A Certain Marvel Super Player

Five hundred and eighteen, the famous double standard Luo Ren

In fact, Gwen felt that she still knew the reason why Kem always liked the poisonous Locke.

After all, before Locke showed up, she and Ken were best friends. It couldn't be said that they were inseparable, but at least it could be said that they barely slept together.

But since Locke?

From the previous Gwen and Kenm, it became Locke, Gwen, and Kenm.

Although the relationship between Gwen and Ken is still there, and Cindy has worked hard for so many years, she has never been able to pry Ken from Gwen's first bestie position, but in Ken's view, Gwen used to follow her after school. Wen, now has the shape of Locke.

no doubt.

Kem definitely has a problem with Locke.


This is already the best way to deal with it that the kind-hearted Ken came up with.

never mind……

When Gwen got out of the car, she shook her head inwardly. Just be venomous. After being venomous for so many years, Locke is probably used to it, and he probably won't be cruel to Ken.

Gwen thought as she looked at Locke who got out of the driver's seat with a smile on his face. He looked very sunny and handsome. He put on his suit and started walking the main route.



When Locke and Gwen got off the bus, Sam happened to get off the bus, but he got off alone.

"Hey, where's Jessica?"

"She went to find Carrie."


Sam also felt a little bit magical: "Jessica said that the protagonists of today's dance are Kahn and Cindy, so we might as well not get together to avoid anything happening, so she went to find Jia Li, she said that on the day Kahn called her, she had already decided on today’s rhythm and wanted to team up with Carrie.”

To put it simply.

Before today, Sam was still a man with his own dance partner. Now, he has directly become a person. The most important thing is that his girlfriend Jessica can find someone else to partner with him, but he can't.

This made Sam feel a little bit amazing.

Gwen's eyes lit up as she listened to Sam's words. She looked at Locke and seemed to be moved.

Locke raised his eyebrows.

"Don't even think about it."

"I think it's okay. Look, there are a lot of students who admire you. What if you and I are together and they directly elect us as the prom king and queen?"

"Will not."


"The tickets are ready."


Locke rubbed his eyebrows, looked at Gwen, explained briefly, and then said with a helpless smile: "Leave some life for other single students with outstanding talents, and don't seize the opportunities they are unlikely to get." There are so many resources.”

It doesn't matter to him alone.


Locke is the president of the student union. There is nothing he can do about other female classmates looking for a partner. Locke can't find any reason to refuse. Besides, if he refuses, he will be labeled as a discrimination.

But Gwen?

She already has a boyfriend, and yet she maliciously snatches precious resources from girls. If word spreads about this, it won’t be nice to hear.

Locke is quite fond of feathers. After all, Locke Broughton, this big image, has always followed the path of greatness and integrity.

Sam's eyes lit up: "Then I'll call Jessica back!"

This reason...


Why didn't I think of that?


Locke grabbed Sam directly: "What are you doing?"

Sam blinked: "You didn't say..."

"Jessica and Carrie, they're pretty good."


Sam was a little dumbfounded when he heard what Locke said. Then he opened his mouth and looked at Locke thoughtfully: "Locke, thank you very much for telling me in advance so that I can be careful about you in the political arena in the future. "

Good guy.

Directly in front of him, without hiding your double standards?



Locke hammered Sam's shoulder and said with good reason: "The dance is about to start. You have brought Jessica back. What about Carrie, if you had thought of it earlier, would you still need to be like this?" There are only some crooked melons and jujubes left, let Carrie choose whatever you want, let's go, let's go, that's it."

Sam was a little stunned.

Gwen was standing next to her, looking at the sky at a 45-degree angle.

A show of talent?

Crooked melons and cracked dates?

Good guy, it's all your words about feelings and everything else. Just now, you said that the remaining male classmates who haven't found a female partner are also very talented. Now, they've just turned into a bunch of idiots?

Sam came back to his senses, took a deep breath with great effort, and glanced at Locke with a startling look. In his heart, he had already silently added Locke to the list of people who would need to speak and not be believed in the future.

He also said that you really don’t want to be a politician.


You lied to me again.

Sam, thought in his heart.


This cannot be blamed on Locke. God testifies, if Jessica goes to find Betty or someone else, Locke will never stop Sam from snatching Jessica back.

But Carrie is different.

Locke didn't want the ball witch incident in Osgurta to happen here.

If Carrie and Jessica get together, then this thing will definitely not happen. If Carrie gets together with a strange boy... it is quite possible.

