A Certain Marvel Super Player

Two hundred and sixty-five, a good show

No one can conclude whether this international contract agency exists.

Neither can Anonymous.

It is said that Ia's business scope covers Asia, Europe, Africa, the United States, Oceania and even the North and South Poles, if necessary, but it is only said that there has never been any evidence to prove that this organization actually exists.

If Lorraine Broughton hadn't received a message that day and went to meet an informant, and ten seconds after entering the room, the entire room exploded into the sky, then the existence of this Ia would have been revealed. Sure, but not without evidence.

The effect of the explosion was great, so great that they had no way of extracting anything about Lorraine Broughton from the ruins. Only the small pieces of meat residue told something.

Jane Doe was sad about this.

After all, his job at the time was to cooperate with Lorraine Broughton to determine whether it was real information or a trap.


Who did Lorraine give birth to Locke? This matter has not been found out by Anonymous. Even the man's name on Locke's original birth certificate is a fake name.

at this time.

Jingle Bell!

Yegorova looked at the ringing phone belonging to Yegorov in her hand and looked at Anonymous.

Anonymous nodded: "Okay."

Egorova pursed her lips and answered the phone.

Manhattan Harbor!

Locke found a street lamp that looked good, and hung himself upside down on the street lamp like a bat. Although he was not a capitalist, it did not prevent him from enjoying the joy of hanging a street lamp in advance.

Coupled with the Bug ability of the Hiding Technique, even if the person standing over there at this moment raises his head and looks towards him, he will automatically ignore him subconsciously.

Even though he was hanging upside down, it did not affect Locke, who was dressed in a handsome suit and straight, with a pair of scarlet eyes staring in the direction of the port entrance and exit from a distance.




The three black cars didn't make any noise. They just made a sound when they touched the weighbridge as they drove into the port.

after awhile.

The three black cars slowed down and then gradually slowed down, driving in the dense container area. Soon, they saw their target this time.





The two women started fighting over there, punching hard to the flesh, fighting fiercely, and all their moves were designed to kill people.

Egorova took out the pistol directly from her arms and just loaded it.


The woman in front of her whipped her leg, and as Yegorova screamed in pain, the pistol in her hand clattered onto a container on the right.

Yegorova had no choice but to once again fight hand-to-hand with an opponent whose combat power was obviously higher than hers.

"Hold your fire!"

After Yegorov got off the car, he looked at the several agents over there who had clicked bullets into their chambers, and roared in a low voice. Then, he looked at the woman who was wrestling with his niece in disbelief: "Lorraine Broughton!"


He didn't stop firing because he was afraid that the agents would accidentally injure his niece.

Egorov was so afraid of accidentally hurting Lorraine Broughton.

This special person is his Lord's mother.

Although Locke talks lightly and does what he is supposed to do, as a subordinate, if he does not know how to figure out his superiors' intentions, then he is undoubtedly an unqualified subordinate.

Why Yegorov was able to rise from a mere politician to his current position as deputy director of the Lubyanka branch is undoubtedly because he can figure out the complex and profound meanings in the simple words of his superiors and leaders.

for example……

The leader said that the weather is good today.

The junior subordinates agreed that the weather was indeed nice.

The middle-level subordinates say that the leader has high opinions.

Senior subordinates will ask where the leader wants to go shopping today.

And Egorov?

After the leader said this, he had already made arrangements for the sauna and bathing, and even booked the hotel.


Locke said he didn't care, just do whatever you have to do, but Yegorov didn't think so.

At this moment.

It seems that 'Lorraine Broughton' who came over there because she saw Egorov and others seemed to be a little reluctant to fight. As a result, Egorova seized the opportunity and took advantage of being beaten by 'Lorraine Broughton'. Broughton' was once again knocked down, and he slid sideways and returned to the position where the pistol fell.

Grab the pistol.

‘Lorraine Broughton’s eyes narrowed.

Yegorov was also shocked.





As soon as Yegorov spoke, flames burst out from the muzzle of the gun. Two bright yellow bullets directly dragged the tail flames, one after the other, directly into Lorraine, who was about to run over to snatch her pistol. Broughton's chest.

In an instant, the air seemed to freeze.

'Lorraine Broughton' looked down at his chest, the blooming blood flowers, his whole body was on the verge of falling, and he stumbled backwards.

The next second.

The weak right foot of 'Lorraine Broughton' seemed to have tripped on something, and her whole body fell directly and feebly towards the sea below like a rag doll.


