A Certain Marvel Super Player

Fifty-nine, KGB’s imagination


"If it's just the New York Police Department coming over, that doesn't mean much, but the FBI and Homeland Security Department are coming, that's enough to confirm our speculation!"

"That Lorraine Broughton?"


As the deputy director of the KGB's Intelligence Service against the United States, Vanya Yegorov put on his glasses again and looked at his niece Dominika Yegorova, whose dancing career was ruined and was then replaced by him in the organization. He said: "No one can betray us, Dominica, no one, no matter how well she hides it, we will find her and judge her!"

Lorraine Broughton, the KGB has a hard time getting over it.

If it hadn't been for Lorraine Broughton, then the KGB could have successfully obtained the spy list, thus hindering the merger of East and West Germany. Perhaps, the ending would have been different.


They thought Lorraine Broughton was one of theirs, but they never expected that the KGB thought they had instigated Lorraine Broughton from MI6 to rebel. However, they suddenly discovered that Lorraine Broughton was not at all. Not from MI6, but from the fucking CIA!

Lorraine Broughton, with three boats and an iron chain, made a fool of the KGB and MI6.

This moment made KGB feel that his cheeks were burning red.

Although sixteen years have passed, perhaps MI6 has forgotten this matter. After all, anyone in London can recognize his son as his father, so forgetting is normal.

But the KGB did not forget this.

Especially last year, they instigated a CIA agent and learned one thing from that CIA agent, that is, it seems that this Lorraine Broughton is not dead.

In an instant, this uneasy matter emerged. Then, it became natural to find this spy who swore to join the great KGB and then shamelessly betrayed him, capture her, and then put her on trial.

They originally thought that the search would be difficult this time.


As soon as they landed in the Commonwealth, they heard several girls at the airport discussing the Rock Broughton photo album. Then, they went to Texas and spent some effort to find Rock Broughton's birth information.


They even followed the clues and found the family foundation behind Rock Broughton, and then they arrived in New York City safely.

And everything that happened tonight was even more speculation.

"Lorraine Broughton is alive."

Vanya Yegorov said in a deep voice: "Even, he has been watching his son secretly. If we catch this Locke Broughton, we can find out the traitor who gave us a painful blow."

And he can rely on what happened this time to go back and serve as the deputy director of the General Administration!

Dominika Egorova, who looked exactly like her eldest cousin, frowned and said, "But, where is Yurina?"

Originally, according to the plan, she and Yulina would wait for Locke to come home in the apartment and then take them away directly. But this time she came here in the name of the Moscow Ballet Troupe coming to Broadway in New York. It happened to be Broadway at that time. There were people coming to the theater, so she came down early to avoid being exposed.


Yurina Sharapova did not return.

Wanya said solemnly: "She should have been killed by people from Homeland Security."


"This reinforces that."


Vanya Egorov stood up from his chair and cut off the signal transmission of the bug on his own initiative. His sharp eyes flashed and his mind was racing: "There must be those federal bastards watching Locke Broughton. Even this Locke Broughton must know his mother, which explains why he has such keen anti-reconnaissance capabilities. This is why, after he calls the police, the FBI and Homeland Security will arrive at the scene at the speed of light. reason."

Dominika Egorova sat on the bed and listened to these words. She always felt that the place was weird, but she couldn't tell where it was for a while.


She felt that things were not quite what she said.

Since Lorraine Broughton is an agent of the CIA, shouldn't the task of protecting Locke Broughton also be the CIA's task?

After all, even in Moscow, she had heard that the CIA and the FBI had never gotten along. So, why were the FBI so interested in the son of a CIA agent?

Is it because he is so handsome?

Dominika Egorova thought about the stunningly handsome Locke who passed her in the elevator, and couldn't help but have such a thought floating in her mind.


Vanya Egorov did not give Dominika Egorova time to think, but grabbed the coat next to her and said: "I need to tell Lubyanka the confirmation that Lorraine Broughton is still alive, Follow plan B."

Plan A is naturally to go straight to Huanglong, capture Locke, and then wait for Lubyanka to threaten the traitor Lorraine Broughton to come back.

But Plan A obviously failed.

Locke is protected by federal lackeys, so he can only start Plan B.

