A Certain Marvel Super Player

Four hundred and eighty-three, disaster physique is called new 1

Night falls.

By the time Locke and others arrived at the military base, the entire military base was under complete martial law. Among them, the experimental building where Dr. Bruce Banner was located had been sealed off in all directions.


Maria Hill made a bang, and after getting out of the car, she looked at the combatants who were surrounding the building on the three inner and outer floors, and frowned: "Why not forcefully enter?"

A commander who did not go to the bar was also a little worried at the moment: "We can't get in."


"There's a bomb in there!"


Let's not talk about where Dr. Lizard got so many bombs, piled them at the door, and tinkered with them into induction bombs. Let's just talk about it.

Today is payday.

Even if there were no bombs, judging from the state of the group of combatants who had just been pulled out of the bar, entering was basically the same as coming to die.


After Gwen got out of the car, her sharp eyes immediately saw Betty Ross wrapped in a blanket and receiving treatment in the ambulance not far away. She quickly walked over: "Where is Dr. Banner?"

Betty Ross looked up and looked at Gwen, her eyes filled with joy. The next second, after hearing Gwen's question, her eyes fell on the temporarily inaccessible building: "Bruce... is still inside."

To save her...

About half an hour ago, Bruce Banner and Dr. Lizard reached a deal, and in exchange for the release of Betty Ross, Bruce Banner would help Dr. Lizard turn on the gamma device.

Then, after going downstairs, they saw that Dr. Lizard had piled explosives on the door.

The ones used were from the military equipment arsenal at their base.


Today is pay day, which is different from the Dongguo military base that is ready for war whenever there is a holiday. In the Federation, on pay day, its defense is even weaker than during various holidays.

Otherwise, why, a few years ago, there was a joke about a sixteen-year-old orphan who ran to a military base and snatched a fighter jet.

It sounds all kinds of weird, but reality tells you that there is no lowest offline, only lower.


When Gwen heard that gamma expert Bruce Banner was inside at this moment, she immediately said: "The doctor cannot be allowed to use the gamma equipment, otherwise..."

I'm afraid that the entire military base will turn into lizardmen.

Betty Ross said with a somewhat depressed expression: "Don't worry, Bruce has heard your call and has no intention of helping Dr. Connors turn on the gamma equipment."

When the two of them rushed back and used gamma equipment for final processing of the serum, Dr. Bruce Banner, as smart as he was, also saw the problem at a glance.

Serum can be used as a healing agent for the human body, and at the same time, increasing the dose of gamma can turn it into a poison.

Gwen was stunned for a moment.


"Just now, the alarm sounded."


"Bruce has sealed off the Gamma Lab."


Locke, who was standing next to him, raised his eyebrows.

Has the Gamma Laboratory been sealed off from the inside?


Am I going to witness history today?

Locke thought in his mind, if he remembered correctly, it seems that Bruce Banner gave birth to the Green Hulk because of the gamma ray runaway.

at the moment?

Good guy!

Locke suddenly felt something in his heart and looked at Maria Hill who was walking over: "Ms. Hill, can you tell me why you invited me here?"

Hill glanced at Locke: "I'm counting on you to come over and cause a bigger disaster."

no solution anymore.

Magic can only be defeated with magic.

As long as Locke's appearance can cause a greater disaster, then the Lizard Man disaster that Dr. Lizard may bring will not even be mentioned in the front page of the newspaper, let alone the headlines, and will not even have the chance to appear in the newspaper.

The corner of Locke's mouth twitched slightly: "I think you may have some misunderstanding about me."

"Your physique that will bring about disaster?"

Maria Hill asked Locke a question like this, and then smiled slightly: "The authorities are obsessed, but the onlookers know clearly. You have to believe in your own strength and my judgment of you. I will not be wrong."

Locke's eyelids were shaken.

The next second.

Locke gasped directly.

By the way...

If the Green Hulk was really born, wouldn't it mean that he was actually capable of this bullshit disaster?


Absolutely not.

at this time!

Ding! 』

Tasks are being generated! 』

Mission name: "Second round of a peaceful semester!"』

Mission Alias: "The Birth of the Hulk! Also known as Preventing Maria Hill from Discovering the Truth!"』

Mission description: "Bruce Banner can become the Hulk, but not tonight!"』

Mission notes: "This is also self-defense!"』

The system's message: "Come on, my dear, as long as you are reckless, how you can justify yourself in posting the task is my business. I will love you forever and never be separated from the system!" 』

"...What the hell?"

