A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 134 Confinement means going to the Forbidden Forest

In the hearts of most first-year students at Hogwarts, Dumbledore is a knowledgeable and majestic wizard, and he should be very serious in private.

When Harry, Ron and Hermione saw Dumbledore writing in the headmaster's office while reaching out to grab the fluttering moth hovering above his head and stuffing it into his mouth, they seemed to feel something crumbling inside.

Charles just curled his lips. He had blisters on his arms from the powder of a moth's wings a few years ago, and he couldn't eat this new candy.

Dumbledore raised his head and asked them kindly: "Is there anything you want?"

Harry said nervously, "Headmaster, I have something to tell you!"

Dumbledore smiled and said, "Don't worry, how about some tea first?"

At this time, four chairs ran out from nowhere and came behind them. After everyone sat down, a set of tea sets and a plate of soft candy birds and animals flew over. The teapot automatically poured tea for them and landed on it. aside.

Charles grabbed two cow-shaped jellybeans from the plate, ate one for himself, and handed the other to Hermione next to him.

Harry told Dumbledore his conjecture in detail, and added some details that came to mind on the way. For example, Snape was too poor to buy shampoo, so he would definitely steal the Philosopher's Stone and sell it for money.

Charles was quite surprised at the side, wondering if the soul of the Potter family shampoo in Harry had awakened and started to be sensitive to the customer group?

The headmaster listened carefully, and asked several key points from time to time, most of which Harry hadn't considered.

For example, Dumbledore said to Harry: "Professor Hogwarts' salary is not low, I don't think Professor Snape would do that."

Harry thought for a while, and said seriously: "Professor, since a person has a job with status and high salary, but is still unmarried at this age, he must have some bad habits, so no woman is willing to marry him .”

"As soon as people have bad habits, they will spend money indiscriminately. They will not notice it at first, but when they realize it, they will already owe a lot of money!"

Dumbledore found that what Harry said actually made sense, and he would have believed it if he didn't know Snape very well.

He found that Hermione turned her head and gave Charles a speechless look, and immediately realized who taught this knowledge.

After Harry finished speaking, Dumbledore seemed to think for a long time, and finally said to him seriously: "Thank you for the news, Potter."

"It's just that there are a lot of guesses in your thinking, and I can't use this as a basis to confront Snape and Quirrell."

"Please rest assured that as long as I am at Hogwarts, the Philosopher's Stone is safe."

The principal's last words reassured Harry and the others that with Dumbledore around, there was no need to worry about the safety of the Sorcerer's Stone.

Charles ate sweets the whole time, and heard the hint of the last sentence.

He was too lazy to care about it, anyway, the current Philosopher's Stone is just an empty shell, so it's better to worry about the final exam in the near future.

Before leaving, Dumbledore suddenly said to the Harry trio: "Your confinement will start tomorrow night, and McGonagall will inform you of the specific time and content tomorrow morning."

Now the three of them couldn't sleep well.

Charles's heart tightened, and it was time to make trouble.

Dumbledore seemed to see his strangeness, so he asked, "Charles, what's the matter?"

Charles smiled and looked at the principal, then at the half plate of jellybeans in front of him.

Dumbledore said helplessly, "Take it if you like it."

Charles was very happy, and exchanged two bottles of happy water and the principal for new candies.

But Harry's trio couldn't be happier, and kept discussing the contents of their confinement on the way back to the common room.

Because Charles was often confined, they thought that what was waiting for them was also a job like copying for a professor.

Harry said gloomily, "As long as I don't ask Snape to work."

Charles joked: "Maybe Malfoy will help Snape with you."

Harry's face paled suddenly.

At breakfast the next day, those who were punished and confined received a note from Professor McGonagall asking them to wait for Filch in the castle foyer at eleven o'clock tonight.

"Eleven o'clock?" Ron asked, "Why is it so late?"

Several other people were also puzzled. They thought they would go over after dinner like Charles.

Harry said, "Maybe let's clean the castle."

Several others thought he had a point.

Hermione said in embarrassment: "My review plan is going to be changed."

At eleven o'clock at night, the five Gryffindors who were going to be locked up came to the entrance hall, and Filch and Malfoy had already arrived.

"Follow me." Filch walked out of the castle with a lamp in his hand, babbling to the students about ancient punishments like chains in the dungeon.

Harry and the others thought they were going to clean the greenhouse or water and fertilize the plants in the greenhouse, and it was a lot easier at first.

Unexpectedly, Filch led them through the garden that shimmered like fireflies, all the way to the door of Hagrid's wooden house, and then heard Hagrid's call.

The moon emerged from the clouds, and everyone could follow the sound to see Hagrid and his dog named Fang waiting at the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

Then Filch sneered and said to them, you will go to the Forbidden Forest with Hagrid later.

Harry and Hermione didn't know much about the Forbidden Forest. Ron knew that his two twin brothers often went in, and they were still alive and kicking, so he subconsciously felt that it would not be very dangerous.

But Neville and Malfoy were scared dumb.

Malfoy said nervously: "It's late at night, we can't go in, I heard there are werewolves inside!"

It was rare for Neville to agree with Malfoy on a certain issue.

Seamus said to Malfoy: "With me here, you don't have to worry."

He looks confident, after all, he has been abroad and won awards.

Malfoy looked at Seamus gratefully, now that Seamus was famous, he thought that if he was there, safety should not be a problem.

Seamus continued: "If there is any accident, I promise to bring your body back intact."

He is very depressed now. Originally, he was just practicing the spell in the castle, but this guy tricked him into coming here, giving him a spell to make his handwriting disappear after half an hour.

Malfoy began to tremble, and turned to look at Hagrid.

None of this group of people realized that the thestrals flying in the air nearby were a bit strange, as if they were avoiding something.

Charles cast himself and the broomstick with the best invisibility spell he could, and searched the ground in the air, not missing any sign of light.

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