A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 166 Picnic

Bell has a keen intuition for the coming of danger, and it is in this way that he can survive in the dangerous wilderness intact.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sound of "da da" in the depths of the forbidden forest.

Ron's face turned pale, and he hugged Harry's arm and said in panic, "Spider...spider!"

The large group of acromantulas that appeared on the night of the confinement last semester scared him so much that he still has nightmares from time to time, and now the nightmares have come again.

Charles straightened his glasses, and said to Bell, "It's not acromantus, it's spinback spiders, there are only four of them."

Bell frowned and said in surprise, "How did they appear here?"

Charles scratched his head and said, "Maybe the acromanders suffered heavy losses in the summer fire, so they ran back."

Spikeback spiders used to be widely distributed in the Forbidden Forest, but they were killed by someone a hundred years ago and became a rare species. Fifty years ago, the acromantula rose up, and they ran to the edge of the west.

No one expected that they would come back now.

Bell thought for a while and asked Charles, "Can you protect your classmates?"

Charles nodded.

Now Bell has understood the strength of the students. Seamus is a miracle worker, Harry is a diamond in the rough, and Charles is technical. Not to mention magic ability, the more important tactical quality is much higher than that of many adult wizards. trust.

Bell made up his mind and asked the students behind him: "Does anyone know about thornback spiders?"

Hermione replied with a trembling voice: "Spinback spiders are very large spiders with poisonous spines on their backs that they shoot out to attack their prey."

Bell said: "Good answer, five points from Gryffindor."

"Now four thornback spiders are coming, who would like to collect dinner materials for us?"

Ron immediately yelled in horror: "We want to eat that terrible thing?!"

At this time, four thornback spiders appeared in the dark woods. Their huge bodies and hideous appearance made other students agree with Ron's words very much.

Seamus patted Ron on the shoulder and said confidently: "Don't worry, with me here, you eat it, not it eats you."

After Seamus stood up, everyone felt relieved. There are three first-class medalists of the Order of Merlin here, so they should be fine.

Bell asked: "Which brave Gryffindor would stand up?"

Harry appeared beside Seamus, holding his wand a little nervously.

Bell had seen enough people, so he started teaching on the spot: "I said two test sites."

"The thorns on the thornback spider's back are not far away. You can use the repelling spell taught in the last lesson to repel them. No matter what kind of dangerous beast you are dealing with, controlling the distance between yourself and it is the most important thing."

"To deal with wild beasts, you need targeted spells. Spiders are afraid of fire."

The thornback spider was a little cautious when it found that there were many people here, and approached slowly, shooting out the poisonous stinger on its back as soon as it reached the shooting range.

"The wind whirls suddenly!"

Bell made a move, and a wall of tornadoes appeared in front of him, blowing the stinger away without a trace.

"Remember the distance of the stinger!"

"Fight back at full speed!"

"Blazing flames!"

Bell first repelled a thornback spider for a few meters, and then burned its body to maturity.

The other three thornback spiders accelerated their charge, ready to approach and shoot.


Seamus was still a little nervous, the repelling spell changed into a blasting spell, the big spider in front of him flew backwards, hit the tree heavily, and its abdomen was blown apart.

Harry was well-behaved, and after repelling the thornback spider he was in charge of, he set the spider's head on fire with a spell, destroying the enemy at the smallest cost.

This guy Charles first used the "Snape Unhappiness Curse", and the thornback spider hung upside down as if all eight legs were lifted, and then he let it fall to the ground on its back to prevent it from shooting poisonous stings, and finally used Stoned to death.

The battle was over, and the students finally breathed a sigh of relief.


"Why are you so proficient?"

Bell also wanted to show Charles how to harvest and cook spider legs. Unexpectedly, this guy was not only very skilled in harvesting spider legs, but also very familiar with cooking.

Charles just smiled.

Bell's method is to find a slate, light a fire under it, take out the meat and make it into a slate, and add some mushrooms to season it.

After putting water in the pot where the mushroom soup was originally prepared, Charles cut the long spider leg meat into pieces and put it in the cold water to blanch, and then put some mushrooms he knew to cook together.

The other part of the spider's leg is cut at the toe, and wine is poured in from the heel until it emerges from the toe, and finally a long charcoal fire pit is lit, and the whole leg is roasted in it.

It was already dark when everyone used polymorphing to make bowls and forks out of wood.

Before eating, Bell said to the students: "Dangers are everywhere in the wild, and you need to place warning spells around you before eating and resting."

Then he demonstrated how to cast the spell on the spot, focusing on where it should be arranged and where loopholes are likely to appear.

It was time to eat. By the campfire, Harry was holding a wooden bowl containing mushroom spider leg soup, and with a wooden fork, he forked a piece of meat and stuffed it in front of Ron.

Ron's face was pale. There was only soup and mushrooms in the bowl. He shook his head and refused: "No, no, I can just eat mushrooms."

"It's okay," Harry said with a strange smile on his face, "just eat one piece, just eat one piece."

"You don't want Ginny to think you're a coward, do you?"

Ron hesitated for about ten seconds, and finally ate a piece of spider meat.

"Huh?" Question marks and exclamation marks filled his head the next moment, "I've eaten this kind of meat before!"

He used his fork to eat a few more pieces from Harry's bowl, his eyes widened, and he suddenly turned his head to look at Charles who was sitting not far away.

That's right, Charles used to cook this meat quite often for his late-night suppers!

Ron was completely dumbfounded, and he didn't come back to his senses until everyone was full and ready to go back.

On the way back, a large group of Moon Crazy Beasts ran by nearby, which shocked the students.

They also saw a unicorn drinking water in the distance, and after being alarmed, its silvery figure quickly disappeared into the forest.

When preparing to leave the Forbidden Forest, everyone had an unexpected harvest.

Bell looked at the two students caught in front of him with a smile on his face, and said, "I'll give you a minute to explain."

Seeing Ron in the crowd, Fred immediately said, "We didn't see Ron at dinner, and we were afraid that he might get lost in the Forbidden Forest, so we came to look for him."

George also said: "Yeah, Ginny is very worried, what will happen if Ron is taken away by the fox."

Ron gritted his teeth and stared at the two guys.

Bell said: "Have you reported to Professor McGonagall or Professor Dumbledore?"

The twins have nothing to say.

Charles and Seamus lost all the points they earned for Gryffindor today.

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