Nothing happened in the afternoon class, and after school, after saying goodbye to Megumi Kato, he contacted Machida Yuanko.

“Hey, hey, Miss Machida, I’m Chen Ziyun!”

“It’s me, Teacher Chen, what’s the matter…” Speaking of this, she seemed to have thought of something, and asked with a little eagerness: “Did you change your mind?” ”

“Change your mind?” Chen Ziyun was a little confused, worried that I would breach the contract?

“Of course, it’s a matter of one novel a month, Mr. Chen, I know that you are talented, but one volume a month novel or something is too reluctant, you can’t ignore quality in pursuit of efficiency!” Speaking of this, Machida Enko on the other end of the phone once again persuaded bitterly.

“Miss Machida, I understand what you mean, don’t worry, I won’t ignore quality, what I want to discuss with you now is the illustration matter, do you have time?”

“No problem, you can come directly!”

“Then I’ll pass.”

After making an appointment with Machida Yuanzi, Chen Ziyun left the school directly… He is not one of those students who still participates in club activities after school, and of course, with his relationship with Yukinoshita Yukino, it is not difficult to join the Ministry of Service.

But to be honest, he didn’t really want to join, not that this club was too boring, on the contrary, in the next year, many interesting things would happen in the ministry, but the problem was that he didn’t want to be involved with Yukinoshita Yono anymore, even if he wasn’t afraid of her at all, but he was too tired to intrigue with people all day, and it was more comfortable to live a leisurely life like now.


Xu is too leisurely, when passing a corner, a young girl wearing a general martial arts college uniform was knocked to the ground by him.

He was stunned, but after reacting, he asked apologetically: “Sorry, not hurt, right?” ”

“I’m fine…” the girl frowned slightly, gently rubbing her butt that hit the ground, “It’s that I didn’t pay attention to the front.” ”

“I said you wouldn’t mean it, would you?” At this time, the short-haired woman next to the girl showed a smile.

“Ha…” Chen Ziyun was stunned, for no reason, why did I deliberately knock down this girl?

However, when he noticed the identity of the girl, he understood, no wonder she said so, think about it, there have been people who want to use this trick to get close to her in the past!

Xiaomuzen Xuena, this girl is the one that Chen Ziyun knocked down.

Despite the changes in the school, she is still an idol who is famous in the general martial arts, and many uninformed people even call her the flower of Gaoling… Yes, she is one of the most popular beautiful girls in this school.

“I don’t mean this…” After thinking about all this, Chen Ziyun sighed softly and said squarely: “Xiao Muzen-san, I feel very sorry for knocking you down, if there is nothing wrong, I will leave first.” ”

Saying that, he ignored the two and left here directly.

Seeing this situation, Kokiso Xuna glared at the girl beside her with some dissatisfaction, “So your vigilance is too strong, Yixu.” ”

“Who knows if it’s a desire to get away with it…” said so, but the girl with her crisp short hair smiled bitterly, in fact, she also faintly noticed that she seemed to have misunderstood the person.

“It’s true…” Kokiso Xuena shook her head a little funny, in fact, she didn’t blame Mizusawa Yixu for being so vigilant, before, someone really used such a method to set up with her, although it didn’t succeed in the end, but it was indeed not an ordinary annoyance.

“But then again, is that the guy…”

Kokiso Xina was a little puzzled, “What’s wrong with that person?” ”

“The only Chinese in our school, oh, seems to have been injured for a while at the beginning of the school!”

“Ah…” Kokiso Xuna nodded, there was something about the Chinese in the school, she knew… It is better to say that there is only one Chinese in a huge school, and it is difficult to be famous, not to mention, the school bullying on the island side is not generally serious!

Thinking of this, she asked with some concern: “He won’t be because…”

However, before she finished speaking, Mizusawa Yixu shook his head and interrupted: “No, although he usually doesn’t communicate with people much, he is not the kind of object of being bullied, it is said that it is to save a dog…”

“Well,” she breathed a sigh of relief, “that’s wonderful! ”

“Xuena, you are kind, did you take a fancy to him?”

“How is it possible…,” Kogiso Yukina smiled bitterly and shook her head, “I just met him today!” ”

“That’s right, that guy is not a handsome guy, and he wants to make my family Xuecai fall in love at first sight or something, it’s really not qualified!”

“It’s really !!!”


The fight between the two, Chen Ziyun naturally did not know, came to the Immortal River Bunku, he met an “acquaintance” again.

Kasumigaoka Shiwa…

Chen Ziyun sighed softly, thinking about it carefully, since the morning, he seems to have been dealing with beautiful women, Machida Yuanko, Hiratsuka Shizuki, Yuhihama Yui, Kato Megumi, Fuyuma Kazusa, Kogiso Yukina, Mizusawa Esu and Kasumigaoka Shiwa in front of him… There are eight of these TM!

After seeing him, Machida Enko temporarily stopped talking to Kasumigaoka Shiyu and greeted him with a smile, “Teacher Chen, you are here, I’m sorry, can you please sit down for a while, I still have something to discuss with Kasumi Shiko-sensei.” ”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu was a little surprised, turned her head, but was surprised to find that the person who came was a boy like her, wearing the uniform of the general martial arts high.

“You are too polite, Miss Machida, if you have something to do, go and get busy first, don’t care about me, I will pass the time.” Chen Ziyun waved his hand with a smile, then found an empty seat and sat down, he still understood the principle of coming first and coming first.

“I’m sorry…” After apologizing to him, Machida Souko chatted with Shiwa Kasumigaoka again, “Xiao Shi, let’s continue!” ”

“Is that person also a student of Zongwu Gao?” Kasumigaoka Shiwa did not answer, but asked such a question.

“What, what…” Machida Yuanko immediately showed a mocking smile, “Xiaoshi, did you take a fancy to him?” ”

Shiyu Kasumigaoka rolled her eyes, “After all, I am an alumnus of the same school, I am just a little curious. ”

“So,” Machida said with a smile, “You’re single-minded about TAKI-kun!” ”

“What are you talking nonsense?” She said so, but after thinking of that person, her cheeks still unconsciously flushed a little red.

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