A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 125 For the future life

In the UK, people who are over 18 years old can drink alcohol legally anywhere, people over 16 but under 18 can drink in restaurants, and people over 5 years old can drink at home under the guidance of their parents.

So Charles hesitated for a moment when Eleanor asked him if he wanted to drink a glass of "thorn", and finally shook his head, only asking for ginger beer.

He didn't expect that Eleanor's laboratory actually hides a lot of good wine.

"I'm still very confident in bartending!" Eleanor said proudly, "You can come to me if you want to drink in the future."

She took a wide-mouthed wine glass from the cabinet, poured crushed ice, an ounce of gin, an ounce of molasses, and an ounce of lemon juice, stirred it to cool, then poured in an ounce of blackberry liqueur, and concluded by saying, "If there is A slice of lemon would do the trick. Briar is a spring cocktail, perfect for the weather right now.”

Charles looked at the dark red wine in the glass in her hand, and poured half a glass of golden ginger beer into the glass in front of him.

Ginger beer is made from fermented ginger, sugar and water, and has an alcohol content of about 0.5% vol, which is similar to fermented rice.

The two touched each other and took a sip each.

Charles leaned against the chair and asked, "How was the talk tonight?"

Eleanor smiled and replied: "If it doesn't work out, will I have a drink?"

Charles smiled and raised his glass to her.

Eleanor took a sip of the cocktail and said, "There is an abandoned village near Hogsmeade. It used to be called Hogsfield. The environment there is not bad. Fudge promised to sell it to me tonight."

"Next, in just four weeks, a new house can be built there, built exactly to Spencer's design."

Charles took a sip of his ginger beer, nodded and said, "That's good."

Eleanor rolled her eyes and said to him with a smile, "I'll let you pick the name."

Charles is a severe patient of Naming Difficulty Syndrome, so he replied: "Then it's called 'Umbrella'."

Eleanor thought for a while, and said happily: "The name of umbrella is good, it is very suitable for a pharmaceutical factory."

After taking a sip of her drink, she continued: "Spencer and I contacted several students who graduated this year, and they were also happy to work with me."

"Now there are no problems with the manpower, site and material supply. I estimate that the first batch of malaria medicine will be sold to Africa in August."

"It's just that I still wanted to find Olivia, but she refused, as if she was going to some friend."

Spencer's special medicine for malaria was a hit at the potion competition, so Eleanor voted for this project. The only problem was where to produce it, and now it has been solved.

Eleanor continued: "I plan to build a factory that produces simulated Quidditch in Upper Hogsfield, but the personnel are a bit troublesome, so I can only make do with it this year."

Charles nodded, there was nothing he could do in this regard.

When the simulated Quidditch was created before, the two assistants, Wood and Percy, had to wait two years before graduating, and one of them wanted to be a player in the future, and the other wanted to enter the Ministry of Magic with all their minds, and they would not come to accept exploitation by capitalists.

Charles thought for a while and asked her with a smile: "Are you interested in getting involved in the broom business?"

Eleanor shook her head seriously and said, "Those broomstick companies have a deep relationship with the Ministry of Magic. It's fine to make it yourself, but if you sell it, you will be suppressed."

Charles nodded slightly and did not mention the matter any more.

He asked curiously, "What else do you plan to invest in next?"

"Let's take a look." Eleanor took a sip of wine, "I'm going to enter the Ministry of Magic after graduation. If I don't have a trustworthy agent, I won't make too many investments."

Charles raised his eyebrows. This was the first time he had heard that she was going to enter the Ministry of Magic, because it felt like there must be something wrong.

"Consider the Centaur Liaison Office?" Charles said with a smile, "I still have a vacancy here."

Eleanor gave the guy a hard look.

"What about you?" She asked casually, "Are you interested in helping me in the future?"

Charles smiled and replied, "Will you drink and massage me?"

Eleanor just raised her wine glass, stopped talking about it, and said with a smile: "Okay, give me a massage later."

"That's right!" She remembered something, used the Flying Curse to get her handbag, and took out a stack of parchment from it to Charles, "Fudge asked me to hand it over to you."

Charles took a look at it and put it away.

The next day was Sunday, and Charles was in the common room with the other students doing his homework after breakfast.

At another table, Eleanor was discussing something with some seventh graders.

Charles quickly finished his homework, so he took out the parchment Fudge gave him last night and read it.

Harry, who was sitting next to him, originally wanted to copy his homework, saw the GIF picture on the parchment and asked him curiously: "What is this?"

Charles replied calmly: "Advertisement for selling a house, didn't I get a lot of money in Africa, and I'm going to buy a new house."

Harry didn't react at first, but asked a little nervously in the next second, "Are you going to move?"

Charles glanced at him and replied, "No, I plan to buy it as a villa and let Ruby live there."

Harry breathed a sigh of relief, wondering what his life would be like if the Charles family had moved out of his life.

Ron leaned over and asked Charles, "Where are you going to buy the house?"

While flipping through the advertisement, Charles replied: "A place near the water, convenient for fishing."

Harry said with a smile, "Don't catch another shoe."

Charles ignored the guy and continued to watch the commercial.

He first took a fancy to a small building. This three-story Edwardian-style building is located in the mountains of Scotland. At the foot of the mountain is a large lake. The surrounding area is open and suitable for ruby ​​activities. The scenery is beautiful from the photos. The original owner moved to the United States. The price is also right.

It's just that when he saw the address, it was on the edge of Loch Ness, which had already become a tourist area, so he rejected it.

In the end, he discovered that there was actually a small island, located in the eastern part of Scotland, with an area of ​​about 10 hectares. There was only one four-story building invisible to Muggles on the island. For drinking water, people can go to the island on foot or drive tractors or off-road vehicles from the sandy land above the water when the tide is low. When the tide is high, people need to take a boat, and the nearest town is about 10 kilometers away.

But the ad only sells the small building, but it also mentions that the Muggles only need £50,000 to buy the island.

Charles pinched his chin and thought about it. It seems that this place is good, and the ruby ​​can fly happily.

Is it just that the price is a bit too low?

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