A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 180 Emergency

When Charles came back, he complained to the old man several times about what happened that night.

But he can only say that whoever made the old man run all the way back from Australia was just worried about someone and didn't care about anything else.

The old man has this kind of temper. He lives longer and sees more. People who are not close to him have life and death, so I can't control so much.

Tonight is the day when students from grades 1 to 3 will have fighting club activities, but the temperature drops suddenly in the evening. Bell is worried that his pregnant wife will catch a cold and ask for leave to go home. Professor Flitwick is busy writing textbooks, and even Seamus and other teaching assistants will ask for help. Go help out.

When Harry and the others left Myrtle's bathroom and came to the Old Theatre, their faces were very ugly, because today's fighting club was hosted by Snape.

Snape should be a half-blood prince who knows how to kill the Death Star and Mars if he doesn't mess around. They were simply divided into groups. Basically, every Gryffindor was assigned a Slytherin as an opponent.

Harry looked at the third-year Slytherins in front of him a little disappointed, because Malfoy didn't come tonight, otherwise he would beat him until he revealed where the Chamber of Secrets was on the spot.

Snape announced the start of the event, and just a moment later, the wand had just cast a spell or two, the students began to enter the melee stage, and the whole old theater was in chaos.

I saw Crabbe ignoring the sage growing on his face and neck, and yelling at Neville, he was going to throw him to the ground and beat him.

On the side, Goyle had just blocked Ron's spell, and also rushed over, knocking the wand in his hand away.

A cruel smile appeared on Goyle's face, and his wand was pointed at Ron.

Ron seemed to be frightened, with a terrified expression on his face, waving his hands wildly, trying to block the spell that Goyle was about to cast with his hands.

Goyle suddenly flew high without any warning, and hit his head heavily on the ceiling with a toothache sound. When he landed, he hit Crabbe right on top of him, and Neville let out a scream.

Ron dragged Neville out from under Goyle and Crabbe, looked around, and found that the three grades of Gryffindor and Slytherin were in a ball, Hufflepuff and Lavin Crowe's students didn't know when they started cheering from the sidelines.

On the other side, Harry put his glasses back on, and there were a few Slytherin students lying at his feet. These guys didn't look like they had been knocked down by a spell.

The battle between the girls is equally fierce, but the girls are not ladylike when they wrestle together, so I won't go into details in the book.

After Ron retrieved his wand, Harry took him to walk around the battlefield.

The two beat the sap, and the Slytherin students fell down wherever they passed.

A third year Slytherin suddenly cast a spell on Harry, and Harry turned around and the spell hit Justin Finch, a Hufflepuff who was watching.

The unlucky child instantly became like an inflated balloon, slowly floating into the air, and then a strong air flow spurted out from his body, and the whole person flew around under the reaction force.

Luna was still wandering in this situation, but fortunately she was pulled by a Hufflepuff student behind her, and Justin flew past where she was standing just now.

Justin finally slammed on the door, knocking the heavy wooden doors of the old theater open.

Snape saw that his nose was bleeding and told him to go to the school hospital by himself.

Justin's nose will stop bleeding soon, because he has turned into a stone statue and fell to the ground, next to the fat monk who is smoking black.

Filch spotted them half an hour later, sirens blaring from the castle.

All students were asked to quickly return to their common rooms, and the students in the old theater ran down the corridors in groups according to their colleges.

Not long after Harry and the others returned to the common room, Professor McGonagall came and stood in front of the door opening, taking a roster roll from senior to junior.

"Seamus Finnigan."

No one answered in the common room. Everyone, you look at me and I look at you. Dean Thomas ran to the dormitory to look around.

Dean just wanted to report to Professor McGonagall when he came back. Everyone felt a shock at their feet, followed by a faint thunderous explosion.

It was as if a pot had exploded in the common room, and the noise almost knocked the ceiling down.

Professor McGonagall's face turned pale immediately, but he quickly calmed down again. He waved his wand and released the Patronus, letting them inquire about the situation.

"Quiet!" She made everyone quiet, "Seventh grade students move closer to me."

This couldn't be more obvious. The sound of the explosion is not very far away. If any enemies break in, they are the first line of defense and the most dangerous place.

Eleanor bit her lips tightly, picked up the handbag and wand on the long table, and was the first to stand beside Professor McGonagall.

"Be careful." Professor McGonagall calmly nodded to the students who came one after another, and then began to roll their names.

"Ginny Weasley..."

There was silence in the common room again. Some people looked around, and some went to the dormitory to look for it.

Ron rushed to the door, but was caught by Fredella, and George immediately went back to the dormitory, trying to find where Ginny was using the Marauder's Map.

At this moment, the door of the common room opened, and Ginny came in pale and trembling, followed by the ghost of a noble lady who lived in the castle.

"It's terrible!" said the lady ghost to Professor McGonagall. "There was an explosion downstairs, and the corridor was full of smoke. I can't see what happened."

"I found the child on the third floor, and now he's home safely."

"Sigh, the fat monk is such a kind and kind ghost, I never thought he would be murdered."

Professor McGonagall asked her: "Is anyone else hurt?"

"I don't know yet." The lady shook her head, "I'll check again, I'm worried that there are still students who haven't returned to the common room. student."

Ginny looked terrified, sobbing softly on the long table as soon as she sat down.

Fred and George tried to tell her a joke, but it backfired, and Hermione quickly dismissed her.

The roll call ended, except for Charles, who was on a long vacation, only Seamus was not in the common room.

During this period, a silver phoenix flew to Professor McGonagall's side and whispered a few words, making her face instantly pale as the snowflakes falling outside the castle, and the hand holding the roster still trembled a little until the roll call ended.

The students whispered to each other that something might have happened to Seamus.

Professor McGonagall turned to Eleanor and said, "Take someone to check all the dormitories, and lock all the windows if it's safe."

Eleanor immediately left with a few able-bodied students in grades six and seven. Professor McGonagall also disarmed the defense system leading to the girls' dormitory, allowing boys to go up temporarily.

After the inspection, Professor McGonagall asked everyone to go back to the dormitory to sleep immediately, and took a vigil with him.

Few people could sleep tonight. Fred and George looked for useful clues through the Marauder's Map together, but apart from seeing the names of Justin, Seamus, and Cedric side by side with the names of Percy and Penello Nothing but being together.

Ginny covered herself in the quilt and kept crying, while Hermione sat on the edge of the bed and kept comforting her in a low voice.

In the early hours of the morning, Dumbledore came to the common room and sat opposite Professor McGonagall.

He said in a low voice, "Three students and the fat monk were attacked tonight. Justin Fenriely, Seamus Finnigan and Cedric Diggory are the same as Percy."

Professor McGonagall asked him, "Any clues?"

Dumbledore replied, "Yes, but not many."

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