A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 148 Teaching Assistant

The teaching reform at Hogwarts started last year, starting with the preparation of the syllabus, and this year there are new policies.


When the students heard the new policy promulgated by the headmaster, they immediately talked about it. It is unprecedented for students to serve as teaching assistants for professors since the establishment of Hogwarts.

Not to mention monetary subsidies, for studious students, this is tantamount to getting more opportunities for guidance and learning.

According to the policy, each professor will have three teaching assistants. The number of teaching assistants has nothing to do with the college and is only determined by grade. There is one place for each of the three stages of grades 1 to 3, grades 4 and 5, and grades 6 and 7.

Charles is still wondering what new version this is, the dinner party is over.

As soon as he stood up, Professor McGonagall turned into a cat and galloped to the front of the chair, as if Professor Sprout and Professor Flitwick were staring there.

"Charles," Professor McGonagall said with a serious expression after returning, "come with me to the school infirmary."

Charles blinked and said, "I'm not feeling well."

Professor McGonagall just said "follow me" and turned to leave.

When walking towards the door of the cafeteria, Hermione tugged on Charles' sleeve and asked worriedly, "Are you sick?"

Charles shook his head blankly.

Seamus said on the other side: "Charles, I think your complexion is a bit bad."

Charles scratched his head, not understanding the situation.

In the school infirmary, Madam Pomfrey frowned as soon as she saw Charles's face, and asked him to take off his glasses to look at his eyes for a while, then raised her head and said to Professor McGonagall: "I think it's best to let Dumbledore come to see you." trip."

Hermione and Seamus, who were poking their heads out to inquire about the news, were taken aback by the door, and Charles himself was also a little panicked. Could this be the rhythm of naming the disease after his own name?

Professor McGonagall summoned his Patronus and sent it to Dumbledore.

This move made Hermione and Seamus exclaim.

Dumbledore soon appeared with a "biu", and Madam Pomfrey said to him, "Principal, look into Charles' eyes."

"What?" Dumbledore said, "Could it be that his eyes are broken from looking at the monitor all day?"

Professor McGonagall said from the side: "Mr. Smith has sent a letter. He found that Charles' complexion is very bad. There may be something wrong. Let me pay attention."

Charles looked at Dumbledore with a question mark on his head, and saw that his face became serious.

"Oh, it's my negligence." Dumbledore felt a little guilty, "I just thought his eyes were bloodshot from using the computer too much, so I didn't notice that the color of the bloodshot was dark red."

Charles continued to ask questions.

Dumbledore asked Charles seriously: "Did you meet a vampire during your vacation?"

Charles froze for a moment, nodded and replied, "I know a vampire friend."

Dumbledore asked again: "Which vampire sucked your blood?"

Charles nodded, thinking about it.

Dumbledore continued to ask: "Forcing you?"

This time Charles shook his head and said, "No, this friend's family is poor and can't afford human blood, so I let my friend taste it."

Now, those inside the school doctor's office and those eavesdropping outside are silent, and there is such an operation.

Dumbledore stared at Charles for a long time, and said, "If you are forced to, you can tell me. I don't think any vampire can threaten me."

"If you are willing, I must remind you that the saliva of vampires can produce a pleasant feeling, so that people will not feel pain when they bite a blood vessel."

"Its impact on people is huge and long-lasting. If it accumulates too much, it will eventually make people excited and cause damage to the heart."

Charles scratched his head, it was indeed like this, a bit like a mosquito, he joked and got cleaned up, but he didn't know that it would accumulate in his body.

At this moment, Professor McGonagall asked suddenly: "Charles, you probably found a vampire girl as your girlfriend?"

Charles shook his head quickly. Some things were agreed at the beginning, and he has no interest in being a tauren.

He said: "I did it voluntarily. That friend is also an orphan, and he has to make money to support himself."

All of a sudden, the inside and outside of the school doctor's room became quiet.

Madam Pomfrey said after a while, "Vampire's saliva is not considered poisoning, just like being drunk. Phoenix tears are probably useless."

"I'll give you a bottle of potion, take a sip every day before going to bed, to speed up the natural excretion."

After speaking, she went to the pharmacy to prepare the medicine.

Charles thought to himself that this potion might have to be kept on hand.

Since this guy is voluntary, Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall are relieved.

On the way out of the school infirmary, Professor McGonagall asked Charles, "Charles, are you interested in being my teaching assistant?"

Charles straightened his glasses and replied seriously: "I think Hermione is more suitable for the position of teaching assistant than me."

He was frightened by Voldemort and Snape last school year. If he hadn't time-traveled and had some experience, he would have been put to death in minutes by an ordinary first-year student.

So he decided to lie down this semester. He hadn't mastered the cheats he got in the hot cave back then, and left the annual boss to Harry to solve.

Hermione followed behind, thinking about being a teaching assistant in her heart. When she heard that Professor McGonagall wanted to find Charles, she felt depressed, but she didn't have any objection, after all, it was Charles.

When she was feeling down, she suddenly heard that Charles rejected Professor McGonagall, and recommended herself, and she became excited for a while.

Professor McGonagall was also a little surprised, and asked him: "Any other professors are looking for you?"

Although Charles' overall test scores last year were lowered by the results of History of Magic, the deans saw his talent and practical operation, so Professor Sprout was the first to release it at the professors meeting yesterday. Don't compete with me. Professor Flitwick said that such talented and virtuous people live there. Professor McGonagall smiled confidently and said nothing. Snape looked cold and didn't know what he was thinking. The newcomer Bell watched the excitement with great interest.

Charles didn't affirm or deny, just smiled without saying a word.

"Is it Bell?" Professor McGonagall suddenly thought that they had known each other in Ouagadou in the spring, and it was a fateful friendship, so it was not surprising that they were taken a step ahead.

Charles changed the topic and replied: "Hermione has been smart since she was a child, hardworking, good at studying, very obedient, and so cute. She will definitely be qualified for the position of teaching assistant."

Seamus turned to look at Hermione suspiciously, is it cute?

Hermione immediately ran her hands through her hair to make herself look more refreshed.

Professor McGonagall nodded slightly, and asked Hermione to come to her office tomorrow after dinner before everyone parted on the second floor.

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