"What's wrong?"

Locke's mouth twitched twice again, he regained consciousness, looked at Maria Hill, sighed and said: "Do you really have any misunderstanding about me? I am not the person you imagined."

What kind of disaster constitution?

That physique only belongs to Shinichi, who has been in high school for more than ten years and is still a high school student.

And me?

The most I can do is go to Chapter 482 high school, and I’m still in high school. However, I’ve calculated everything, and at the most, I can’t believe it. After more than 400 chapters, I can graduate from high school and go to college.

Locke complained in his heart.


How to complete this ghost mission?

Go straight up?

What a fool!

From the corner of his eye, Locke glanced at someone who was about to move over there, as if he was planning to transform into Spider-Man and run inside to rescue Dr. Connors Gwen. His eyebrows couldn't help but move.

at this time.

A military green jeep roared over.

In the jeep was General Thaddeus Ross.


When Betty Ross saw her father, Thaddeus Ross, her eyes immediately lit up, she got up, ran over, and hugged Thaddeus Ross: "Dad, Bruce is still in there, hurry up and find a way to save him. If we continue to delay, time will run out."

Thaddeus Ross comforted Betty Ross and made a serious guarantee. Then, he shook hands with Maria Hill: "What's going on?"

After all, arresting...


The rescue of Dr. Connors was actually a joint initiative between SHIELD and the military. However, in New York City, it was not easy for the military to come forward, so it could only provide corresponding help in other aspects.

Maria Hill repeated the news they had received: "Doctor Lizard cannot be allowed to use the gamma device. Once he succeeds in manufacturing it, the entire New York, no, the entire Federation, will be in great danger. "

Thaddeus listened to Dr. Lizard's plan to use gamma equipment to tinker with a serum that can turn people into lizard-men. His expression was serious and he said in a deep voice: "The bomb disposal unit has already arrived. How long will it take to defuse the bomb?"

General Thaddeus Ross said the last words to his deputy.

The deputy quickly replied: "Ten minutes!"

Gwen nodded: "It takes almost an hour for the gamma equipment to reheat and start up. From just now, almost half an hour has passed. It should be in time."

It would be dangerous if the gamma equipment is forcibly turned on without a period of warm-up.

Ten minutes is neither long nor short.

At least……

In the eyes of everyone except Locke, these ten minutes seemed like a year.

When the bomb disposal unit's last bomb connected to the building's door was defused, in an instant, the SHIELD task force transferred from New York was ready to go.

Maria Hill also took the bulletproof vest handed over by Barbara Morse. Although it might be useless, at least she was prepared.

at this time.

Gwen said from the side: "Ms. Hill, I will go with you too."


Hill refused without thinking: "We don't know what dangers there will be inside, so you can't go."

Gwen spoke up: "I can help. The antidote that can restore Dr. Connors has been created. Will you use it?"

Betty Ross next to her nodded and said: "Although I don't know how much overdose Dr. Connors has in his body, even if there is no way to solve it successfully at once, at least it can make Dr. Connors temporarily regain his sanity. That bottle of The serum is in our office. When I was thrown out by Dr. Connors just now, I probably accidentally dropped it on the upper left corner of the carpet."

Gwen looked at Hill: "Besides, Dr. Connors is my teacher. I promise that I won't cause you any trouble."

Hill looked at Locke.

Locke was slightly startled: "You don't want me to go in too, do you?"

He just thought about it.


This mission was obviously to give him points. The reason was very simple and there was no need for his involvement at all.


Review the question!

What is the mission statement?

Bruce Banner could transform into the Hulk, but certainly not today.


Locke doesn't need to do anything at all. He only needs to stand and do nothing. Wait... one, two, three, four, five. Waiting for three hours, it will be the early morning of the next day. This task is completed. .

Even if gamma rays enter the body and transform into the Hulk, it will take a certain amount of time to modify the DNA.

Therefore, even if the gamma rays are detonated now, and Bruce Banner's gamma rays enter his body, the fastest way to become the Green Hulk is to wait until tomorrow.

Therefore, Locke doesn't want to move!

However, when Hill heard Locke's words, he shook his head directly: "Of course not, I mean, maybe, I will agree to Gwen's invitation to go in, but if you want to accompany Gwen in, I will definitely not Agreed, after all, you don’t know what will happen when you go in.”

Locke: "..."

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