A Certain Marvel Super Player

Chapter 372: Cordelia: I am your supreme witch

Seeing the scene in front of him, Phillip was dumbfounded, and at the same time, he didn't feel very beautiful.

That's it?

Philip looked at Calder in a weathered state. Calder, who had only appeared handsome for five seconds, couldn't help but swallowed. This is what is said for hundreds of years, meeting a witch is like meeting a butcher and a piglet, and a vegetable farmer. Little cabbage, the crusader Calder, who can cut it without any pressure, and whose reputation in the witch world can silence witches?

I'm afraid you're not trying to make me happy.

This doesn't look like a butcher or a vegetable farmer. He is obviously just a little piglet and a cabbage.

Phillip felt a little messy in the wind.

In fact, it is easy to understand.

After all, the level gap is there. No matter how awesome Calder is, in the final analysis, he is just an ordinary person. At most, he can be regarded as a stronger ordinary person.

Even if the big boss behind him is called God, so what?

Carrie is also protected by a boss.


The big boss behind Carrie is Locke with endless energy. God is in front of Locke. Frankly speaking, apart from being a few years older than Locke, is there anything else worth mentioning?

Is he as handsome as Locke? Or should I say that he has a better figure than Locke?

From a glimpse, Jesus' appearance and figure are not very good. Especially, you can tell, God, in fact, the appearance and figure are just like that. Maybe, even the skin color may not be Rock white.


After Phillip was disheveled in the wind, a trace of indescribable enthusiasm flashed through his eyes.

The next second.

The moment Philip saw Carrie's eyes falling on him, he was excited, and then, with a pop, he knelt on the floor, looked at Carrie, and said with great enthusiasm: "Sir Sindra, my mother is Witch, my sister is also a witch, and I also want to be a witch. The adult promised me that as long as I can help her resurrect, she will transform me into a witch and bless me. Therefore, I have been lurking in Dolan since I was a child. Inside the church.”

At this time, Carrie realized that, in fact, Philip was not looking at her with fanaticism in his eyes, but looking at the beating heart in her hand with incomparable fanaticism.


After Carrie realized this, it was her turn to feel a little messy.

Also messy in the wind was Locke.

Ding! 』

Mission accomplished: "The Last Witch Hunter!"』

Mission rewards: “Achievement Points*2W”, “Potential Points*2W”』

Mission settlement: “Achievement Points*1W”, “Potential Points*1W”』

Status refreshed! 』

Achievement points: 34W! 』

Potential points: 34W! 』


In the past, at most, the enemy would fall before I even made any effort. How come this time, the enemy just hit GG before he even saw the enemy's face?

Have I evolved?


Why did this guy end up with Carrie?

Locke looked at the calculated mission rewards and cut them in half. There was no doubt that Calder did not come to him to die, but went to Carrie to die.

This is so meow...

at this time.

Locke's cell phone rang.


Locke asked directly: "Kalder went to your place to die?"

Carrie opposite her blinked: "Yes."

Locke hummed: "You're not hurt."


Carrie shook her head. Her magic power was endless. Let alone a Calder, even if a legion of Calder came over, she could beat him with one hand.


Carrie glanced at Philip who was knocked unconscious by her, and said to Locke: "Things seem to be getting a little complicated. Maybe you should come and take a look."

Locke raised an eyebrow.

Half an hour later.

Locke, wearing sunglasses, appeared in an abandoned warehouse in Queens.

"How's Betty?"

"I put Betty to sleep."

Carrie said to Locke: "By the way, I blocked the memory. When Betty wakes up, she will only feel that she was too sleepy, so she fell asleep."

Locke nodded, then looked at Phillip lying on the ground, and pointed: "What's going on?"

Carrie extended her right hand.

A heart that was still beating and locked by the witch's runes was taken out. Then, Carrie told everything she knew.

To put it simply.


This Philip is not from the Dolan Church, but an undercover agent sent by the witch to the Dolan Church. The most important point seems to be that he was sent there by the Supreme Witch.

Carrie knelt down in front of her just after she had finished dealing with Kader, and then, like spitting beans, threw everything away. He did so much in order to rescue the Supreme Witch and burn her to death. His parents, and even the actions against Jessica Campbell's family were not his initiative.

All of this was arranged by the thirty-sixth generation Dolan.

And he just chose to obey all this because of the Supreme Witch's order.

