A Certain Marvel Super Player

Four hundred and eighty-seven, friendly interaction with Hulk

There was a bang.

Centered around the landing of the lizard monster, the entire cement floor showed spider web-like traces, which seemed to indicate that it was unable to bear the sudden weight. If it happened again, it would probably crack.

In fact!

Locke had no intention of doing it again.

Quick victory.

There is still a lot to do tonight.



There is another Kingpin coming...


Locke was speechless when he thought about this. He felt that he had suddenly transformed into a laborer. It was already so late and he was still working.


Two hundred thousand points.

I can barely accept it. If I don't have these two hundred thousand points, Locke promises that he will give up his burden on the spot and love whoever he wants. Even if the earth explodes, he has nothing to do with me.

But now?

Finish things early, and then go back early to unlock new postures.

Gwen promised him.

Locke remembers it very clearly.

"Ho! No!"

In the pit, the green-looking lizard monster roared and got up almost immediately. Then, looking at Locke who once again took out the purifying potion, his whole body felt like an adrenaline burst. He punched Locke with an air-piercing punch.

Even with just instinct, the lizard monster who had just stolen the name Hulk could feel that if he drank this bottle of medicine, he would die.


The Gamma Monster never surrenders!

Hulk, never be a slave!

"Ho! I don't want to fight you!"


Locke raised his eyebrows, looked at the punch that broke through the air, and threw the purification potion into his left hand. Then, he made a fist with his right hand and greeted it directly.


Under the huge collision, countless dust was raised in an instant, and some soldiers and SHIELD agents on the periphery were directly overturned by the rolling air waves.

The lizard monster in the center roared in pain again, and then, with a bang, flew out directly, and then hit the wall of a building fifty meters away.


A big hole was opened in the wall, and the lizard monster looked as if it had been swallowed by the building.

Locke snorted.

The next second.

Locke also disappeared.

Just when everyone's eyes fell on the building, and they were wondering whether they should run over and take a look, before they could figure out a result, they heard a series of roars coming from inside again. .

Roar with anger!

Roaring manically!




Immediately afterwards...


Like a meteor, the lizard monster looked like a shot put thrown by someone. It spun five and a half times in the air, and then, at the corner of its eye, something seemed to be left with some unknown liquid in the air. With a bang, it flew directly into the air. It hit a tank that was rumbling from the other side: "Boom!"


The tonnage of the tank also does not help.

The lizard monster swooped over like a giant lead ball, overturning the massive tank in front of it like a Lay's potato chip. It dug a large hole of ten meters in the cement floor before it stopped sliding. .

"Oh My God!"

"It's too strong."

Some soldiers and S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who were not even worthy of their names, opened their mouths at this moment, looking at Locke who walked out of the building expressionlessly, and then disappeared directly into the air with a hiss, sighing like this .


Locke landed firmly on the ground again and took out his purification potion. With an expressionless face, like a loving father, he stared at the lizard monster that turned over in the pit and bounced off countless broken stones.

"It's only three things, don't make me angry!"

"Ho! Stop fighting, stop fighting!"

"Then drink!"

"Ho! I won't drink, I won't drink!"


Locke looked at the light beam, which was getting smaller and smaller in size, sighed, and was ready to go hard.

Not drinking?

Then the overlord can just use his bow.

at this time.

The lizard monster in the pit made a sound.

"Ho! Wait a minute!"


"Ho! It's okay if I leave him, but I won't go back. If I go back, I will be beaten up by the source."

"Haha, if you don't drink, I can beat you up right now!"

"Ho! I don't care, either you find me a new host, or you kill us."


Locke raised his eyebrows. Hearing these words that were almost helpless, he raised his eyebrows: "Good guy, are you threatening me?"

Tsk tsk!

In all my life, I have never seen anyone who threatens me be okay.

There are no people who threaten Locke.


Basically, within less than twenty-four hours, or at the latest sixty-two hours, after the threat, they have disappeared silently, without exception.

Locke shook his head speechlessly and raised his fist.

Forget it, destroy it.

If you can't get there, go back to hell, make a deal with the Lord of Hell, and arrange a luxurious private room for Dr. Connors. This can be regarded as repaying Dr. Connors' favor for Gwen.

