A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 105 Danger Arrives

On the top of a mountain in Moon Mountain, two guys, Charles and Ruby, sat on the top of the mountain to watch the sunset. From the bottom of the cliff, there was the sound of a piece of Chinese gnawing cabbage grinding their teeth.

Charles' task is to collect a kind of vine shoots on the cliffs, and this vine is symbiotic with highly poisonous insects. One bite will cause extensive decay, but this is not worth mentioning in front of Ruby.

The first morning, the two of them overdid the task, and the next thing was to dry the shoots thoroughly in the sun.

By the way, Charles released the Chinese biting kale in the bag to bask in the real sun and water it.

Most of the Chinese biting cabbage he brought was divided out, and all of them were put in a glass bottle the size of a thumb that Dumbledore cast a spell on himself. When needed, he just smashed it out, and only kept the ones he kept in his bag. inside.

Halfway through the setting sun, Ruby nudged Charles with her head. This guy was hungry and wanted something delicious.

Charles scratched its head, got up to collect the sun-dried shoots that were naturally twisted like twists, and then went down the mountain to retrieve the cabbage.

At this moment, two figures appeared in the valley, one supporting the other.

The man who was still able to walk stretched out his hand after seeing Charles, and seemed to want to say something, but as soon as the breath supporting him was released, he fainted to the ground.

Charles hurried over and found that it was two white men, both alive but not bad, with no trace of blood on their faces, and their blood vessels were faintly dark green.


Ruby jumped over when she heard the shout, and when she saw someone in need of treatment, she skillfully put her head over the mouths of the two, and dropped a tear into their mouths after Charles squeezed the mouths open.

Phoenix's tears soon had an effect. Although the two were still unconscious, the dark green in their blood vessels had faded, and their breathing and heartbeat became stable.

Two minutes later, the man who was able to walk just now said in English that he wanted to drink water. Charles immediately took out a bottle of mineral water and opened the lid to feed him little by little.

After he gasped for a while and opened his eyes, Charles gave him another bottle of glucose water. At this moment, he said in a very weak voice, "Go... jiligulu..."

Before he finished speaking, he passed out again.

But Charles heard clearly that the place he was going to was a camp in the north, and Seamus and the others were there.

At this time, the advantage of being able to hang things on the broomstick was reflected. Charles made two stretchers out of the nearby trees, tied the people up and hung them up, and flew to the camp at high speed.

Anyway, there are healers in the camp, and their poison is cured, just treating two weak people is no problem.

Charles flew back at the fastest speed, the broomstick ran out of the carousel special effect, and the tail of the broom sprayed out a long red light.

It was completely dark soon, and the camp was very lively. Many people came to watch the poison horn beast caught yesterday, even Babajid Akinbad, the headmaster of Waggadu, and Newt Scar Mander also came to watch and offer some advice.

When everyone was discussing how to transport the two big guys back to Waggadu, surprised shouts sounded from the side.

"Ah, shooting star!"

"Ah! The meteor is coming!"

When Charles landed on his broomstick, he asked why everyone was running outside.

The same goes for Ruby, who thought she was scaring the others.

Charles didn't care so much, he didn't know where the hospital was, so he shouted loudly: "There are patients, come and save them!"

The first to come to help was Bell, who had met him once.

When Bell helped him put the man down, he glanced at the man's face and shouted in surprise: "Kevin?!"

He immediately went to look at the other, and shouted nervously again: "Simon?!"

Seeing the flames, Seamus knew it was Charles' broomstick. When he came over, he thought Bell was calling him, and immediately said, "What's the matter?"

If there is anything else, come here, then help carry the person to the hospital.

Charles vaguely felt that the man said that he came here mainly to find Bell.

After some examinations, the therapist told the anxious Bell that the two of them had no injuries, but their bodies were seriously overdrawn, and they would be fine after taking some nutritional supplements and sleeping.

Bell breathed a sigh of relief. It is common for them to encounter troubles in the mountains and forests so that they are overdrawn.

Charles said from the side: "When I met them, they were poisoned. Their faces were bloodless, and their blood vessels were dark green. They were detoxified only after feeding phoenix tears."

