A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 152 Sheep grow on the tree

The weather is getting colder, and there are fewer birds singing in the treetops. The Forbidden Forest is much quieter than before, but the animals on the ground are more active in order to survive the winter.

Charles came to the centaur tribe on the first Friday night of this semester, exchanged a batch of supplies, and ate and stayed overnight at Twilight's house as usual.

After a while, Charles noticed that Twilight had changed a little, and the key to the change was the dumbbell she had just put down.

"This is very useful!" Twilight said, wiping the sweat off her body, "Now I can catch up with Uncle Ronan in throwing stones."

Charles helped her wipe the back of that part of the horse and said thoughtfully, "I'll bring you some javelins to try next time."

Twilight said happily, "Okay, so I can fight again!"

After wiping off the sweat, she went to the well to fetch a bucket of water, washed the towels and hung them in the backyard to dry. Then she returned to the house and said to Charles, "The pumpkins by the lake are ready to be picked."

Charles said: "I'll have a look tomorrow and if the rind is hard enough and the pedicle has a white powder it can be picked."

"Yeah!" said Twilight, "there's a lot of pumpkins in the field."

After she lay down on her hay bed, she said, "After two summers, this year's sheep should be mature and ready to be picked."

Charles blinked, what's the situation, can't there be lamb chops on the tree?

Twilight fell asleep quickly after laying down on the hay bed, and Charles could only ask tomorrow.

At dawn the next day, the elders of the horse people called Charles over.

Seeing the Great Elder Baoxiang standing there solemnly, there was almost an exclamation mark floating above his head.

"Charles," the elder still gave the reward first and then the task, "please go to the valley in the northwest to pick twenty sheep and come back."

"Picking sheep?" Charles was at a loss. Could it be that the lamb chops really grow on trees?

He rode on his broomstick and found the valley that the Great Elder had mentioned until noon.

There are a lot of sheep in the valley, a large flock of white flowers, all hanging on the trees, and you can smell the smell of mutton standing on the top of the mountain.

Charles is sure that this is a magical plant researched by a wizard.

The smell of mutton attracted the surrounding mice and other small animals, and a nest of mice flew past his feet, and then the whole family of mice entered the snake's belly neatly amidst the screams.

There are many snakes in the mountains, and they seem to form a symbiosis with the tree with the sheep, and they are responsible for eating other animals that try to eat the sheep.

These snakes are as thick as happy water cans, about two meters long, black and white, black and white like cows.

Charles observed for a while and found that the transparency of the snake's body would change due to the intensity of the light. The black part could not be seen under sunlight, and the darker the light, the higher the transparency of the white part.

If you walk over the ground, it is really not easy to find the snake in the grass, and you will be bitten if you are not careful.

It's not very good to fly over. There are also snakes entrenched on the tree with sheep, and you will be bitten if you stretch out your hand.

Charles sat on a broomstick and floated in mid-air, studying the spell written by the old man, and after reading it, a black thread appeared on his head.

"The Confusion Curse, also known as the Imperius Curse, can make the target's head confused for a period of time, and can be used as a symbol for chain Avada Kedavra and other spells."

Charles frowned. This was no longer living in a single room in Azkaban, but the rhythm of a deep French kiss from the dementors.

He carefully read the spelling method of this spell, it was a bit difficult, and he only succeeded once in the evening, causing a mouse to crash into a tree root in a daze, but he regained consciousness immediately.

This is a good place to practice this spell, as there are plenty of snakes and enough targets.

It's just that today's time is not enough, and the sheep on the tree must be picked back first.

Charles is afraid of snake bites, but he is not afraid.

"Call God to protect you!"

"Who are you?!"

Charles knew that the Patronus would change, but that would require external stimulation. He didn't expect his Patronus to become a Japanese big sister.

This big sister is "big" in every way, wearing clothes with a lot of fabric but wasted on the long sleeves so that there is not much fabric on the skirt and chest and shoulders, only the right leg is wearing stockings, and the top of the head is tied He has a ponytail, long bangs blocking his right eye, four manjusawa in front of his neck, and a Nodachi as tall as a person in his hand. The ship behind him is equipped with three dual-mounted main guns.

Charles pondered for a long time, and when it got dark, he had some guesses. It may be that his soul was broken when he traveled through time, and some souls went to other worlds, but there was still a faint connection. If something happens, your patron saint here will change.

His thinking did not delay the elder sister of the patron saint, who was working hard, ran down the valley to pick off the sheep from the tree and ran back to the top of the mountain, and then ran to the next trip.

When Charles decided to go back, the patron saint had already picked up more than 20 white sheep with beautiful features.

These sheep are all fruits, which look the same as the real ones. They have no cavity, the stalk is at the position of the navel, the flesh is dense, the color is similar to mutton, the eyes are seeds, and the hair is very strong.

The horse people use the pulp as a healing medicine, cut it into finger-sized pieces and dry it for storage. When injured, eating it can stop bleeding and heal the wound immediately, and the fracture can also recover quickly.

Twilight and the other girls amused Charles with a sour face as he tasted a freshly cut piece, full of mutton.

"Is that a little mouse?" Twilight said with a smile. "It has to be roasted to eat."

The centaur girls are all busy. It seems that the sheep-like fruit is not easy to preserve. It seems that they will stay up late to process tonight. Charles chatted with Twilight, collected the seeds, and returned to Hogwarts.

As soon as he returned to the castle, he came to Professor Sprout's office, and released a sheep from his bag without saying a word.

Professor Sprout was stunned for a moment, then his eyes lit up, and he exclaimed, "Tree-born sheep?! Where did you buy it?"

She immediately got up and flipped through the books on the bookshelf beside her. After flipping through several books, she found what she was looking for.

It was an ancient notebook, which recorded the morphological characteristics of the tree-born sheep in beautiful fonts.

After observing the notebook, Professor Sprout said excitedly: "Great! There are seeds!!"

"Oh, the seeds are its eyes."

"Charles, one such arboreal sheep can be sold for 800 Galleons on the market, and they all have no seeds!"

Charles asked in disbelief, "Can it really be sold so expensive?"

Professor Sprout said, stroking the sheep, "Yeah, it's excellent for a healing potion."

"It was cultivated by wizards a long time ago, and it has disappeared for hundreds of years. More than 20 years ago, someone found the tree left by the previous wizards somewhere."

"Its output is very small, and it can only bear fruit in leap years. It bears less than ten each time. Even Dumbledore can't afford to buy it every time."

Charles blinked, this is the rhythm of hunger marketing.

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