A Clash of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1326: Stripping cocoons

Qi Ning was standing among the corpses, and the horse under the grey robe seated on the corpse, and the air smelled of blood.

But the two people talked calmly, as if they were gossiping in the house.

"If one day, Qi State can control Dachu in the back, can Qi State be safe and worry-free?" Qi Ning sighed: "This sounds incredible, but for some people, it is not completely impossible, at least Someone is ready to do this. "

"Manipulate Chu State?" Gray robe said humanly: "How can Qi State manipulate Chu State?"

"Of course, let the people controlled by Qi State control the state of Chu State." Qi Ning stared at each other's eyes: "For example, the civil strife in Chu State caused the characters controlled by Qi State to seize power. In this way, how? Isn't it possible for Qi to control the state of Chu? "

The gray robe made a strange laugh: "A person like Chu Guo can be controlled by Qi Guo?"

"As long as you work hard, you can always find it." Qi Ning said: "Your Excellency should have heard the name of the hidden master ...!" The voice just dropped and shook his head: "Not only have you heard, but who should you compare?" Are familiar. "

"Hidden Lord?" Grey robe asked: "What kind of person are you talking about?"

Qi Ning looked calm and said: "My Da Chu was calming the East China Sea in the past, knowing that the East China Sea family was always a hidden danger, and they were always more vigilant. The East China Sea Master under the old prince of Dantai was stationed on the shore of the East China Sea, of course, to let In Dachu, I have a navy army who can fight on the water, and it is also to monitor the movements of the East China Sea family nearby to prevent them from chaos in the East China Sea. The court was so alert, but the East China Sea family dare to plan rebellion in the East China Sea. Or, if no one gives him enough confidence, how dare they block the future of the family and try to rebel? "

The gray-robed people did not speak, only to listen to Qi Ning continued: "Shen Liangqiu colluded with Jiang Mantian privately, murdered the Governor of Dantai, and intended to control the East China Sea Marine Master. I have been thinking, why did Shen Liangqiu do this? Why did he have to go? Walking with Jiang Mantian in an attempt to rebel? Didn't he know that even if he was really controlled by the East China Sea Marine Master, when the East China Sea Marine Master and the East China Sea family joined forces, what big storms could really be set off? Since ancient times, there has never been a last resort. No one will easily rebel. Either there is no way to go and have to rebel, or there is a huge temptation to let him take the risk. "

"Shen Liangqiu and the Governor of Dantai are in sympathy with each other. He is above the 10,000 people in the East China Sea Marine Division, and it is a matter of course for him to add officials to the Jazz, so of course he cannot be rebellious because he has nowhere to go." Qi Ning slowly said: "Making him and Jiang Jiatuo attempt to rebel in one go can only entice him with greater interests."

The gray robe sighed: "People die for money, birds die for food, but whatever they want, they always have to pay a price."

"Shen Liangqiu and the East China Sea family are together, and their strength is far from being able to resist the court, so why do they want to take risks?" Qi Ning's eyes are sharp: "The reason is actually very simple. In their view, the success of the rebellion is very high. Otherwise, of course, they will not take the risk by taking the temperament of the two. Why would they think that the rebellion is likely to be successful? The reason is also very simple, just because they believe that the backer they rely on can help them win, and the backer , Of course, the hidden master. "

Qu Xiaocang and others stood not far away and heard very clearly, but all said nothing.

"Who is the hidden master? Why can I persuade the Donghai family and Shen Liangqiu?" Qi Ning said: "In the beginning, I once suspected that the hidden master was the Dong Qi people, because Jiang Mantian built weapons on the island and used many blacksmiths. All the Dongqi people secretly transported to the island. It can be said that the Dongqi people have a close relationship with the Donghai family in private, and there is still a cicada on the island, and I always think that the cicada is the Dongqi The running dog is raised by people, so I have always locked the identity of the hidden master to the Dongqi people, and I feel that the hidden master wants to use the Donghai family to stir up the chaos in the southeast of Chu. "

"Dantai Huang calmed the East China Sea in the past, and the East China Sea family was forced to retreat. The major families in the East China Sea were once the Han family generals who held the power. After being settled, the glory of the previous power was gone, and only some trade could be done." People sighed: "It is better to have money than to have power. The family of the East China Sea naturally knows that even if the wealth can be the enemy, but as long as the court has a paper, all the family wealth is a dream bubble. They seem to have a prosperous business and a wealth of money. A sword, life and death are not in your own hands. How can the East China Sea family feel at ease in this situation? "

Qi Ning nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, it's better to live than death, even if you are dissatisfied, but there is no great chance, Donghai family dare not act rashly." Wry smile said: "I have always been wrong, thinking that the hidden master is East Qi people, this is indeed affected by some superficial things. Today I suddenly want to understand that the hidden master can never be the Dong Qi people. "

"Not Dongqi people?"

