A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 178 I'm Really Not Teasing You

Since Charles drew the flow chart of potion preparation with the Q version of Snape as the main character, there have been fewer and fewer accidents in potions class.

Nowadays, most of the accidents are that students are too hesitant to add materials and miss the opportunity, or they are too anxious to vote too much, and the second is that there is a problem with the processing of the materials, either the processing is not in place, or there are impurities, and a few of them are not even seen by Snape. wonderful operation.

Today, Ron followed the procedure. First, add 2 spoons of dried nettles and 3 parts of puffer fish eyes to the mortar and grind them into fine powders. Add 2 parts of the mixture powder to the crucible, heat it on medium heat for 20 seconds, wave the wand, and then Boil for about 60 minutes.

Because of the relationship between the heat and the crucible, when the potion starts to turn green, add 1 part of bat spleen, some people earlier, some people later.

Ron had just added the bat spleen, and the cauldron seemed to be a beacon of ignited smoke. When Snape arrived, thick black and green smoke had enveloped the ceiling.

"You idiot!" Snape pointed angrily at the flow chart on the podium, "Do you know where to turn counterclockwise?"

After the potion is added to the bat spleen, you only need to stir it counterclockwise 4 times, heat it on a low heat for 30 seconds, and finally wave the wand to complete the potion making. Almost no one can make a mistake in this step.

Ron was a little silly at this time. He originally planned to cook the potion on a high fire while heating it on a low heat, but he didn't expect to make such a big noise by accident.

But that's okay, Snape was brought over as planned.

Seeing that Ron was in a daze, Snape continued to ask him in a cold voice, "How do you turn counterclockwise?"

Ron asked puzzledly: "What is counterclockwise?"

Snape's first reaction was that this guy was looking for faults. Is there really anyone who doesn't know what counterclockwise is?

"Mr. Weasley," he sneered, "teasing the professor is very bad behavior, and I think students who make such mistakes should be severely punished."

"After class, you and I will meet the head of Gryffindor, and we will have a good discussion on how to confine the professor with despicable jokes."

Ron's head was full of question marks, and he didn't understand the situation.

Hermione overheard Snape's words a few seats away, implying that Harry's operation was off.

Harry suppressed a smile, showing that he understood.

Potions class was over, and the students roared out of the classroom to go to the cafeteria for dinner.

The Burrow, Ottery St. Catchpole, Devon, green flames blazing in the fireplace.

Arthur and Molly, who were eating dinner, were very nervous. They were afraid that Professor McGonagall would tell them which child was attacked like Percy. Professor McGonagall gave them a reassuring smile. Ron still didn't understand the situation. He stared blankly at the Weasley clock on the wall.

The construction of the Weasleys' clocks is different from other places: they are not used to tell the time. There are nine gold needles on the dial of the wall clock in the living room, and each pointer is engraved with the names of every member of the Weasley family. There are no numbers on the clock face, but words such as home, school, and work are written. Arthur, Molly, and Ron pointed to "home", Percy's pointed to "hospital", the elder and eldest two laborers pointed to "work", and the other children pointed to school. The wall clock in the kitchen has only one pointer, and there are no numbers on the clock face, only words such as make tea, lunch and feed the chickens.

Professor McGonagall said to Snape with a smile: "Severus, Ron didn't mean to tease you."

Snape took a deep breath, and felt that the Weasleys were quite magical in the wizarding world. The children in the family had never seen a normal clock when they were twelve years old.

He snorted coldly, turned and left from the fireplace.

Professor McGonagall said to the Weasleys: "Charles asked friends from the Waggadu Magic School in Africa to help buy the mandrakes that will mature next month. Lupine is waiting there and will deliver them as soon as possible. At Hogwarts, Percy will be able to dispense the medicine by then."

Arthur just nodded sullenly, because of the wall clock in the living room, they knew that Percy had an accident the morning after the accident.

It's just that Arthur and Molly thought it was caused by the fight between the students at first, until Professor McGonagall came to invite them to Hogwarts.

The first thing Ron did after returning to Hogwarts was to go to the bathroom occupied by Myrtle, Harry guarded behind the door, and Hermione concentrated on adding ingredients to the steaming cauldron.

"We got all the ingredients." Harry didn't let Ron disturb Hermione, who was concentrating, "After Snape took you away, Hermione and I went to his office to find everything that could be used for Polyjuice Potion." Herbs."

"In order to prevent Snape from guessing what kind of potion we were making, he asked for some more."

Ron said sullenly, "As long as we become students of Slytherin and ask Malfoy where the Chamber of Secrets is, I will make him die of pain!"

Harry patted him on the shoulder and said earnestly, "Ron, I'm very sorry what happened to Percy, but I hope you won't be blinded by hatred."

"I saw from "Introduction to European Black Magic" that some dark wizards were just ordinary people at the beginning, but negative emotions such as hatred, jealousy, and greed distorted their psychology, and finally walked towards Azkaban with black magic."

Ron said coldly, "I don't care."

Harry frowned and said, "Do you want Ginny to cry all day that you've turned into a Dark wizard like Voldemort?"

Ron shivered suddenly, came back to his senses, and immediately realized that something seemed wrong with him.

"Harry, I'm... nothing."

He hesitated to reveal his little secret, but finally gave up.

Harry put his arms around his neck and said, "It's okay, you can talk to me about anything in the future, if you can't talk to me, it's the same with Hermione, we're friends."

Ron shook his head inwardly. Hermione would go crazy if she found out that she accidentally learned that spell while looking for clues in the Restricted Section for revenge.

In the corner of the girls' bathroom, someone they couldn't see or notice couldn't help but nodded.

Luckily for Ron, when he was about to go astray, he had a friend to help him back to the right path.

At this moment, Harry suddenly thought of something, and said to Ron very seriously: "You can't tell Charles, especially if he said that if he said it, he would give you money."

"Yes!" Hermione, who had just finished filling the potion today, nodded approvingly behind them. "When he was in primary school, he asked a classmate what was on his mind, and said that if he told it, he would give him 10 pounds."

"After the classmate said it, he immediately yelled out loud, and then he really gave 10 pounds!"

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