A Certain Marvel Super Player

Five hundred and sixty-four, place names in the Kingdom of Light world

Just like the Big Bang of the universe, when huge and violent energy completely swept through the entire Kingdom of Light, a black spot suddenly appeared in the center of the explosion.

The next second!

The black spots gradually spread and shrouded in all directions. When the violent and chaotic energy encountered the black spots, it gradually calmed down, began to return to normal, and condensed, just like an angry monster was calmed down.


The first continent was settled in the northeastern corner of the Kingdom of Light. The endless energy and the magical aura of Salem that permeated the surroundings seemed to have found some kind of foothold again, and they were also moving towards this newly born land. It’s settled.

In an instant!

In the Kingdom of Light, there are several other land masses of different shapes and sizes, which are also condensing due to the spread of black spots.


Unlike the nascent soil in the northeast corner, the other pieces of land are far from being able to solidify and take shape so quickly.

"Ms. Plotk!"


"Do you believe me?"


Locke looked at Jieli Plotke and opened his hand: "Give me a drop of your frost bloodline. We are friends. I will create a continent for your people to be reincarnated!"

Without thinking, Ms. Jieli Plotke opened her right hand. The next second, she let out a muffled groan, and then, a drop of clear and cold blood appeared on the palm of her hand.

This is her hard work!

Even Jieli Plotke, who had regained control of the underworld, could not help but tremble all over after taking out this hard work, and even started to tremble.

Agatha quickly helped Jerry Plotke.

Cordelia and Carrie also looked at Jerry Plotke with concerned expressions on their faces!

The latter waved his hand, with cold sweat on his forehead: "I'm fine, I just feel a little pain."

Locke put away Jerry Plotke's hard work.

The next second!

This ray of frost blood passed through Locke, and then merged with the Kingdom of Light itself. Then, a bone-chilling chill suddenly broke out in the energy frenzy that had subsided but had not yet dissipated...

"It's so cold!"

"what's the situation?"


This sudden geometric explosion filled the air with chill. Even Cordelia and others felt the irresistible cold. They looked at each other. Only Jieli Plotke couldn't control herself. Her eyes were fixed. He stared at the ice continent that gradually began to settle in the northwest corner of the Kingdom of Light with the intervention of frost and magic.


On the other side of this continent continuing to the west, there is also a frozen land, looming in the endless sea of ​​energy.


As the newly born soil and the frozen soil covered by ice appeared in the form of a continent, Locke once again felt the jump in life levels!

Ding! 』

Status update! 』

Current version: 3.0! 』

Name: "Locke Broughton!"』

Potential point: “110W”』

Achievement point: “110W”』

Title: "Lord of the Kingdom of Light!"』

Field: "Land of Light World Level"』

Dimensions: "Salem!", "Hades!"』

Authority: "Energy!", "Death!!"』

Level: "Elementary!"』

Members: Carrie, Great Elementalist, and Star Goddess Salem! 』

Member: Cordelia Goode Supreme Witch of Salem! 』

Status description: "Congratulations, after evolving the Big Bang, you have finally successfully entered the rhythm of the world god. Upgrade him, work hard to push your field to the highest point, and then, break through to the universe. .”』

Friendly reminder: There is no room for two masters in one house, and two tigers in one mountain. Your death has stripped away the authority of death. If you are discovered by death, you will be hit by death’s overwhelming wrath! 』

Hatred value: Silver City Dimension MAX! 』

Hate value: Death MAX! Not found yet! 』



Locke glanced at Carrie and shook his head. The next second, he raised his right hand high, and endless energy gathered to the south of the Kingdom of Light, followed by a fierce squeeze with his raised right hand.


Endless energy pours down instantly.


With the influx of endless energy, a mountain towering into the clouds and built entirely from hard energy boulders suddenly appeared. It was majestic and majestic, and its temperament was unparalleled in the world!

The next second.

Locke led everyone directly to the top of the mountain, looking down at the mountains at his feet, as well as the Newborn Land in the northeast corner and the Frost Land in the northwest corner. There were also those pieces that were missing other things. , a continent that is still in the process of being nurtured.

The First Earth is condensed with energy and magic. It can be said that the First Earth symbolizes Salem and energy. It can be regarded as the direct descendant of Locke.

As for the Land of Frost, this is what Locke evolved specifically for his own promise and was used by Ms. Jieli Plotke.

