A Certain Marvel Super Player

Two hundred and seventy-four, killer forty-six is ​​coming

Mrs. M, who was far away in London, put down the phone after getting the reply from the other end of the phone.


Mrs. M sat in her seat, thought for a while, but still felt a little worried. She took out another phone, compiled an instruction for the other party to go to New York quickly, put down the phone in her hand, and frowned.

She didn't know why, but she felt that she shouldn't have made that first call.

the next day.


Locke was studying the few information sent by the Red Devils about the International Contract Agency in his study.


This ICA has a lot to do with MI6.

Just from the logos of the International Contract Agency and MI6, we can almost conclude that after all, not all organizations are keen on wearing a crown.

"Jingle Bell."


"Locke, it's me, Kahn, Cindy and I are going to Long Island. You and Gwen should come over quickly."


Today is the weekend. Last weekend, Cindy and Kahn were promised to attend the party at their villa on Long Island.

Locke naturally remembered this.

He glanced at the time.

After Locke put down the phone, with his right hand, he drew a circle on one of the printed information named Diana with an unknown surname.

He was very impressed by Killer 47, but at most, he only knew that this organization existed, and not much else.

Locke looked at a photo that the Red Devils sent along with the information, smiled, and put the photo into a program he had written using hacking techniques when he was bored these days. He turned off the computer screen, then stood up and put the A landmine was stuffed behind the study door, and he left to pick up Gwen to attend the party.

Trouble is trouble.

Life is life, and Locke is still sure of distinguishing trouble from life.


In his current position, the combat power he has exposed can already make him fearless of most threats, and it will not arouse anyone's suspicion.

Under the witness of George, he developed a good marksmanship.


The time he was on the Poseidon, he fought with a shark under the watchful eyes of Gwen and others, showing his ability in close combat. As long as Locke didn't let his bullets deflect, no matter how exposed he was, no one would compare him to The Peerless Assassins are connected.

Ever since the textile factory incident, Locke had intentionally made the Wushuang Assassin fade out of his world and cut him off as much as possible. Moreover, the Wushuang Assassin also revealed that he had a witch accomplice.

Locke didn't.

If George still thinks that Locke is an unparalleled assassin, then Locke feels that George will be suspicious of his daughter Gwen, the leader of darkness.

This is obviously impossible.

How could Gwen be a witch?

Locke felt that if Gwen had to be extraordinary, White Spider would be better.

White Spider's uniform is quite nice.

The uniform is tempting.

But it seemed impossible. Locke, who was sitting in the car, waiting for Gwen to come downstairs, looked at the blond Gwen who appeared at the door of the apartment and smiled. His Gwen couldn't be a spider.

"Good morning."


Locke kissed Gwen who got in the car, and then looked curiously at what Gwen had just put in the trunk: "What did you get?"


Gwen put on her seat belt: "The ingredients in Long Island are so expensive, why not bring them from home? Cindy also brought some of them. Let's have a barbecue party in the afternoon. What do you think?"

Locke started the car, clicked on the navigation, and drove towards his destination on Long Island. He smiled and said, "Anything is fine."

Gwen smiled, took out the phone, and talked to Cindy: "Cindy, we are leaving, do you need to bring anything else?"

Cindy, who had just arrived at the Changdao villa, covered her forehead and said, "Bring some charcoal here. When I just checked, I found out that all the charcoal is useless."

Gwen laughed: "Okay, what else do you need?"


Cindy smiled, held the phone on her shoulder, and then together with Kahn, they lifted the barbecue grill in the garage toward the beach in the backyard: "I just need you to come here quickly, I need you, and I found that before When I go to a party, it seems that organizing a party is very simple, but when I organize it here, it is too troublesome."

Gwen hummed, chatted for a while, then put down the phone, talked to Locke, and then marked a location on the map: "Go to this place to buy, and I happened to pass by there. My father and his colleagues used to go to Long Island to do some shopping. Whenever there are barbecue parties, I always go there to buy them.”

Locke nodded.

JFK International Airport.

Wearing a black suit, a red tie, and a bald head, Killer Forty-Six appeared in the public parking lot.

The next second.