Locke doesn't stop Carrie from pursuing love, after all, that's the same thing.

She's just my sister!



Carrie's character is like this, and because of her experience of being caught in the rain, although Carrie looks cold in school, among disadvantaged students, Carrie's reputation is not inferior to Gwen's.

Although Gwen is also very friendly and kind, after all, Gwen has never had the experience of a disadvantaged student, let alone one day, not even once.

My best friend is Kem.

Another best friend is Cindy, a powerful sorority leader in a powerful girls' club at Midtown College.

Who dares to bully Gwen?

But Carrie had it before, so she also knew where the stronger students among the students always liked to tease the weaker students. Once, Carrie also thought about not looking at the moving cabinets when passing by the corridor. When I was there, I didn’t pay attention to the movement coming from me.


Carrie couldn't do it, so Carrie, who had been exposed to rain, became a protective umbrella for some disadvantaged students to a certain extent.

Because I have been caught in the rain, I know how to hold an umbrella for others!

With Carrie's character, the witch incident at the Augusta Ball is unlikely to happen. At least, there won't be a prank aimed at Carrie.


Locke is not excluding disadvantaged students. After all, those who can enter Midtown College can be elites in Happy College. However, if Carrie finds a disadvantaged student as a dance partner, or, if she softens her heart and agrees to a disadvantaged student, As a result, what if someone tries to play a prank on that vulnerable student?


Jessica is keeping Carrie company, which is nice.

not bad.

As for Sam?

Locke looked at Sam, whose face was filled with "I am the only one who has been hurt in the world", and smiled and said: "It's just a dance. Is it that important to you? How many times have you participated in it? In China When we were at home, we often attended family dances, right? This kind of high school dance is just a small fight, do you care that much?"

Sam's future stage will definitely be in Washington. The dance in Washington is the most interesting.


It's too childish.

Locke said this, but Sam nodded with a serious expression: "Yes, this was originally my and Jessica's first dance, and I have been looking forward to it for a long time."

Gwen comforted her: "It's useless to look forward to it. Don't forget tonight, the protagonists are Kahn and Cindy."

Locke raised his eyebrows and said, "Yeah, speaking of which, Kahn, where is that guy? Isn't he here yet?"

From the time he went downstairs to the time he got in the car, he had already arranged the voting results.

no way.

Kahn is a friend, and Locke is not so obsessed with the throne of the Ball King. After all, he is so handsome that it is not a big deal to give up one term. What's more, if his queen is not Gwen, he wants this King, it makes no sense either.


Since Kahn wants to use the title of Prom King to propose to his queen, Locke will naturally help.

Just in case, Locke has already prepared a ballot box with the number of votes written on it. Later, the students' votes will still be collected, but when the votes are counted, it will be in another box.

While talking.

Locke's eyes lit up and he looked at the elongated Lincoln that was driving slowly not far away. He couldn't help but smile: "Look, it's here."


When Lincoln arrived, Kahn, who was in a suit and leather tie, was holding his hand behind him. He was dressed in a dress and was very dazzling, with a bright smile. If you look carefully, you can even see Cindy, who was wearing a dress and a bit of maternal beauty. Got out of the car.

At the prom, basically, it's all boys who rent an extended-length Lincoln to pick up their female companion at the woman's house, and then come to the prom together.

However, Locke and Gwen are actually living together, and Gwen is very diligent and thrifty, saying that there is no need to be so extravagant and wasteful. Buying liquor for Locke costs hundreds of thousands every month.

Needless to say about Sam.

The female companion ran to find Carrie. Naturally, there was no need for an extended Lincoln or anything like that.

But Harry and Mary Jane.

Their extended Lincoln followed Kahn and Cindy.

Just after Kahn and Cindy got out of the car, a luxury Lincoln came close behind.


Wearing a suit, Harry Osborn, who looked a bit weaker than Locke but still had a domineering air, stepped out of the car with his own buttons on and his own leather shoes on.

Kahn's whole body felt bad, and he quickly looked at Harry as if to say something.

Man, are you kidding me?

Harry smiled slightly and moved his right hand inside.

Kahn felt that all his plans were destroyed.

But the next second.

Mary Jane, who was wearing a simple shirt and jeans, walked out of the car with a smile on her face, holding Harry's hand.

Kahn's eyes suddenly widened.

What a twist!

Happy New Year! !

Monthly ticket! !

Recommended vote! !

Beg on your knees! !

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