Moreover, because Plan B needs to be laid, it has actually been launched just in case.

As for plan B?

This weekend, there is a performance of the Moscow Opera House on Broadway, and plan B is to make sure Locke shows up at that theater, then tie him up and transport him away.

This action style is very KGB.

In his carefulness, there is a roughness that cannot be concealed!

Dominika Yegorov came to her senses and nodded. Just when she was about to speak, there was a bang and Vanya Yegorov had already left the room.

One thing can be reported once, but similarly, it can be reported several times and in several stages. In this way, although you have only done one thing, from the report point of view, you have done many things. of.

Dominika Yegorova looked at the closed door, too, her eyes flickering, not knowing what she was thinking.

the next day.

Locke took a shower and went downstairs.

Helen, who had already prepared a hearty breakfast as usual, looked at Locke who was coming downstairs and smiled: "Good morning, Locke, did you sleep well? You didn't have any nightmares."

Locke shook his head: "No, very good."

Yesterday, after the New York Police Department evacuated, he originally planned to find the bug that he had deliberately put away, and then follow the clues to find out this inexplicable KGB agent.

As a result, Gwen did not allow Locke to stay at home alone. If Locke wanted to stay in the Star Building, then she would stay too. In Gwen's words, the security in the Star Building was not as good as the automatic one downstairs in their apartment. Where's the access control?

Locke was quite willing for Gwen to stay in the Star Building, but George's look made Locke choose to go back to Gwen's apartment together.

Frankly speaking, Locke didn't understand. George clearly knew that his wild boar had humiliated his cabbage, but why did he glare at him every time.

Could it be that this is the only remaining stubbornness of an old father?

Locke wanted to put himself in his shoes, but he also felt lonely in his shoes, because if it were him, he would just shoot and kill the guy who offered him cabbage without saying a word.

Helen's cooking always tastes delicious.

After Locke and Gwen finished breakfast, George, who looked like a strict father, looked at Locke and said, "Don't go anywhere else after school these days."

Although George could not think of anyone other than the FBI and Homeland Security who would be idle and bored monitoring Locke, but now that the matter has been revealed, he can only think about it more.

It doesn't matter if something happens to the wild boar, it would be too bad if his cabbage is nearby when something happens.


As George was talking, he seemed to have thought of something. He stood up, stopped Locke and Gwen who were about to go out, and walked up the stairs. After a while, he had a Glock 19 in his hand and a full one. The bullet clip was separated directly, clicked, and after making sure it was safe, he handed it to Locke: "Put it on you."

Gwen was stunned beside her: "Dad, we are going to school."

are you crazy.

If you bring a gun to school, if you lose it and are picked up by those bad students, then who cares? Although the chance is very low, what if?

George said: "I'm not worried about the safety of Zhongcheng University when I leave the car. What I'm worried about is your way back."

The campus police force of Midtown University cannot be said to be the best, but it can definitely match that of Trinity University. There will definitely be some chases and fights, but it is impossible to have shootings.

Gwen looked at George's face, nodded, and stopped talking.

After Locke weighed the result, he caught the ejected bullet with a dazzling operation. After confirming that it could be fired, he looked at George: "I will not let Gwen get hurt."

It was too late for him to protect his woman.

Whoever dares to touch Gwen's hair, Locke will dare to let the opponent's ten tribes ascend to heaven.

George nodded and said nothing more.


On the way to school, Gwen looked at the Glock 19 that had just been thrown into the grid in front of her and frowned: "I thought about it, maybe it's from Holy Trinity, trying to find a scandal on you and force you to quit New York State. How to set up the student union competition platform?"

Politicians have dirty hearts.

And Wall Street’s hands are dark.

So, the Holy Trinity, which houses the descendants of politicians and Wall Street, must have dark hands and a dark heart. Although celebrities are usually glamorous and glamorous, the dirty hands and dark hands behind them are dirtier than anyone else.

Locke laughed loudly after hearing what Gwen said. He looked at Gwen and comforted him: "Don't worry, it's not a big deal."

Gwen retorted: "Last time, your home was bugged to be slandered as an accomplice of the Wushuang Assassin. What about this time? How about we take a few days off?"

Locke: "..."

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