He is innocent!


Locke interrupted Carrie: "Supreme Witch?"

Carrie nodded: "Yes, that's the witch who connected her life to Calder. She should be the 35th Supreme Witch."

she asked Cordelia.

There are those who qualify as dark witches and those who were killed by the Dolan Church. Only the thirty-fifth, a radical hawk, the Supreme Witch of Salem, feels that only by showing their ability to destroy the world can they The Crusaders were in awe, but as a result, he was accidentally stabbed in the back by his own men and died tragically at the hands of the Dolan Church.

It was precisely because of the death of the thirty-fifth Supreme Witch that when the Crusaders besieged Salem on a large scale, their side was severely lacking in top-level combat power, causing Salem to be broken.

Locke touched his chin.

Status switch!

Witch form!

Locke looked back at the floating and beating heart in Carrie's hand, and his eyes fell on the densely packed Salem symbols all over the heart. He followed the runes to the direction of the country of Salem and smiled. :"interesting!"

But not interesting enough to inspire a quest.

Locke laughed, and with a move of his right hand, the beating heart in Carrie's hand sank directly into the void, and then, with a whoosh, fell into the kingdom of Salem.

The matter of the Salem witches is Cordelia's story. Locke and Cordelia had made an agreement before. When it comes to cooperation, the most important thing is to be honest.


Cordelia's figure appeared in the kingdom of Salem, and her eyes fell on the heart full of Salem's atmosphere.

"Supreme Witch!"

Cordelia's eyes flashed with surprise: "The supreme witch before the Great Destruction."

Locke, transformed into Zero, appears next to Cordelia.

"Is there any difference?"


Cordelia nodded, then shook her head: "Actually, there is no difference now. If we can find the Supreme Witch before the Great Destruction, Salem can be made more stable."

But that was before.


The Kingdom of Salem is located under the protection of Locke's Kingdom of Light dimension. Not only does it operate stably, but it is far better than before, with endless and endless energy.


Cordelia looked at Locke: "Although it is no longer needed now, the experience and magic of a supreme witch before the Great Destruction are extremely precious."

"You want to be resurrected?"

"May I?"

Locke laughed and looked at Cordelia: "We are a cooperative relationship, Cordelia, I will not take the initiative to get involved in Salem's affairs, but are you sure you can control her? This resurrected Supreme Witch from before the Great Disruption?”

After all, according to Cordelia, the Supreme Witch before the Great Disruption was very radical.


Similar to Magneto, except that he is a failed Magneto.


Magneto also failed.

Cordelia laughed: "No, I am the Supreme Witch of Salem now, as long as you don't want to change."

Locke blinked.

These words...

Locke looked at Cordelia and raised the corners of his mouth slightly: "You are the supreme witch I chose, Cordelia. No one, no one, can let me choose to replace you. "


Locke laughed and looked at Cordelia: "I will find her body and give it to you, but it may take a while at night."

When he just sent Gwen back, he happened to meet George who was hurriedly going out to work overtime when he was going upstairs.

The New York Police Department, which was fully mobilized in order to give the people an explanation, dug deep into the Dolan Church, and then found a person who had direct connections with the Dolan Church, and even was behind the scenes. A company that controls the Dolan Church.

George led a team to search the house.

Locke thought, if the original plot is correct, I am afraid that at this time, the body of the Supreme Witch, like the corpses of other witches, was thrown into some underground cave.

Go and get it at this time, which will cause some trouble for George.

George had just returned from New Orleans and was busy non-stop. Besides, public opinion was now focused on attacking the Dolan Church. Anyway, it was not an urgent matter and there was no need to rush.

Once the dust has settled on this matter and the Dolan Church has been put on the pillar of shame, it won't be too late to retrieve them after the New York Police Department has collected all the bones and placed them in place, and the limelight has passed.

Leave the dimension.

Locke smiled, turned to Carrie, and talked about the content of his conversation with Cordelia just now. After George closed the case, he asked Carrie to find the bones of the Supreme Witch and give them to Cordelia. Delia.

Carrie nodded: "Okay."

Locke turned around.

Carrie was stunned for a moment and looked at Locke who was about to leave: "Wait a minute."

Locke looked back at Carrie.

Carrie opened her mouth, pointed at Philip Campbell lying on the ground, and looked at Locke: "Then, what should I do with this guy?"

Locke: "..."

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