A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 157 Lesson Preparation in the Forbidden Forest

Dumbledore could play, but Charles didn't expect him to be so good at it.

Live-action version of minesweeping, the grass on the grass forms a one-meter-square grid. Once you step on a mine, the mines in the entire field will explode. A mine can blow up the whole person to a height of more than ten meters, and the height can be superimposed Ask if you are afraid.

Of course, this explosion just allows you to experience the feeling of a roller coaster, and will not cause physical damage.

When Charles was pushed into the minefield by Hermione, he was thinking, how about asking Brother Yamada to help him buy some gal games and install them on the computer?

Playing minesweeper requires skill, and Charles quickly speeded through five 9×9 difficulty games.

Unexpectedly, the scope of the minefield suddenly expanded to 30×30, and many onlookers were also trapped inside.

Some of the trapped people were familiar with Charles, and Thiel, the president of the Oil Painting Association, said nervously to Charles: "Charles, you have to watch it before stepping on it!"

At this time, a 4 floated above her head. If the mines in the surrounding grids exploded, people would have to fly forty or fifty meters high.

Charles unhurriedly took out his camera and took a picture of Hermione. There was an 8 floating above her head, and a large area around her had no spaces like Teal.

Those in the empty space breathed a sigh of relief, and hid in the middle of the place one after another to avoid being affected.

After putting away the camera, Charles studied the numbers floating in the air, and said confidently: "Don't worry, everyone, I can definitely let you go out safely."

At this time, there was a phoenix cry in the sky, and the ruby ​​came back and landed in front of Charles.

In the Forbidden Forest, Harry was hanging a warning sign on a tree when he suddenly looked in the direction of the castle and asked doubtfully, "Thunder?"

Bell smiled and said, "At Hogwarts, this kind of thing is just a habit."

The next moment, he suddenly whispered: "Attention everyone!"

Harry and the other two teaching assistants instantly raised their wands and looked around nervously.

"There's a stone lizard nearby," Bell whispered. "Let's see who can catch it."

"Be careful, if you are bitten by it, you will be petrified."

Harry and the others immediately carefully observed every inch of the surrounding land and trees, looking for stone lizards hiding around.

The three of them searched for ten minutes, but found nothing. Surrounded by towering trees that had begun to shed their leaves, yellow grass, a stream that was almost dry, and a large rock by the stream.

Some people suspected that the stone lizard was hiding on a big rock, and threw a small stone over it, but it was bounced away.

At this time, Bell said again: "I've decided, today's lunch is stone lizards, if you can't find them, you will only be hungry."

Harry and the others suddenly wailed again and again.

As the saying goes, there is no way out when mountains and rivers are full of doubts, and there is another village where the willows are dark and the flowers are bright.

The voices of these guys startled the stone lizard, and it suddenly stood up from the two-meter-square stone and looked around, densely packed, a bit scary.

These stone lizards are palm-length, and the scales on their backs will change color. When lying on the stone, they will become exactly like the stone. The belly is black with dark red spots, and the tail is thick and short like a finger.

"The book just says they are lazy," Bell said to the teaching assistants in a low voice, "In reality, as long as it is not hungry, it will not move, and it will not attack people if it is not stepped on, and it will be hit by a small stone as if nothing happened. "

"They are very sensitive to sounds like screams, so your shouts just now alarmed them."

"If they smell blood at this time, or hear the sound of fighting, they will run to places like crevices in the stone."

"Now you can walk over slowly and look at them without getting bitten."

Harry and the others walked towards the big rock lightly and slowly, as if they were wandering around the castle in the middle of the night without disturbing Filch.

The eight eyes of the three people and a large group of stone lizards looked at each other more than one meter away. The stone lizards felt that they were just passing by and didn't seem hostile, so they lay down and continued to bask in the sun.

An hour later, Bell squatted by a distant stream roasting lizards.

After cleaning the stone lizard's internal organs and poison sacs, he stuffed some white meat that he picked at an unknown time, and then skewered it and roasted it.

Harry is very interested in this kind of picnic, but Bell said: "Although survival in the wild is very interesting, it is a course after the sixth grade, otherwise you may become a delicious meal for other animals."

"Yeah!" Harry said with lingering fear, "A few months ago we were surrounded by many spiders the size of a carriage, and we were almost eaten."

While roasting the lizard, Bell said: "Acromantulas are huge and easy to hit, but they are too numerous and scary, and it is easy for people to lose the courage to fight."

"Students from Year 5 onwards will have the opportunity to see them, and that's when they start learning how to deal with large magical creatures."

After he finished speaking, he handed the baked stone lizard to the students, especially reminding not to eat the skin.

After taking the skewers, Harry asked, "Then what do we learn?"

"Naturally, the normal, less dangerous troublemakers," Bell said.

"Many people never meet dragons in their lives, but deal with mischievous elves and garden gnomes every day."

Harry thought it was the same. In his daily life, he had to deal with cockroaches, rats and other animals the most. The biggest threat was stray dogs. There was no chance to see ferocious animals outside the zoo.

"Huh?" He suddenly looked at the grilled skewer in his hand, and frowned slightly.

Seeing him like this, Bell asked, "Does it not taste good?"

Harry shook his head and said, "I seem to have eaten somewhere before."

Bell said while eating: "It tastes a bit like chicken. It can provide you with five times the energy of beef. It is also used to prepare potions. Sometimes Madam Pomfrey uses it to make nutritious meals for students. Maybe you Have eaten it before."

Harry continued to eat thoughtfully, but he always felt that he had eaten stone lizard meat before, before coming to Hogwarts.

Especially the feeling of fullness, just a little meat makes me feel half full. I must have encountered this kind of thing before.

They had a quick lunch before continuing on to nail up the sign in the Forbidden Forest.

According to Bell's plan, on the same route, the higher the grade, the farther it will go, and there must be relevant animal and plant habitats along the route, and it should not be too dangerous. A lot of brain cells were wasted in order to determine the route.

"Stop!" Bell suddenly became nervous and asked everyone to get behind him.

Harry suddenly heard a "da" and said nervously, "It's an acromantula!"

Bell listened carefully for a while, then said in a low voice: "There is only the voice of an acromantula, so it should be alone."

"Follow me, no matter what happens, don't get lost."

Harry asked nervously, "Is there really only one?"

Bell nodded and said, "The sound it makes can be heard."

A group of people hid behind a big tree, and heard the sound getting closer, and soon a huge black shadow came out of the forest.

It was a not-small adult acromantula, walking very slowly, with two javelins sticking out of its back half.

Bell asked everyone to breathe slowly, not to make a big noise, and let the acromantula walk over by itself.

He couldn't be sure if the acromantula was alone, or if it was a scout walking ahead.

At this moment, a moon idiot suddenly ran out from the depths of the forest, and the movement attracted the injured acromantula, while Bell and others were between them.

The giant eight-eyed spider immediately turned around and rushed towards the moon idiot.

An hour later, Harry frowned while eating the fire-roasted spider legs.

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