A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 132 The letter disappeared

The day after Ron was bitten by the Norwegian Ridgeback, Seamus said to Charles mysteriously while doing his homework after dinner: "Guess what I found today?"

Charles asked him curiously: "Did you find the money?"

Seamus took out a palm-sized blank parchment and placed it in front of Charles, proudly saying, "I found it in a book in the library this afternoon."

Charles adjusted his glasses, activated the magic spell for detection, and found that there was a faint white light on them.

"Neville," he said, turning his head the other way, "pointed at it with his wand."

Neville picked up his wand and tapped it on the blank parchment, and after a while, lines of words appeared on it.

The three of them, together with Raife, began to study around the parchment.

"The Wand Detection Charm?" Neville said thoughtfully. "I heard Granny talk about the Charm."

Seamus asked Neville, "What is this spell for?"

On the parchment, there is only the method of casting the spell, and there is only an opening at the bottom where the spell is effective. It looks like it has been cut in half by someone.

Neville recalled: "I heard from my grandma that when she was young, she saw an old man who was blind and walked with a wand instead of eyes."

Charles went on to say: "I've seen Professor Flitwick use such a charm that he can see things around him when there is no light."

He knew the magic spell. He didn't say it because he wanted to use it as a trump card. Now that he bought the magic eye glasses, he didn't need them anymore. He didn't expect Seamo to find such a note.

Seamus said triumphantly: "It seems that I found a good magic spell, so that I won't be afraid that there will be no lights at night."

Neville agreed.

The two of them began to study the spell, regardless of the homework.

Charles also pretended to be learning, and made some points from time to time.

At the same time, not far away, Ron took out all the books he brought to class today and looked through them.

Harry asked him beside him, "Is there anything missing?"

Ron frowned and said, "Charlie's letter, which I put in the book, is gone now."

"Damn Peeves, he must have fallen out when he snatched my schoolbag and scattered it today!"

Harry and Hermione were taken aback when they heard that, the letter stated that Charlie and the others would come and take away Hagrid's dragon at midnight on Saturday, and it would be bad if they were picked up and handed over to the professor.

Harry looked around, motioned for Ron and Hermione to follow him out of the common room, and found an empty classroom outside to discuss.

After some discussion, Harry said helplessly: "There is no way, Hedwig can't tell Charlie in time, Ruby is going out this afternoon. We can only be careful, use the invisibility cloak, start early and take a detour, to avoid any possible encounters on the road." people."

Ron and Hermione, you look at me, I look at you, that's all.

They spent Friday carefully, for fear that someone would come to ask about the fire dragon in the next second.

The day was uneventful, and in the evening they discussed again in the empty classroom.

Ron said seriously: "The letter may have been blown to some corner by the wind, and no one saw it at all."

He seemed to be convincing himself that this was the way it was, and so did Harry and Hermione.

By Saturday night, Harry's trio had slipped out of the common room in batches and met in empty classrooms.

At this time, there were footsteps outside the classroom. It seemed that there were two people, which frightened the three of them, thinking that they had been exposed.

The footsteps faded away, it was Seamus and Neville who were practicing the wand spotting spell, walking around the castle with their wands raised.

When the two reached the second floor, they suddenly heard voices from the corner of the corridor, it was Malfoy and the others.

Seamus and Neville approached quietly, hiding behind a piece of armor.

I only heard Goyle say: "Malfoy, let's go back, Potter and the others will definitely not come, the letter you picked up is a lie."

Malfoy said seriously: "What was written in that letter is true, that stupid big man really has a fire dragon, I saw it with my own eyes!"

"I must catch Potter and the fire dragon tonight, and drive Potter and the big fool out of Hogwarts!"

There, Crabbe said, "That dragon might be fake."

Malfoy said unhappily: "If you don't believe me, go back."

Seamus and Neville hid together in the shadow behind the armor, first Goyle and Crabbe, then Malfoy, and they talked in low voices after the corridor the three of them turned had left.

Seamus said, "I remember Harry and none of them were in the common room."

Neville thought about it and said, "Malfoy wants to frame Harry, we must inform them."

Seamus said with some embarrassment: "But we don't know where they are."

Neville said, "It can only be found in the castle."

"Charles went to the Forbidden Forest today, otherwise it would be much easier to have multiple people."

Meanwhile, Charles was in Dumbledore's office.

Dumbledore smiled and pushed a plate in front of him. This time it was not a pile of flying cockroaches, but a swarm of bees.

Charles grabbed a Honeydukes newly developed bee candy and threw it into his mouth. It was honey-flavored and chewed a bit like QQ candy.

Dumbledore asked him with a smile: "Charles, what can you do to find me so late?"

Charles smiled and said, "I'm here to find a snack."

Dumbledore said, "You are very welcome."

He then asked: "I think you should have other things, maybe you want to transfer to Beauxbatons?"

The corner of Charles' mouth twitched, and he replied, "I really planned to do that."

This time it was Dumbledore's turn to be depressed.

Charles smiled and said, "I'm here because of those daredevils. They forgot something, and I can only do it."

"Principal, you should know about Hagrid's little pet."

Dumbledore nodded and said, "Things are not out of control, are they?"

Charles smiled and said: "I remember that when Mrs. Angelina and I came to Hogwarts that night, the school's defense alarm was triggered. I was worried that Charlie Weasley and the others would come to take Hagrid's little pet tonight. When you pick it up, you will be treated as an intruder, so it will be difficult to handle."

Dumbledore made a surprised look and said, "Oh, is Charlie coming? Thanks for the reminder, it would be bad if they were regarded as intruders!"

Then he said with a smile: "Please rest assured, Charlie knows the general situation. He also wrote to me when he wrote to Ron. I am prepared."

After hearing this, Charles breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Since this is the case, I'm relieved."

"It's getting late, I should go back."

"Well, can I take these bees?"

"No problem." Dumbledore said with a smile, "Take it all."

Charles got up, took the candy and left without saying a word.

He came here tonight to confirm one thing, to see if the situation was under Dumbledore's control.

If Dumbledore had the big picture in his hands, meaning the events that sparked today would continue to happen, he could make small things happen.

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