The lizard monster in the pothole became anxious when he saw this.

"Wait, anyone!"

"I don't care..."

Locke said impatiently.

next second

Just when he was about to punch, suddenly, in the task bar that had been silent, one of the tasks that had been received and was being completed suddenly flashed.

Mission name: "Second round of a peaceful semester!"』

Mission Alias: "The Birth of the Hulk! Also known as Preventing Maria Hill from Discovering the Truth!"』

Mission completion: "Ninety-eight percent""


Locke raised his eyebrows, looking at the task completion rate that was starting to decline just as his murderous intent was rising like a timer: "What do you mean, what is this?"


The birth of Hulk?

Locke seemed to have thought. He turned his head and narrowed his eyes. In an instant, he saw in the distance, about two hundred meters away, among the ruins, someone was being pulled apart. His face was pale, covered in blood, and his body was in tatters, with rags. Like a doll, it seems that Bruce Banner is only one step away from reporting to hell.

Betty Ross's whole body was not well. She was holding the rag doll Bruce Banner and crying out Bruce Banner's name loudly, just like calling the soul. She seemed to think that in this way, Bruce Banner could be saved. It was as if the soul that had left the body with one foot was shouting back.


Locke seemed to have thought of something and took a deep breath. He looked at the lizard monster in front of him who had been beaten and completely defeated by him: "You are the one called Hulk."

The lizard monster shook his head: "No, no, no, my name is not Hulk anymore, I won't bark anymore."

Locke's face darkened.


This guy really is the Hulk.


It's the name he gave himself.

"its not right!"

Locke frowned a little and said, "Shouldn't you be running into that guy's body? Why are you running into this body?"

The green lizard monster took a sip and said, "That guy looks like a chicken. I'm not stupid. I'm leaving someone with poor physical fitness to find a weak chicken. What am I trying to do?"

That's right too.

There is no reason to leave someone with poor physical fitness and go find a four-eyed frog with poor physical fitness who is not even as good as a chicken.

Locke opened his mouth and listened to the lizard...


After hearing the reasons given by Hulk, Locke felt speechless.


If I kill Hulk, then the 100,000 points in the second ring will be lost?

This won't work!

Locke raised his eyebrows, his murderous intention stopped.

The next second.

Mission completion: 98%

It really is……

Locke secretly thought to himself, looking at the lizard monster, no, he looked at the Hulk who was living in Dr. Lizard's body, and showed a smile: "It's so big, I promise you."


No trouble!

It’s about rewards, no rewards are small, no matter how hard or tiring it is, it’s all worth it.

Locke has the qualities and qualities of a high-level player.

As long as it's a mission, as long as there's a reward, let alone this, he'll accept it if he's allowed to swim naked in the lava.

Isn't it just to find a host for Hulk?

All simple things.

Isn't that a matter of minutes?

Locke smiled.


Hulk didn't seem to think much of it: "Hey, don't try to lie to me, do something first!"

Locke raised his eyebrows: "Don't worry, I won't lie to you."

Hulk roared: "No, do things first, you humans are very bad."

Locke clenched his fists.

Mission completion: 97%

"Mission, mission!"

Locke muttered twice silently in his heart, closed his eyes, then showed a kind smile, nodded, and then looked at Hulk residing in Dr. Lizard's body with a smile on his face: "Okay, then you Find a host and I will help you transfer."


Locke stood next to Hulk, with his hands in his pockets, like a pimp, and his eyes fell on a group of people including General Thaddeus Ross and Maria Hill: "Which one do you like? Follow I said, let me help you."

The mission just says that it requires the birth of Hulk.

There is no requirement for the birth of Bruce Hulk Banner.


Hulk just said that.

He despised Banner.

It has small arms and legs, like a chicken.

Being a high-player, treating tasks without perfunctory, is also a kind of high-player quality. Hulk has said that he doesn’t like Banner, and he has appointed Bruce Banner as the only spokesperson of Hulk, which is a bit unjustifiable. .



Locke said with a smile: "I said, I am a very kind person."

For the mission.

Hulk's eyes lit up and he pointed at someone not far away: "Shout, I want..."

The roar is not over yet!


Hulk, his whole body, bent forward, and his whole body was smashed into the concrete ground.

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