A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 143 Let's have a drink

The moon in the night sky is still a little short of the full moon, and the stars seem to be falling on the water's edge, dancing non-stop. The bonfire on the grass is getting smaller, and the air is filled with the aroma of grilled eels.

Charles and Erica were lying on the grass, hiccupping, looking at the stars, and the fireflies flying by from time to time, chatting about things like "Seamus and the Snakes", "Harry and the Thief in the Chamber of Secrets" and so on. fun.

At Durmstrang College, Harry Potter had both fill-in-the-blank and essay questions in the History of Magic exam, and Erica felt that it was miraculous that the name on the exam paper appeared in life.

Charles noticed that Erica talked about how to take care of flowers and plants, and didn't mention anything about family and daily life. It seemed that apart from flowers and plants, there was only one woman named Marlene who lived in a nearby village. Vampire girl.

The two chatted late into the night, and Charles' desire to die suddenly ignited, and he turned to Erica and asked, "Would you like to suck some of my blood?"

This guy wants to experience what it's like to be sucked by a vampire.

"Ah?!" Erica sat up from the grass all of a sudden, panicking, not knowing what to say next.

"No." Erica finally shook her head, "I...don't have that much money."

"Huh?" This time it was Charles' turn to be surrounded, "Do you want more money?"

Erica said as a matter of course: "Sure, you are not a pig."

Charles thought it made sense.

"Then it's my treat." He stretched out his hand, "I can only suck a little."

Erika hesitated for a moment, since she said so, she was not polite.

"Wait a minute." After she finished speaking, she got up and ran back to the house.

Charles is a little curious, is there any other ritual before the vampire sucks blood?

Erica quickly returned with a small wooden box, took alcohol and cotton from it, and disinfected Charles' wrist, then disinfected a silver knife, and applied anesthesia before cutting the blood vessel.

There is a small goblet in the wooden box, and my own blood will automatically fly into the cup after it flows out, without any waste.

Erica took half a cup of blood, and then put a little ointment on Charles' wound, and a cool feeling came instantly, and the wound healed.

Charles wanted to say that he could ask for more, but Erica was already kneeling on the grass, shaking the wine glass gracefully, tasting the blood carefully in small sips, with an intoxicated expression on his face.

"It's even sweeter than what Marlene brought to me."

A blush appeared on Erica's face.

That night, Charles understood that human blood is not happy water for vampires, but fine wine.

Erika passed out on the grass and snored a moment later.

Whistles sounded from the dark, and blood-red chains, like lightning, suddenly flew from all directions and bound Charles, binding him into a dumpling.

A blond vampire girl with blue eyes came out of the darkness of the garden. She looked a little older than Erica including her age.

She ignored Charles, first picked up the empty cup and sniffed it, then raised her eyebrows, then stuck out her tongue and licked it.

Charles was relieved when he saw the vampire girl, and then a little surprised. He thought that she might have thought that he had poisoned Erica, after all, there were such extreme existences as vampire hunters among wizards.

The vampire girl put away the blood tasting suit, then picked up Erica and went back to the house.

When she returned to the campfire outside, she was surprised to find that the boy who was tied up broke free and was roasting eels by the campfire.

Charles said to the girl who came over: "You are Ma Lian. I heard Erica mention you. I am Charles Smith from Hogwarts. Has Erica mentioned me to you?"

"You are Charles?" the girl replied, "I am Marlene."

She stood by the campfire, looked at Charles carefully for a while, and asked blankly, "What do you want to see Erica for?"

Charles replied: "Didn't I correspond with her? Now that I'm on vacation, I'll come and see her when I have time."

Marlene looked him in the eyes carefully to make sure he was telling the truth.

"Can I trust you?" Marlene said.

Charles replied: "I think I can be trusted."

"How about some grilled eel, Erika caught it." He handed over a skewer of grilled eels.

Marlene sat down by the campfire, whistled, and the small wooden box flew over.

Charles was vigilant, and sure enough, the next moment Marlene said to him: "Give me a little blood, and I will believe you only after I confirm that your blood is not poisonous."

"Okay." Charles said, "Then I ate this grilled eel myself, and I need to make up for it."

He thought to himself that Marlene might have been observing him and Erica in secret, so he had to determine whether Erica was drunk or poisoned.

Marlene quickly got half a cup of blood, and whistled at it for a while, the blood glowed red without any color.

She took a sip, closed her eyes and savored it for a long time, then opened her eyes and sighed: "Your blood is more delicious than blood ten times as heavy as gold!"

"It's no wonder Erika passed out drunk, her blood volume has never been high."

The corner of Charles' mouth twitched, thinking of the pigs that were used for bloodletting during the day, and said very solemnly: "Please keep it a secret."

"No problem." Marlene said, "For the sake of being Erica's friend."

After speaking, she took another sip slowly.

Charles breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and thought that it would be okay to let some blood occasionally, but if they wanted to blow on the bottle, he would be finished.

Ma Lian looked at the blood in the cup and said slowly: "Erica's grandfather is a very famous herb grower, and my family is a pharmacist. We have known each other since we were young."

"She was always considered a freak by the village because of the color of her hair and eyes. Her parents were Aurors for the Ministry of Magic, who specialized in black work, and they still don't know how they died. After her grandpa died, she was alone. It's gone."

"If my family hadn't stepped forward, she would have been expelled from the village at that time."

"For so many years, she has no one who can be regarded as a friend. You are the first one."

"If you dare to hurt her, I just need to tell other vampires that your blood is extremely delicious."

Charles said sincerely: "Don't worry about this, I won't hurt her."

Marlene just nodded, and continued to taste the blood slowly.

Charles asked her curiously: "I want to ask, did you use a whistle to cast spells just now?"

Marlene replied: "Yeah, what's strange."

Charles blinked, isn't that surprising.

Marlene continued: "Using music to cast spells is very common in Germany. Haven't you learned the history of magic?"

"In 1284, in Hameln, a wizard made all the mice in the town jump into the Weser River with the music of the clarinet. Later, the people in the town were unwilling to give money, so he used this magic to make the town Only then did the children on the road go with me, and only then did I receive the money.”

Charles blinked, and it turned out that the fairy tale about magic asking for salary was actually true.

He asked again: "Are you also at Durmstrang College?"

"No." Marlene shook her head slightly, "I'm in a vampire's own school, but Erica is different."

She didn't seem to want to discuss school matters, and quickly turned the conversation on Dumbledore.

The two chatted for a while, after Marlene drank the blood, washed the cup and went back to the house. She insisted on walking nearly 200 meters along the 60-meter straight line.

Charles is also staying at Erica's house tonight. He lives in Erica's grandfather's bedroom, and Erica's bedroom is next door.

Nothing to say all night.

Erika's exclamation woke Charles up the next morning.

Next, Charles heard Marlene laughing, and soon after, the two girls were fighting.

Judging from the sound, the relationship between the two of them is very good.

Marlene didn't seem to be short of money. After she arrived, the breakfast table became richer, instead of only blood sausage and fishing by herself as yesterday.

She also has good cooking skills. Charles couldn't stop eating. He ate half a pot of stewed pork with potatoes for lunch, ate three stewed pork knuckles for dinner, and a big plate of fried potato pancakes.

Unbeknownst to Charles, however, this comes at a price.

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