they wanted.

The situation at the scene was obvious. The Young and Dangerous boys under Xinji didn't know why they gathered here.

Xinji's Xinjin was lying in a pool of blood, and the murderer was almost beaten to death with bullets by the gunmen who came from Xinji.

What they have to do now is arrest the gunmen who are still at the scene.

"The Yan family shovel! This is obviously a major homicide case. Now you want us to close the team and hand the case to the Triad Investigation Department?"

The ghost guy with the title of senior inspector on his shoulder took a few glances at the stunned man with a green nose standing in front of him, spitting wildly. Oh no... it was Sergeant Chen Jiaju.

Yes, that's the Sheriff.

Last time, Chen Jiaju's support was not timely. When they rushed over, they only found hundreds of bullet casings and the mess left after the grenade explosion in Chen Wanshan's villa.

But these are not the important reasons for his demotion. The main reason is that after the police car was punctured by spike strips, Chen Jiaju and his men forcibly intercepted the private cars of passing citizens.

And because he rushed to the scene in a hurry, his private car was seriously damaged and he was complained.

Don’t get me wrong, Brother Luo wasn’t looking for someone to complain this time.

That's because the unlucky guy whose car was forcibly confiscated who appeared near the villa area is the youngest son of the senior inspector Gui Lao in front of Chen Jiaju now!

When Inspector Gui Lao saw his young son with a bruised nose and face in the hospital, Chen Jiaju's fate could be imagined.

If it weren't for Director Libao and Chen Jiaju's previous contributions, he might have gone there now

"Jiaju, I order you to apologize to the commander immediately!"

The corners of Wen Jianren's mouth raised slightly, but they immediately returned to their original state when Chen Jiaju looked over.

"I apologize to him?!!"

Chen Jiaju pointed at the ghost guy and shouted at Wen Jianren: "He is a ghost from West Kowloon..., the senior inspector of West Kowloon, he wants to take over our case here in Wan Chai District, are you awake?"

"Attention, you are the Senior Inspector of the West Kowloon Region. Also, as a police officer, I think your political literacy is too low. You contradict your superiors, disobey orders, insult and discriminate against your colleagues, and even use physical violence!"

Senior Inspector Gui Lao opened his mouth and spoke a string of fluent Cantonese. Although some of the language required guessing, everyone at the scene could understand the meaning.

"Now, in the name of the Political Department, I am informing you that you are suspended from your duties. When will you reflect and correct your attitude, you can continue to serve!"

As for when Chen Jiaju can correct his mistakes, it depends on whether Chen Jiaju himself is on the road.

If Chen Jiaju can get hundreds of thousands of red envelopes after get off work, he can go back to work tomorrow and resume his duties as a trainee inspector.

But Chen Jiaju is a poor man with a straight temper, so it is obviously impossible for him to stuff money.

"Okay, it's you, the foreign devils, who have the final say in Hong Kong Island. Should I be suspended?"

Chen Jiaju took off the police ID card from his chest and handed the gun to his colleagues.

He rolled up his sleeves and played with his fists a few times. Just when Inspector Gui Lao turned around, Chen Jiaju punched Wen Jianren in the face:

"You bitch, I've tolerated you for a long time!"

Inspector Gui Lao turned his head when he heard the screams, and Chen Jiaju immediately pretended to be concerned and supported Wen Jianren.

"Inspector Wen had a leg cramp and accidentally fell..."

Inspector Gui Lao glanced at Wen Jianren's flattened nose, but said nothing. Instead, he nodded and said perfunctorily: "Work must be balanced with work and rest, otherwise the body will collapse..."

"Don't do this to me. Just wait for the indefinite suspension... Ouch... haha~"

Wen Jianren pushed Chen Jiaju away and threatened in a low voice, then followed Inspector Gui Lao's footsteps towards the bar.

As for Chen Jiaju...

"Fakeyu, Fakeyu's family is in peace with Wen Jianren's family!"

With both hands pointing at the ghost's back, Chen Jiaju turned around and walked out of the cordon in frustration.

As for what Gui Lao said about suspension, Chen Jiaju took it as fart.

The bastard was from West Kowloon, and he was from Central District. After that bastard left Wan Chai, he believed that the director and Uncle Biao would allow him to go back and continue catching thieves.

The worst thing I can do is take a few more days off recently, just treat it as a holiday for myself.

Despondently, Chen Jiaju drove his second-hand car with broken brakes and turned away from the crime scene.

In the food stall where Wang Zuluo was, Aji and Jiji walked in, along with Luo Tianhong, who had black eyes.

"Brother Luo, this bastard wants to see you!"

Ah Ji pushed Luo Tianhong hard, causing him to stumble to the corner a few tables away from Wang Zuluo.

"Daddy, this is the weapon used to attack the street. It seems to be worth a lot of money."

The plane handed over Luo Tianhong's Han sword and placed it on the table.

Wang Zuluo grabbed the Han sword and looked at it a few times, and finally sheathed it again.

"Did this bastard say who from the Luo family came looking for him?"

Wang Zuluo motioned to the empty seat, and Ji and Aji sat down without ceremony. They picked up their chopsticks and started to eat.

"He said he wouldn't tell you until he saw you..."

Ah Ji ate a few bites of food and took a swig of beer before raising his chin and tapping in Luo Tianhong's direction.

Wang Zuluo smiled knowingly, as all capable people do, and did not bother to talk too much to the little minions.

It was obvious that Aji and Jiji were classified as minions in Luo Tianhong's eyes.

"If you don't mind, why don't you come over and have a few bites?"

Wang Zuluo looked at Luo Tianhong thoughtfully. No matter who called Luo Tianhong to deal with him, just because his surname was Luo made Wang Zuluo temporarily put aside the idea of ​​killing him.

To cooperate with the Luo family in the U.S. dollar electrical panel business, it would not be possible to rely solely on Luo Liping, a woman full of conspiracies, but also to have someone named Luo to restrain her.

Before, he wanted Luo Xiangfu to restrain that woman, but when he turned around and thought that he had just offended that Pulu, there was definitely no need to talk about it.

Now that Luo Tianhong jumped out to cause trouble, Wang Zuluo just put him on the watch list.

"If you can let these two bastards of yours let go of me, I will tell you everything you want to know."

After struggling for a few times, Luo Tianhong, whose hands and feet were tied, finally stood up again from the ground.

"I definitely can't let you go..."

Wang Zuluo put the piece of meat he had just picked up into his mouth and simply refused Luo Tianhong's request.

Just kidding, this street fighter can face each other while the opponent is drawing his gun. He can kill two people with his sword and cut off the gun-holding hand of the opponent's boss!

How could such a ruthless Wang Zuluo be let go?

Against others, Wang Zuluo can still say that he can shoot quickly within three steps.

But Luo Tianhong couldn't do it. Within three steps, Luo Tianhong was indeed faster.

Unless you have a gun in your hand all the time, once the gun is not in your hand and Luo Tianhong is watching, you will have no chance to draw the gun...


At this time, Chen Jiaju's car happened to pass by the food stall.

But with the sound of sudden braking, Chen Jiaju soon reversed the car again.

"Wang Zuluo? It seems that you also had a share of the credit for the shootout in Wan Chai?"

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