A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 146 Missing the Train

"Ding dong!"

The doorbell of No. 3 Privet Drive rang, especially loud in the middle of the night.

Outside the door, Ron asked the two brothers nervously: "Is it too late now, maybe we will come back at dawn tomorrow?"

Fred whispered back, "If you can get the car out during the day."

George went on to say: "Didn't I see that the lights in the room were still on, I think Charles must have not slept, maybe he was doing his homework."

Ron said, "His holiday homework is all written by Harry."

At this time, there was a faint "cooing" sound of owls in the house, and Ron said excitedly: "I think I heard Hedwig's voice, Harry really lives here!"

The twins also heard the owl's cry, and they were also relieved.

At this time, No. 4 Privet Drive was empty, not only Harry was not there, but the Dursleys were also not there, and they were a little worried that something had happened.

Ron remembered that Harry said he would live at Charles' house during the holidays, so he came to ask, and it seemed that he was really here.

There was a sound of footsteps in the house, and the door opened. The four, five, and six children of the Weasley family rubbed their eyes in unison, and then there was a scream.

"It will hurt."

"It's not a dream."

Ron looked at his brothers angrily. These two guys just pinched him.

"Good evening, Mr. Weasley." Dumbledore turned sideways, "Come in."

The three Weasleys walked in cautiously and sat down in the living room. Although there was no violation of school rules tonight, it was illegal to drive a flying car over here. Naturally, they would be scared when they saw the chief wizard of the Wizengamot, otherwise If it hurts his father, if it is serious, he has to go to Azkaban to live for a few days.

"Don't be nervous." Dumbledore was very kind, "Have you something to drink, oh, young people like to drink that."

With a wave of his wand, three bottles of happy water flew from the refrigerator into the hands of the Weasleys.

On a shelf in the living room, Hedwig yelled again.

Ron asked nervously, "Professor, is Harry here?"

Dumbledore nodded.

Harry was driven here because Mr. Dursley wanted to negotiate a big deal with a builder. Charles promoted the deal through the old man's connections out of watching the excitement. Everyone was a civil engineer and could help just help.

Because Harry stayed at Charles' house all the time, and Dobby didn't make trouble at No. 4 Privet Drive opposite, the big drilling rig order was successfully negotiated, and now the Dursleys have embarked on a trip to see the villa.

Ron continued: "My parents wanted to invite Harry over to play, but we never heard back from our letters, so come and see."

Fred and George sat aside obediently. They had caused too many troubles in the past, and now they might cause trouble for their family, so be obedient.

Dumbledore said calmly, "I'm going to call Harry down now."

A few days ago, the computer at Charles’s house had just been installed with Windows 3.1 released in April this year. Dumbledore had become obsessed with minesweeping for a while, and after waking Harry up, he sat back in front of the computer.

If Harry and the Weasleys, who were happily carrying their luggage to play at Ron's house, knew something happened in the new school year, the first thing they would do now would be to persuade the headmaster not to play so many games.

In the past two days, Charles was not on Privet Drive, but ran to the island he bought. The house on the wizard’s side has been renovated and ready to be delivered. The villa on the Muggle’s side has been closed for a while due to weather problems, so we have to sign an agreement. A list of postponement of the construction period.

Charles originally wanted to invite his friends to celebrate, but it turned out that during this period of time there was either strong wind or heavy rain, there were fewer fishermen, and even a certain dementor did not come, so he had to give up.

After he left, he went to the Forbidden Forest, and then returned to No. 3 Privet Drive.

Now it's quiet here too, Harry left a note, and Ron invited Charles to his house to play until school started.

Charles thought about it. The Weasleys' house was too small, so he went to live by himself. Could it be that he shared the same room with Ginny?

The following days were quiet again, except for a few days in Germany in mid-August, Charles sat in front of the computer and typed the keyboard all day until Jack came home.

"Are you going to transfer schools?" The old man looked at Charles curiously.

Charles replied in a daze, "No."

Jack said calmly, "Look at the time."

Charles looked at the time, and the next second, he jumped up like his butt was on fire.

It is now 11 o'clock on September 1st, and the train to Hogwarts is leaving at this time.

Charles screamed again: "I haven't bought a textbook yet!"

Jack frowned, thinking that this guy wouldn't ruin his image in McGonagall's heart.

Charles frantically took a shower, changed his robe, put on his glasses, picked up the book list and rushed to the fireplace, and rushed back to save the file when he was about to leave. Then go directly to the Leaky Cauldron with Floo powder.

Fortunately, you can buy books in one stop at Lihen Bookstore. The manager bundled the books for each grade into a stack, and now there is a stack of second grade books in the corner.

Charles checked the time and felt quite hungry. After eating an ice cream at Florin Fusco's ice cream shop, he went to the Leaky Cauldron to Floo to the Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade.

As soon as he came out of the fireplace, the whole bar suddenly boiled, some people cheered and some people stomped their feet in despondency.

Charles had question marks all over his head. Looking around, he found many people he knew, such as Spencer, who participated in the Potions Tournament, smiling happily, and the deans of the four colleges.

"Charles Smith!" Professor McGonagall looked very angry, "I never imagined that this year is actually you!"

The other three deans also looked very happy.

At this time, Ms. Rosmerta, the owner of the bar, came over and said: "Minerva, don't scare the students, it's not the start of school yet."

Charles couldn't figure out the situation, but he knew that he had caused trouble, so he immediately thought of an excuse: "Professor McGonagall, I'm worried about my garden, so I want to take a look at it in advance."

He didn't believe this excuse himself, but Professor McGonagall believed it, and said as usual: "I knew you were not a daredevil, you were late and missed the train."

However, Professor Flitwick disagreed: "Minerva, Charles didn't come by train anyway, Gryffindor is doomed to lose this year!"

Professor McGonagall didn't say anything else. If you lose, you lose. Just trying to save some face, it's better than Charles saying that he overslept.

Ms Rosmerta came and dragged Charles to an empty table, sat him down and said: "Eat whatever you want before lockdown, today we have a treat."

Charles trembled when he heard the word "lockdown". Although he still didn't understand the situation, it seemed that he couldn't escape today, so he had a good meal first, so he ordered Wellington steak, butter bacon sandwich, almond jam pie and cheese cauliflower .

Before Professor McGonagall left, he told him that he only had an hour, and that he would wait in the castle foyer when he was full.

At this moment, Spencer came over and sat across from him, smiled and said to him, "I didn't expect it to be you this year."

Charles asked while eating: "What's going on?"

"Students who miss the train come here every now and then like this, so every year there's a bet on who's missing this year, and the deans bet on which college it's from," Spencer said.

"This is the tradition of the Three Broomsticks, almost a hundred years old."

Charles has nothing to say, what he can think of can also be thought of by others, and he admits it.

An hour later, Charles came to the castle foyer, where Professor McGonagall was already waiting.

Professor McGonagall took him to the basement level and said on the way: "I thought you would get on the bus on time, but I didn't expect you to be late."

There was a big hole in what Charles said just now. Since he was worried about the garden, why didn't he come in the morning.

He asked cautiously: "Professor, what is confinement for?"

Professor McGonagall smiled and said, "Maybe it's not a punishment for you."

She opened the door to the kitchen where the house-elves were busy preparing this year's back-to-school dinner.

The content of the confinement is to help prepare the dinner.

Charles, who had gotten to know them last year, quickly joined them and made dumplings.

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