A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 141 Seeing a pen pal

Harry soon moved to 3 Privet Drive, where he went to the boxing club to train every day, which was the place where he could talk to his peers besides Hogwarts.

In the evening, he still has to do his and Charles' vacation homework, and read novels or TV before going to bed.

Charles called home, and Harry rushed out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel.

"How many days later are you coming back?" Harry asked him, "Where are you going?"

Charles replied: "I am in Titisee, Germany, and I am going to visit a friend in the forest."

When he was about to say goodbye to the Gabriel family during the day, he looked at the map and discovered that Mrs. Angelina's house was only a few hours away from Erica's house on the broomstick, so he decided to take a trip.

Harry reacted immediately: "Is it your pen pal from Durmstrang College?"

"That's right." Charles said, "If Grandpa comes back, tell him for me."

Harry said no problem.

Charles hung up the phone, left the 20th-century hotel, and stepped into an 18th-century bar a few streets away, as if traveling through time.

This bar looks similar to the Leaky Cauldron and The Three Broomsticks, but it looks much cleaner. Nine round tables are neatly arranged, and there are several beautiful flower baskets hanging on the wall. The faint fragrance of flowers overwhelms the smell of wine.

Charles found empty tables with different flowers in vases, and only one table had an empty vase.

Behind the counter in the deep part of the bar sat an old lady who seemed to be about the same age as Professor McGonagall.

At this time, the customers in the store were talking to themselves. The proprietress was sitting behind the counter flipping through a book. She looked up at Charles and said, "New customers sit on tables without flowers in vases, and those with flowers belong to regular customers." Location."

Charles first went over and asked, "Are there any vacancies here?"

The proprietress looked at the guest carefully before answering: "The rooms are good or bad. If the room is bad, I will give you a wooden board as a bed. If you have a good room, you will have three meals a day. You can eat better if you pay more. No room can be located in a place other than the fireplace. To light a fire, you can't bring outsiders back without authorization, and you have to pay a three-day deposit first."

With that said, a price list and a menu flew to Charles.

I couldn't save money when I was away from home. Charles asked for the best room, and added extra money to order today's dinner and tomorrow's breakfast.

Charles only knew that Erica's home was in a nearby forest. There was a small village there. There was a small waterfall and a pool next to her house. The pool was surrounded by her garden. I would have to ask the wizard for the exact location tomorrow.

Because he was lost and flew for several hours, he was a little tired, so he went back to the room to rest first, and asked the proprietress to deliver the dinner to the room, and he was going to sleep when he was full.

The room here is not bad, with snow-white walls, dark brown wooden furniture, dark red carpet, and a small balcony with a view of Lake Titisee, surrounded by flowers.

Charles felt that it would be nice to take a vacation here, just sitting on the balcony and reading a book.

Not long after, the waiter came, and she brought the main course of dinner, the main course, side dishes, and soup were floating around.

When you come to Germany to eat, you can’t do without pork knuckles. The pork knuckles are baked with golden crispy skin on the plate and placed on a layer of sauerkraut with bones. There are a few balls made of mashed potatoes next to them, and some green herbs are sprinkled on the potatoes. On the ball, with a little mustard on the side.

The bread is lye bread twisted into a bow, which is common in southern Germany, but the lye bread in this store will hover like a butterfly.

The side dish is the famous Black Forest ham, which is cold-smoked with fir wood from the Black Forest. The spices used include salt, garlic, coriander, pepper and juniper berries. It has a nutty and spicy taste.

Charles didn't expect that there were also snail eaters here, so he ordered a snail soup, which smelled delicious.

He also asked the waiter and learned that the soup was first fried shallots with butter until translucent, then the stock, wine, carrots, leeks, celery and bay leaves were added to the pot and simmered slowly over medium heat, and then the snails were fried in butter. Add to the soup, then stir in the heavy cream, then season with salt and pepper and garnish with chopped parsley just before serving.

The waiter was a little older than Charles, with silver-white hair like a unicorn, and blood-red eyes. Although she lowered her head slightly when she spoke, not daring to look directly at the customers, and was especially careful not to expose her canine teeth, Charles still recognized her as a woman. bit vampire.

Charles didn't stare at the waiter's face, but focused on the hairpin above her left ear.

This hairpin is in the shape of a praying mantis, with its head looking around, and a scythe in front of it moving from time to time.

If Charles is not mistaken, it is not a card issuer, but a steel mantis produced by Waggadu. He has bought it himself and given it to others.

"Are you Erica?" Charles asked the waiter tentatively.

There was a sudden silence in the room, and the waitress raised her head in surprise, looked at Charles for a while before asking, "We know each other?"

Charles smiled and pointed to the position on his left ear, and said, "I am Charles Smith from Hogwarts, and I brought you this praying mantis from Viktor Krum in Ouagaduto. "

He knew from the surprised and happy expression on the other side's face that this was Erica.

But Erica's face darkened for an instant, she lowered her head and said, "You misidentified the person."

After speaking, she turned around and was about to leave the room.

Charles instantly understood what was going on, and hurried over to hold her cold and trembling hand.

Erica turned around, her eyes were watery, she shook off Charles' hand, and said with a hint of tears, "Why did you come, see, I'm a vampire!"

Vampires are classified as humans by the Ministry of Magic, but they are also classified as living dead. Because they like to eat blood, they have been feared and discriminated against by wizards for a long time, and their status is slightly higher than that of werewolves.

So Erica's reaction was very strong. If the two parties only exchanged letters and Charles didn't know that he was a vampire, this friend could continue. If Charles knew who he was, she felt that this rare boat of friendship would sink.

Charles took her hand again and said sincerely, "It's okay, isn't it just a vampire? Among my friends are centaurs, werewolves, veela, and dementors."

Erica's hand that was held by him did not break free this time, but instead tightly held the warm paw, and asked a little nervously: "Then...can we continue to be friends? I'm still so ugly..."

Charles was speechless, and really wanted to say, you are a girl with "white hair like a waterfall, red eyes like clear waves". If you take a photo and make a painting 20 years later, a large group of people will definitely be crazy about it.

He read the description of vampires when he was helping Voldemort sort out the black magic materials. Vampires' thirst for human blood is just like his thirst for happy water. He just thinks it tastes better, and he can't die if he doesn't drink it, otherwise there will be no bloody smell. lollipop.

Moreover, vampires in this world are an independent species, and they will not be infected by biting like werewolves.

Charles said with great certainty: "Of course we can continue to be friends."

Erika's tears flowed down her cheeks. She wiped her tears and pulled her hand back, saying, "Thank you. I'm going to continue working."

After speaking, she turned and left the guest room.

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