"What is the purpose of Jiang Mantian and Shen Liangqiu's rebellion?" Qi Ning's face calmed down: "It is to get the benefits they want in Chu. If they only serve the Dong Qi people, how can they believe that the Dong Qi people can be in Chu country?" Fighting for their interests? Dong Qi is only a small country, and even if it is the power of the whole country, it cannot shake Chu. Jiang Mantian and Shen Liangqiu certainly know that it is impossible for them to help them achieve their goals with the strength of the Qi people. How can they try to rebel because of the Dong Qi people? The Dongqi people are indeed involved, but in their view, the Dongqi people are also the pawns in this game, just their allies, not their backers. "

"You seem to have some truth." Gray robe is calm and popular.

Qi Ning continued: "The participation of the Dongqi people only increased their confidence, but of course the hidden master they depended on was certainly not the Dongqi people, but the Chu people. In their eyes, the hidden master Of course, it is a very powerful person. Compared with the Dongqi people, the hidden master is much more reliable. "He sighed:" This hidden master is indeed magical, and secretly links many forces to buy these people to serve his life. Naturally These people were given a lot of promises, and the forces enveloped by him, without exception, believe that as long as they are really successful, the hidden master has enough strength to fulfill his promises. "

"So who is this hidden master?" Grey robe asked.

Qi Ning did not answer directly, and continued: "I said before that the Dong Qi people survived in the cracks. To find a way to survive Dong Qi, they can only take some very special ways. But there are some things that you can think about Thinking, it is really not easy to put it into reality, but the Dongqi people have good luck. The hidden master wants to achieve his purpose, he must envelope many forces, he enveloped Shen Liangqiu, enveloped the East China Sea family, and even There are many other strengths in the Chu Kingdom, but he still feels that his strength is insufficient, so he turned his attention to Dong Qi, secretly colluding with the Dong Qi people, and the Dong Qi people have been looking for a way out. The people of Dongqi were overjoyed, and the two parties met at once. Yin mainly used the power of the Dongqi people for their own purposes, but the Dongqi people also wanted to use this to control the Yinlord to achieve their own purposes. From the beginning, both sides were pregnant with ghosts, but For their own purposes, the covenant between the two sides is very solid. "

The gray robe said with a smile: "It seems that this hidden master is really unusual, even planning in silence, Chu Guochao Tang knows nothing."

"In these years, the Chu Kingdom first focused on the Qinhuai War. After that, the emperor collapsed, the situation was unstable, and the new emperor wanted to stabilize the situation." Qi Ning sighed: "From the beginning to the end, this hidden master is in Acting in secret, the most important thing is that the hidden master really understands the situation of the court, he knows the size of the court and the unknown things, and he knows where the court ’s attention is, so he can be calm. To avoid the secret deployment of the court. "

Gray robe said humanly: "Do you mean that the hidden master is the man of the court of Chu?"

"Since the Hidden Lord has colluded with the Dong Qi people, the Dong Qi people naturally want to take this opportunity to infiltrate into the Chu Kingdom." Qi Ning did not answer directly, but continued: "The Dong Qi people are under the auspices of the Yin Qi He first entered the East China Sea and became associated with the East China Sea family. After that, he began to infiltrate the Jianye capital. Jiang Suiyun was a chess piece of the Dongqi people. Although the hidden master planned the overall situation, he certainly could not come forward in many things. Hidden in the dark all the time, Jiang Suiyun went to the capital and ran under the leadership of Huainan King, and even with the recommendation of Huainan King, he intended to seize control of the Black Scale Camp. If everything went well, then Black Scale Camp became the hidden master. A sharp blade deployed near the capital. No, in fact, it really has to be said to be a sharp blade in the hands of Dongqi people, because Jiang Suiyun ’s real master is not the hidden master ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but the one who taught him The Dong Qi people of martial arts. "Speaking of this, Qi Ningwei turned his head to look at Qu Xiaocang and others, and slowly said:" In fact, the Lord is most worried about the Shenhou Mansion. The Shenhou Mansion is full of eyes and eyes. Although acting secretly, but always God Houfu people will find a trace of flaws, he wanted to send someone to penetrate into Houfu God, but God Houfu like iron in general, extremely difficult to infiltrate spies inside, a careless, even from dew deeds. "

The gray robe sighed: "It is indeed so. The Shenhou Mansion has many eyes and ears, and the Ximen priests are experienced. If they are seen as flaws, the consequences are really unimaginable."

"Hidden Lord should be very happy." Qi Ning smiled bitterly: "Simen priests have no time to care for their own affairs in these years, so they neglected that there is a force in the underworld of the Chu State that is secretly surging. Since the Dong Qi people want to use the hidden The Lord achieves his purpose, and of course does not want Shenhou to discover the flaws of Yin Lord, so he secretly did something that satisfied Yin Lord, that is, using Yan Lingxian ’s weakness to control Yan Lingxian in his hands, Let Yan Lingxian become the eyes and ears of the hidden master in Shenhou. "There was a slight smile on his lips:" Shenhou has its own strict system, and ordinary clerks can't access important information, and can really touch the internal importance. The intelligence can only be the Big Dipper. To insert the eyeliner in the Shenhou Mansion, it can only be the Big Dipper. The biggest weakness of the Big Dipper is this broken army captain Yan Lingxian! "

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