A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 121 Return in Triumph

"Quick, everyone line up in the open space!"

Today, Professor McGonagall put on a clean and straight robe, with a smile on his face since a few days ago, and now he is full of vigor when directing students.

"Mr. Weasley!"

All the Weasleys present shivered.

But Professor McGonagall was calling for Fred and George, the brothers who were carrying a large roll of red carpet and were trying to hide behind the crowd.

Professor McGonagall said to them very dissatisfied: "The carpet is too dirty, clean it quickly!"

The twins immediately started to clean the carpet that they didn't know where to put it in a hurry. Professor Flitwick saw it and immediately went to help.

The students and professors were busy, and the ghosts in the castle also flew out of the castle one after another, becoming more transparent in the sunlight, floating over the students to watch the excitement. Nearly headless Nick and the fat friar and other ghosts chatted together, recalling the time after winning the previous competition.

A burst of phoenix chirping attracted the students who had just lined up according to their colleges and grades, and they raised their heads curiously to the sky.

They saw what seemed to be a great red jewel flying in the sky, and they saw that all the ghosts seemed very nervous except Myrtle.

After a while, the red gemstone landed on the grass. He looked at the students and professors, and at the castle, as if he missed it. Finally, he yelled at the ghosts and waved his wings.


"He is back!"

"I want to go home!"

The ghosts exploded in an instant, and fled in all directions in the blink of an eye, leaving only Myrtle who didn't understand the situation.

Ruby froze for a moment.

The teachers and students were also in a daze. What's going on?

Voldemort, on the back of Quirrell's head, was lost in thought and a little nervous at the same time.

At this time there was another cry of the phoenix, and Fox flew over and landed in front of Ruby.

Only after comparing all the people can we find the problem. The phoenix with feathers like jewels is too fat!

The two of them yelled for a few rounds as if talking to each other. Ruby stretched out her wings and patted Fox on the head, turned around and walked a few steps, and then turned back to ask Fox to follow.

Ruby flew into the castle with Fox in this way, and went to the kitchen with ease.

He had flown all the way back from Ouagadou and was starving.

"That's Charles' Phoenix?"

Miss Knowles didn't understand this time either.

Harry thought about it and said, "It's not easy for me to feed it. I have to ask Charles to add money."

Ron shrank his neck, not daring to talk about helping to raise the phoenix anymore. If he wants to raise such a fat phoenix, the family probably needs to use himself as feed.

"Attention everyone, they're back!"

Professor McGonagall's voice sounded, everyone looked up again, and a small black spot in the air was getting bigger and bigger.

The carriage pulled by thestrals landed steadily on the lawn, and the four and five children of the Weasley family immediately let the red carpet climb to the door.

The door of the carriage opened, and Olivia got out of the door with a bright smile on her face, and lifted up a golden cauldron with a floating spell cast on it, and the other team members appeared behind her in two.

The students on the lawn immediately cheered, brightly colored pieces of paper fell from the sky like snowflakes, and there were even fireworks during the day.

The participating team members walked through the crowd to the cafeteria, and then Charles and Seamus, wearing medals, stepped out of the carriage, which drew another burst of cheers from the crowd.

Professor McGonagall saw the two of them come back in full beard and tail, and the boulder in his heart finally fell to the ground.

Next, Dumbledore hosted a commendation meeting in the cafeteria, and at the same time each team member added 100 points.

Ravenclaw earned Olivia and Joyce, and Gryffindor earned more. In addition to Eleanor, Charles and Seamus earned 200 points each because they won the Order of Merlin, First Class. .

Charles thought that Dumbledore would not have to think of ways to give Gryffindor points this year.

During the lavish dinner, Seamus's mouth was full of bragging for more than half the time, and Charles just buried his head in his mouth, and did not give others a chance to ask himself questions.

Back in the common room, everyone found Ruby sleeping on his stomach in front of the fireplace, looking well fed.

Charles left it alone and let it rest for two days.

They stayed in Ouagadou for a few days after the Potions Tournament. During this time, we took a lot of photos, and after they were developed, they were sent to Beauxbatons, Ilvermorny, Ouagadou, the Magic House and Kodos. Doritz went to each of them to lose weight.

In the common room, Seamus continued to brag. Eleanor called the people from the Simulated Quidditch Project Department to discuss the order, and then someone discovered that Charles was missing.

Professor McGonagall was correcting homework in the office. After hearing the knock on the door, he waved his wand and opened the door. He watched Charles walk in with some surprise.

Charles took out a letter and handed it to Professor McGonagall, saying, "Professor, I know a student named Catherine Claret in Waggadu, and she wants to ask you some questions about Transfiguration."

After receiving the letter, Professor McGonagall opened it and looked at it for a while, with a very surprised expression on his face. After reading it roughly, he said very solemnly: "I see, I will reply to her later."

Then she asked Charles, "Do you know what she's working on?"

Charles replied: "I heard Catherine say that she is studying the self-transformation of the human body."

"It's a genius idea." Professor McGonagall was as serious as a class at this time. "If her idea is successful, people can become different animals, and they don't need to be as cumbersome as Animagus."

"However," she suddenly became extremely serious, "this requires extremely advanced knowledge of transfiguration, you can't try it now, otherwise it is very likely that irreversible catastrophic consequences will occur."

Charles nodded immediately.

Not long after he returned to the common room, Seamus's bragging session was not over, and he also talked about the most popular content-Charles was hugged and kissed several times by the big American girl.

At that time, Seamo was sitting in front, so the movement behind him was naturally clear.

Charles didn't bother to talk to him, and this kind of thing would pass after a while.

"Fred, George, come here." Charles began to call people over to deliver gifts.

"What's this?"


The twin brothers picked up the sunglasses and put them on.

"It doesn't seem to be anything special."

"It's just a bit reddish in color."

After they finished complaining, Charles said: "Next time you wear it in a place where there is no light, you will know."

Their eyes lit up, and they guessed the function of the sunglasses.

After the twins left, Charles called Harry's trio and Neville over.

He put a row of palm-sized wooden boxes on the table, and said with a smile, "Everyone chooses one, choose for yourself."

"What's this?" Harry asked, picking up the box in front of him.

Charles replied: "You will know when you open it."

Harry opened the box, and a carved wooden cheetah jumped out and landed on his forearm.

He looked at the cheetah excitedly and curiously, but he didn't expect that the cheetah ran from his forearm to his shoulder, jumped up his ears, jumped on top of his head, and ran to his hand on the other side.

Seeing this, the others picked up the box and opened it.

What Ron had was an elephant, flapping its ears in the palm of its hand, wagging its trunk and circling slowly.

Neville drove out a male lion, and Raffle stared at it.

Hermione was a little depressed when she saw the animal she drove out. It was a mountain gorilla, beating her chest on the palm of her hand, making a lot of noise.

After them, the rest of the first grade came to draw boxes, and Charles asked the Indian girl to draw two.

During the period, Neville said something to Charles, which shocked him.

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