"What?!" ×2

Bell and the therapist were taken aback, and after confirming the symptoms repeatedly, there was panic in their eyes.

"Come with me." Bell pulled Charles and ran out.

Bell pulled him to the big guy who was changing to watching Ruby, and asked Charles to explain the poisoning symptoms of Simon and Kevin.

"It's a leopard!" Newt exclaimed.

He had raised a poisonous leopard before, and he knew the symptoms of poisoning very well.

Newt immediately walked over to a poison horned beast, opened its eyes, asked for some light, and began to observe carefully.

He hadn't noticed it before, but under deliberate observation, he found that the bloodshot eyes of the Poison Horn Beast also had a little bit of dark green.

Obviously, the two poison horned beasts had contact with the poison leopard and suffered a loss, but because of their large size, they escaped and finally fled to Moon Mountain.

This is the territory of Waggadu, and everyone looked at Akinbad.

Akinbad's face sank, and he turned to one of his subordinates and said, "Cure those two people immediately, and ask where the poisonous leopard is."

Charles looked like he had nothing to do, so he took the ruby ​​to eat, and he didn't eat dinner today.

There are only a few food stalls in the camp, lined up in a row by the small square in the middle, and there are many tables and chairs in the square.

Ruby made a circle, stopped in front of a stall selling barbecue, and called out to Charles.

It likes to eat delicious food, but it also depends on the environment, so it can eat whatever is available.

Charles asked the boss to prepare a large plate of barbecue, bought some vegetable salads, staple food and drinks, and then found a seat to sit down.

At this moment, Seamus came over, and as soon as he sat down, he yelled at Charles about how he left the Chimu sisters at a critical moment yesterday.

He thought that Charles didn't know the two sisters, and pointed to the students of the magic institute.

The students of the Magic Institute nodded their heads when they saw Seamus looking towards them, including a top student in a senior grade who was wearing a golden haori. It was obvious that Seamus had gained their respect by virtue of his awesome strength. .

After hearing the ins and outs, Charles glanced at the Akagi sisters, and said with a smile, "Those two sisters seem to have taken a fancy to you, why don't you transfer to the Magic Institute in fifth grade."

Simo immediately shook his head: "I can't speak their Japanese, how can I go to the Magic Institute."

Charles just smiled, when the barbecue was served, and everyone chatted about the experiences of the past few days while eating.

Seamus complained that the rune snake is hard to find, and the rune snake with eggs is even more difficult to find. So far, only half of the task has been completed.

Charles was just about to say that he and Ruby would come to help in the next few days, when the hospital across the square suddenly became noisy, and many people ran out.

This is not over yet, someone fired four red light balls into the sky in a row, which was a signal for the emergency stop of the Free Hunting Contest.

Not long after, Newt came to find Charles, handed him a piece of paper, and said very seriously: "Charles, the sac leopard is not far from the two people you found in the south, and there are many students in the camp there. There are broomsticks, and I want you to inform them."

"This is Akinbad's order. If the poison leopard is far away, evacuate immediately. If it is nearby, stay in the camp. Waggadu's reinforcements will arrive at dawn."

The straight-line distance between the two camps is not very far, but walking over mountains and ridges is necessary, and the one is at the foot of the mountain, so the signal from the sky may not be visible due to the mountain blocking it.

Charles agreed to come down without saying a word, asked about the location, put away Aginbad's warrant and unfinished dinner, and was about to ride a broomstick and leave with Ruby.

"Take me!" Bell hopped on the broomstick before Charles took off.

When they arrived, they found that the camp was in a mess. There were many people gathered here, and the adults made the children cry.

When Charles fell, he saw several students of Beauxbatons preparing to cast a defensive spell, and saw the boy who asked him to say 5 gold coins in the cafeteria that day, and was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat after asking about the situation.

In the evening, the poisonous leopard attacked a nearby herbal garden, which is the property of Waggadu, and many people are family members of the school.

They resisted for a while, and a few people died until these Beauxbaton students supported them before they could retreat here, but many of them were poisoned.

When it was even more important, Fu Rong led the Nang Du Leopard away by herself, creating a chance for everyone to retreat.

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