A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 116 Killing insects with poison

"For me, guessing what kind of breakfast, lunch and dinner Charles has prepared for us is more interesting than guessing the title."

After Spencer finished speaking, he used a fork to pick up a piece of pork pie that had just been cut. The baked golden pie crust was wrapped with tender meat, and there was jelly between the meat filling and the pie crust.

The other people around the dining table also laughed. No one thought that Charles's cooking skills were so good, not only delicious but also varied.

There is aspic in the pork pie, which needs to be cooled to eat. I made it last night, and Charles is free to have breakfast with everyone this morning.

"Then eat more." He said to Spencer with a smile, "maybe it's your turn to show your skills today."

After the competition started, Spencer looked at the water vapor on the crucible that made up the question, and couldn't help turning his head to Eleanor who knew Charles well: "It seems true that Charles has a talent for prophecy."

Eleanor shrugged and said, "Today's topic seems to be for you."

Olivia went on to say, "Spencer, you're in command today."

Spencer nodded confidently, then turned to Joyce, who had little conversation, and said, "I need a kind of medicinal aid, which can make the user enter a short-term deep sleep like a sleeping pill, and it should be like a dreamless drug." Like a sleeping potion, it lulls the user into a dreamless slumber."

Joyce nodded, and immediately turned to get the herbs from the shelf.

Then Spencer said to Eleanor, "I need some instant capsules."

Eleanor replied immediately: "No problem."

When the participating teams were busy, the audience was also talking about the topic.

In the last row at the junction of the Hogwarts and Ilvermorny auditoriums, Charles and Lily, a big American girl in a cowboy hat, are exchanging snacks.

Charles made shortbread, which is common in Scotland. It is made of flour, butter, sugar and almonds, made into long fingers and baked.

The finger biscuits that Lily went to the kitchen to make are similar, but they are literally finger biscuits, not only shaped like long fingers with knuckles, but also made of half-cut almonds to make nails.

"You have a good relationship with Miss Delacour of Beauxbatons." Lily put her arms around Charles and asked with a smirk. "I saw you gave her snacks just now, and I saw you walking last night."

Charles replied calmly: "I knew her family before that. Her family was going back to France last night. I had a meal before leaving. I went with them."

Then he changed the topic back to the competition: "I didn't expect the topic of today's competition to be malaria treatment."

Charles is not very familiar with malaria. He knows that it is caused by Plasmodium infection. Africa is the hardest hit area for malaria. Maybe there will be a magical Plasmodium that can infect wizards.

Lily also doesn't know much about malaria. The United States used to be a high-incidence area for malaria. Half a century ago, a large number of insecticides were used to kill mosquitoes to combat malaria. Today, there are very few local malaria infections, and most of them are imported cases.

"Malaria is not easy to treat quickly." Lily said while eating shortbread, "If you want to kill the parasites in a short time, the human body can't stand it."

Charles nodded, thinking that the fastest treatment method would naturally be to cast a targeted flying curse on the person, but it might cause side effects such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular rupture.

Or develop the Avada Kedavra curse in the future, which only kills parasites and does not kill people, just like asking Voldemort to kill insects but not plants.

He also remembered that Grindelwald seemed to have some kind of magic spell. The blue flame only burned specific people. He wondered if it could be improved to only burn malaria parasites, schistosomiasis or roundworms without hurting people.

Seeing him finish thinking, Lily asked, "Do you have any ideas?"

Charles replied: "The only way is to use poison, which kills the parasite without killing people."

He saw that Spencer, who was good at poison, was in command on the field, and he felt that they used the same method.

"The drug's properties will definitely be very strong." Charles continued, "The key to the game is how to save the patient and relieve the pain."

Lily nodded aside.

This kind of potion that hurts and heals is very difficult to prepare, and it will fail if you are not careful.

A boy wearing a golden feather at the Magic Institute, Charles remembers his name as Matsushita Shousa, was suddenly blown into an afro by the potion that exploded in the cauldron.

There was no choice but to do it again, this time it was another student named Naisha Rika who was blown up into a Voldemort with a nose.

There seemed to be something wrong with Hogwarts. Smoke billowed from the cauldron in front of Spencer and shot into the sky, but he was smiling, and the others didn't even look at him as he was busy with his own affairs. It is not known whether the smoke was caused by a mistake or a necessary step.

Ouagadou's team doesn't look too good either, three pots have already been poured into the waste tank.

In contrast, Kodos Torrez's side is just showing blue flames, which seems much more normal.

Everyone was nervously busy with their own affairs. It was almost one o'clock when the Hogwarts team applied for half an hour for lunch.

Charles saw them gesturing as a signal and immediately left the auditorium to prepare food and drinks in the rest area at the back of the arena.

There are staff watching so they don't bring in finished or semi-finished products.

While eating, Spencer suddenly said: "Next, I want to try that method too, which can save an hour of time."

Olivia adjusted her glasses, frowned and asked, "Is it too risky?"

The answer was indeed Joyce: "According to past experience, as long as the time is well controlled, there will be no danger."

She still didn't talk much, and continued to eat the sandwich after she finished speaking.

Olivia was still a little worried and said: "The problem lies in controlling the time. We can't see the changes in the potion in the pressure cooker, and we don't know when it will change color."

Joyce said "smell" and went on eating the sandwich.

Spencer and Eleanor nodded together.

"Okay!" Olivia quickly made up her mind, "Just do what Spencer wants."

The simple lunch was finished in less than twenty minutes, mainly because they wanted to discuss it.

When Charles returned to the auditorium, he saw Spencer carefully weighed several potions and poured them on the table. He was shocked to realize that it was a pressure cooker that had been cursed with illusion.

The pressure cooker was put on the fire, and it could be clearly seen that the dark brown potion gradually turned green. When the color turned red, Spencer raised his wand and cast a spell, and the entire stove and pot were frozen.

Next, Eleanor poured out the red potion from the pot and packed them into soft capsules.

At 3:30 in the afternoon, the Hogwarts representative team finished the competition first.

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