A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 103 Danger Approaching

The preparations were hectic and the time passed quickly.

The night before the free hunt, Eleanor slipped into Charles' room, a clutch in her hand.

The Ruby guy slipped away as soon as he saw the girl and not Seamus, and even flew up and grabbed the doorknob with his paws to help close the door.

"Huh..." Eleanor sat on the side of the bed and let out a long breath. "It's been a long time since I talked to you. Massage my head. I haven't slept well recently. It's not good to take too much medicine."

Since the beginning of this semester, Eleanor and others have started intense and heavy training. Charles is also busy with his own affairs, and the two of them hardly have time to talk.

Charles asked her to sit down, and he sat behind her and massaged the area near her temple.

"This is for your self-defense." Eleanor took something out of her handbag and put it on the bed. "Be careful when you go hunting. I always feel that something is wrong with this Potions Championship."

Charles was taken aback when he saw the black Smith \u0026 Wesson M10 revolver short barrel and a box of ammunition, which she hadn't expected to have.

He didn't ask how it came about, capitalists, even if they got the L85A1 bayonet rack, it wouldn't be surprising.

"No, no." Charles shook his head hastily.

Eleanor whispered: "Take it, I used it for self-defense, in case there is a time when magic cannot be used, I can use it, maybe it can save my life."

Charles wanted to say that he already had a similar "Muggle metal wand", but this would involve the source. It's not easy to sell people from certain organizations these days, so he shut up.

Eleanor continued: "This is prepared for me at home. The gunpowder has been reduced a little, and the recoil is not strong. Just open the safety at 10 meters, aim at the target and pull the trigger all the time."

Charles thought about it, put the gun away, and said, "Thank you, I hope I don't need it."

"It's best not to use it." Eleanor thought so too.

"Let me ask you." Her voice sounded like a smirk, "Do you like that silver-haired girl from Beauxbatons? The night before yesterday I saw you all very late and came back together, and last night seemed to be the same ah."

"And that Chinese girl with big eyes, she greets you warmly every time she sees you."

Charles was speechless about her gossip, and after thinking about it, he asked, "Why, are you jealous?"

Eleanor laughed out loud.

"Charles," she suddenly became serious after she finished laughing, "We are suitable for being friends, good friends, even excellent friends, but they are not suitable for a long-term life together."

Charles didn't expect what she would say suddenly, and asked curiously, "Why?"

Eleanor said calmly: "I can see that Dumbledore has changed after Harry Potter entered school. The room at the end of the corridor where students are not allowed to go, if he had never said it before, he went to I don't think any student can open the lock."

"I can also see that you should know something, otherwise you wouldn't have asked Finnigan to follow Potter on Hallow's Eve and I didn't know where to go, when I found out that you weren't in the guild lounge, I almost freaked out. "

"However, you have been doing your own thing, deliberately keeping a distance from what Potter and the others are doing. They asked you to help find clues to Nicole Flamel and you have not helped. This is not the same as you and Potter, Hermione and Hermione's good relationship over the years is very conflicting."

"I have a vague feeling that your wisdom and handling of things are not like children of the same age, not even my father and uncle, but very similar to my grandfather and grandfather. They usually look ordinary, but at critical moments Very old fashioned."

"I am ambitious. You have enough potential to be ambitious. Sooner or later, you will be the same kind of person. The other half we need is a haven where we can rest our minds.

"You should understand what I mean?"

Charles said calmly after listening, "I understand what you mean. It's just that I focus on my studies now, and there is no rush in this regard."

He admired Eleanor's observation and thinking ability more and more, and he could actually speculate that there was something going on between Dumbledore and Harry.

As for what she said later, Charles didn't think much about it, as long as he understood what she meant, no matter the reason was what she said, or their capitalist family had its own rules.

"Your shoulders are so stiff, and so is your back." Charles changed the topic, "Get down on the ground, and I'll give you a massage."

Eleanor put her handbag aside and asked with a smile, "Do you have lavender essential oil or rose essential oil?"

Charles replied, "I have rosemary."

Rosemary is excellent for roasts.

Eleanor punched him, then took out a bottle of lavender essential oil from her handbag, and asked curiously, "Where did you learn massage?"

Charles replied calmly: "When I rented the video, the boss gave me the wrong massage instruction."

He didn't know how he knew about regular massage, he probably learned it in his previous life.

Eleanor was indeed very tired, whether it was her stiff body or spirit, she fell asleep after a little relaxation, snoring lightly.

When she woke up, it was already noon the next day, lying on the bed in her own bedroom, she felt indescribably relaxed, as if the boulders that had weighed on her shoulders in the past disappeared overnight.

Eleanor lay quietly, recalling what happened last night, the corners of her mouth could not help but slightly curved.

At this time, the free hunting competition has begun, Charles and others have set off, and everyone leaves the Waggadu School of Magic and enters the Moon Mountain Range.

At the same time, in the tropical rainforest to the west, a poaching gang composed of ordinary people was approaching a stream against the wind.

They saw a lot of gnawed fruits floating on the stream just now, and judged that this place lived with silverback gorillas.

Suddenly, the silverback gorilla gasped and screamed in front of it, and the experienced poachers stopped immediately. It was the silverback gorilla who had encountered an enemy.

Their enemies may be leopards, other silverback gorillas, or more likely fellow poachers.

As if the pause button was pressed, the roar of the silverback gorilla suddenly disappeared, and the poachers frowned, which has never been seen before.

In less than half a minute, they smelled what seemed to be a strange smell in the air.

In the blink of an eye, all the poachers fell to the ground clutching their throats, dead.

By the stream, an animal with leopard prints is eating a silverback gorilla.

The animal looked like a lioness in appearance and was about the size of a lion, with black spikes and a half-broken tail like a lion.

After it was full, it was almost evening. After drinking water by the stream, it looked up to see the heat, and then walked eastward.

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