Yegorov came back to his senses in an instant, and passed directly by the bruised and swollen Yegorova, who was breathing heavily and seriously injured. He quickly ran to the edge and looked down, just in time to see a pop. 'Lorraine Broughton' who fell into the sea: "Falke!"

In Yegorov's sight, the 'Lorraine Broughton' who fell into the sea, her whole body turned upwards, and then began to sink like a weight, was already completely dead.

He's going crazy.

Feeling that his career in the vampire clan had not yet started, Yegorov had already fallen into darkness at this moment. He thought about it a thousand times, turned around, looked at Yegorova who was standing up with the help of the container, and shot him dead. The niece's heart was filled with excitement, and she said with a sullen face: "Aren't my orders clear enough? Catch him alive. What I want is to capture him alive!"

Egorova looked up at Egorov, wiped her nostrils, which were still bleeding, and said in Russian: "Sorry."

"Suka BuLei!"


Yegorov covered his forehead and no longer looked at Yegorova. Instead, he covered his forehead, looked at the two agents not far away, and pointed to the sea behind him: "You, you, find someone." …”

While talking.

The roar of a car came from a distance, and then approached rapidly.


A Lubyanka agent who was enforcing security outside roared angrily and issued a warning through the headset: "Sir, Langley..."

The words have not yet finished.

The sound of bullets being fired into his body had already passed through the headset, making it clear what he had not finished but what he wanted to say.

Ia's people are coming.



In the flash of lightning, Yegorov gave up his plan to stay and quickly walked towards his bulletproof car: "Hurry up, dog!"

He is a senior official of Lubyanka. If Langley's people seize the opportunity to detain him, Lubyanka's face will be lost. Even if he is finally released by Langley's people, he will return to Lubyanka. Ka, I'm afraid he is also doomed.

Egorov had no doubts about his niece Egorova.

'Lorraine Broughton' has been in the CIA, so when Locke Broughton reported that he was bugged, then 'Lorraine Broughton' must have also guessed that these people came for him, and he probably thought at the time It was to lure the snake out of the hole, but in the end, she met Yegorova, who had no martial ethics, and took away this legendary female agent with two bullets, who was respected as the Emperor of the Soviet Union in the secret service world.

"Tu tu tu tu!"


"Tu tu tu tu!"

"Go quickly, go quickly!"

After Langley's vehicle stopped quickly, more than a dozen Langley agents took out their automatic rifles and started firing. In just a moment, two of Lubyanka's agents died on the spot.

at this time.



Egorova seemed to have been shot in the chest, and she fell to the ground with a thud.

Under the cover of several agents, Yegorov stooped into the black car. The moment he entered the car door, his eyes happened to fall on Yegorov who was lying on the ground with blood pouring from the corner of his mouth and looking closely at him. Rowa.

The next second.

Yegorov immediately withdrew his gaze and entered the car completely with a thud. Then, several agents covering the car also entered the car with a thud.

The car started, roared, and quickly retreated into the distance under the cover of the five or six agents who stayed behind and had no identity to contact Lubyanka even if they were dead.


These people were given up.

Including, Yegorov, who was lying on the ground, with blood pouring from the corner of his mouth, and called Yegorov uncle.

five minutes later.

The gunfire gradually subsided.

Nash led the action team to clean up the scene. Bang, bang, bang, he shot a precise shot directly between the eyebrows of any corpse he saw out of professional habit.


Nash walked over to Yegorova, whose eyes were open and a tear seemed to be flowing from the corner of her eyes, and squatted down.

Although Egorova has decided to betray Lubyanka.


Although she knew that Lubyanka was just using her, after seeing her own uncle give up on her so resolutely, Ye Ye still maintained her human side after going through the bottomless training at Sparrow School. Gorova was still a little sad.

Nash put away his pistol, hugged Yegorova in his arms, and whispered comfort in his ear: "You are doing a good job, we will be able to lead a new life soon, my dear. .”

Yegorova slowly came back to her senses under Nash's affectionate call, and then looked at Nash, who was holding her cheek with his hands and looking at her affectionately.

With a thought in his mind, Nash kissed her passionately without paying any attention to Yegorova, whose face was filled with color at this moment.

Yegorova naturally responded enthusiastically.

Locke, who was hanging upside down from the street lamp, had his eyes twitching and wanted to curse.

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