A man wearing a hat inadvertently exchanged a document bag with Killer 4.

Hitman 4 car key.


Not far away, a 90% new Audi was parked and its headlights flashed twice.


close the door.

Killer 4, took out another envelope, a silver-white pistol and a photo, and a disposable mobile phone fell out of it.

Silver-white pistol, genuine silver dancer.

photo? Locke's.

Killer 4 used his leather-gloved right hand to press the button on the disposable phone, found the only number stored in the call history and dialed it.


The call is connected.

"The owner of the photo No. 4, Rock Broughton, is ostensibly a tenth-year student at Midtown College in New York City, but he is indeed an agent recruited by the CIA, and he already knows the existence of our organization as an unauthorized An insider, you need to assassinate him to ensure the concealment of our organization."

"The location information of his vehicle has been sent to the screen of your vehicle."

"Wish you good luck, Killer 46!"

"This message will be destroyed in ten seconds."

Killer 4 then opened the window and threw the phone out. There was a bang and a muffled sound came from the phone. Then, smoke came out from the four corners of the phone. It was obvious that this was the phone that had just been called. The destruction mentioned in .


The car lit up, and along with the car's center console lighting up, there was a green sign, and that green sign was driving from Queens toward Long Island at a speed of less than fifty yards.

The Killer 4 was installed on the Silver Dancer, and with a click, after confirming that it was loaded, he started the remaining Audi, which was also silver, and then quickly headed towards the location of Long Island.

Although Long Island is called Long Island, New York, in fact, if we distinguish it according to the number of rings, Long Island is actually far away from Manhattan.

Queens is already quite far away from New York City, and Long Island is still east of Queens.

Strictly speaking, Long Island and New Jersey are the same. In the minds of New Yorkers, New Jersey grows grass in the countryside, while the aborigines on Long Island are criticized for growing potatoes.

But complaints are complaints, and this will not delay the development of real estate in Long Island at all.

Since the beginning of the 2000s, some wealthy people have liked to buy villas near the sea for vacations on Long Island, especially in their destination this time, the Hamptons.

"Pepper also has a house in South Hampton."

In the past few days, Gwen, who can be said to have studied the real estate development of Long Island attentively, spread the word to Locke, and then said: "Pepper also said that there is still room for growth in real estate in Long Island. If you buy it now, whether it is investment Or whatever, it’s more appropriate.”

Locke smiled and said, "Then buy it. The day before yesterday, didn't you say you liked two sets?"

Gwen nodded: "How about I make an appointment with the real estate agent to see if he is free today, and we can go over and have a look?"

Locke said: "Okay, the two buildings are not far away anyway. After buying the charcoal, if you have time, just go and have a look."

It's not a wedding house, and the price is less than 500,000 yuan. Taking into account real estate taxes and other factors, it is relatively cheap.

Locke said this, slowly moving the vehicle off the main road, and then slowly stopped at the door of a shop next to the road.

The store is small.

Locke paused for a moment after getting out of the car.

Gwen, who got out of the passenger seat, looked at Locke, who had just finished speaking, and suddenly got stuck, and looked curiously: "Aren't you going in?"

Locke came back to his senses and looked at Gwen: "I'm waiting for you here."

The six-sense warning just came from the direction of New York City, not the small grocery store at the back.


The warning was weak.

It was so weak that if Locke's six senses were not very sharp, he would probably ignore it.

There are many levels of warning.

The lowest is just like this, very weak, so weak that it can even be ignored, but the highest is the six senses roaring. The last time on the Poseidon, it was the highest level of early warning.

But that time, Locke never imagined that the danger would be the sea itself.

That this time?


Locke touched his chin and looked at Gwen who was walking towards the canteen. He bent down and returned to the car. He opened the passenger cabinet and handed over the information that George had given him last time because he was worried that he didn't have a weapon to protect Gwen. Give him the Glock.

Two clicks.

Locke opened the Glock's safety to prevent accidental shooting. Then, like a cowboy, he stuffed the Glock into his lower back and squinted at the road they were coming from.

Over there, an Audi that was also silver and even had the same configuration as Locke passed by as fast as lightning.

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