Below your feet, this is the place of God!

As for the rest?

God used six kinds of authority when he created the world.

There is only one Locke.

Five more to go!


First destroy hell, then destroy heaven. I am the only one in the world, Zero!

Hell is gone.


Is it still far?

Locke added the Silver City Offensive to his schedule. He slowly came back to his senses, collected his emotions, and looked at the towering mountain peak at his feet. He thought about it and named it: "This mountain is called , Titan!"

Carrie was slightly startled: "Giant?"

Cordelia also muttered it, and then said with a smile: "What a name!"

Ms. Jieli Plotke also echoed Cordelia: "Tornado, very beautiful, a very nice name!"

Locke smiled and looked at Ms. Jieli Plotke: "Ms. Plotke, it's up to you to name the land of frost I prepared for you. When you name it, the Kingdom of Light will This name will be recorded, and all creatures born in the land of frost will know where they come from!"

Ms. Jerry Plotke seemed to have made up her mind. After Locke finished these words, she once again cast a grateful look at Locke, and then said: "In my memory, there is a name, there." Although the frost giants are in a very cold and cruel situation, the people born on that land are the most powerful warriors, the Freljord!"

Locke raised his eyebrows slightly.


Locke thought about it, and then nodded: "The name of the land of frost will be Freljord."

Carrie pointed to the virgin soil: "Where's that, Salem?"

Locke smiled and said, "Okay!"

It doesn't matter to Locke what his name is.


At this time, Cordelia shook her head: "No."

Carrie looked at Cordelia curiously!

Cordelia said: "Since it is the land of the Firstborn, it cannot be called Salem, because Salem is not the Firstborn, and Salem is the past. The past, let it stay in the past. "

"What's that called?"


Locke looked at Cordelia's gaze and smiled: "I have already named one. I said that I am willing to share my authority with my friends. The Kingdom of Light is mine and yours. I share it with you."

Be generous!

One sentence.

Before the hegemony is achieved, it is Liu Bang, not Xiang Yu, who should learn from him. When discussing merits and rewards, it is very bad and will make people unable to take part in it.

And, it’s just a name.

If a name can gain the loyalty of subordinates, then this business can not only be said to be a good deal, but can also be said to be earned with blood!

Cordelia pursed her lips, lowered her head, thought for a while, and finally said a name.

"That's called..."

Cordelia raised her head and looked at Locke: "Ionia?"

Locke raised his eyebrows!




Hey, hey, hey, this is the Kingdom of Light, M78 Nebula, not Valoran. I must have gone to the wrong set.

Locke's expression was a little strange.

Cordelia saw this: "Isn't it bad?"

Locke came back to his senses and shook his head: "No, does this have any meaning?"

Cordelia said: "Because, she is the first born soil!"

Locke raised his eyebrows.



Aegean Sea.


Because of Ionia, the word geography appeared, and it was the true birthplace of Western geography. Therefore, Cordelia wanted to say Ionia, not Ionia.


Locke smacked his lips.

Damn English!

A mess.

Cordelia was talking about Ionia, but Locke directly named it Ionia. They both have the same pronunciation, but the meaning is completely different.

never mind.

Locke thought for a while and shook his head: "Let's call it Ionia, the land of birth. It sounds good with this name!"

One sentence.

The Kingdom of Light actually has certain limitations. After all, the type of energy in the Kingdom of Light is very single. But now, Locke's Kingdom of Light not only has pure energy, but also magical energy, and the energy of death. There is even the energy of frost!

If we continue to apply the system of the Kingdom of Light, then, giant of light, giant of death, giant of magic, giant of frost?

No matter how you look at it, you feel like it’s selling dog meat over someone else’s head.


The Kingdom of Light is still called the Kingdom of Light. Internally, it depends on natural selection. Besides, Valoran, in fact, there is nothing wrong with it. If life is to be born in his world, it is all life. Why should he be persistent? What about Ultraman?

Ultraman is face-blind and looks the same. He might as well create Valoran. At the very least, the life on Valoran is colorful.

Locke thought in his mind.

"Ms. Plotk!"


"It's up to you to take over Mephisto's legacy in hell."

"Please rest assured, Lord."


Locke nodded, thought for a moment, and after confirming that everything was over, turned around and disappeared.

Star Building.

Locke opened the door carefully and quietly, and then prepared to close the door.


Brightly lit!

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