A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 196 One dares to teach and the other dares to learn

No matter who you are, you can't stop talking about something you like with someone.

Tom was no exception. Being a relationship counselor for Ginny and helping Harry Potter with his homework had already made him quite irritated. Now there was a person who was willing to discuss advanced magical knowledge with him, and he talked endlessly for a while. .

"Determination, determination is the most important thing!" Tom's tone between the lines was a bit like that of a professor in class. "I emphasize again that compound spells are not simply two spells used one after another. They need to be combined into one spell."

"In other words, the composite spell is not a piece of cake plus another piece of cake, but cake and cream combined into a cream cake," Charles wrote.

Tom was used to him comparing food to food from time to time, and replied: "It can be understood that you can combine two or even more spells into one. Although the length is increased, it has unexpected effects."

"There is no secret to this method, it can only rely on hard work."

Charles couldn't help but nodded and wrote "Thank you" in his notebook.

Just now, Charles provoked Tom, saying that his magic level was not good enough. Tom said something to prove himself, but Charles immediately said that he knew all these things, and finally said the compound spell, a technique he had never heard of before.

Charles's reply made Tom sigh in relief. He sighed that the main body had really accepted a good student. He was so good at Avada Kedavra in the second grade. He finally relied on the one he had seen before that he had never mastered. The knowledge points were fooled.

In order to consolidate his authority, Tom continued to throw out knowledge: "When casting a spell, you can specify the effective part. For example, you can make the bones disappear in a specific part of the spell, instead of pointing the wand at which part it will take effect."

"It requires a little skill, but the core is your determination."

"Do you know Latin?"

Charles didn't expect Tom to ask this, but he quickly understood the meaning.

He was not like some people who thought that all the spells were in English. In fact, even some of the spells taught at Hogwarts and the spells circulated among British wizards came from Latin or even French, such as The spell "Reducto" for the Crushing Curse comes from Latin, and the spell "Revulsion" for the Extraction Curse comes from French.

The wizards didn't want to accidentally recite the spell when talking, so they made a slight change to the spell, which was slightly different from the original words.

If you can master the etymology of the spell, you can better understand the original meaning of the spell, which will help you learn and use it.

So Charles wrote in Latin: "I know Latin."

Tom replied in English: "You know the curse 'Densaugeo', it is often used in fights between students. It is an example of a spell that specifies the effective part."

"The spell Densaugeo of this curse is composed of the Latin words 'dens' and 'augeo', which in English are teeth and increase respectively. Its original function is to make the long teeth split the jaw and even penetrate the brain."

"Later, someone made some improvements in the swing of the stick so that the spell would only be effective on the front teeth."

Charles was shocked. He didn't expect this curse to have such origin.

He wrote: "So how can we improve the existing spells?"

Tom showed: "I'll teach you a spell to make bones come out of the body."

Charles immediately wrote: "This magic teacher taught me this spell. I have used it several times and the effect is very good."

Tom thought to himself, it’s not surprising that this kid has used this spell several times, but he didn’t expect that he had actually used it. He just didn’t know if it was really effective, so he said to him: "If this spell is not used properly, it will cause a lot of harm." Injuries may even be life-threatening.”

Charles thought about the fish and chickens whose bones he had used this spell to debone, and wrote: "They were meant to die."

Tom immediately asked him: "Have you ever killed anyone?"

Charles just wrote "Yes."

Tom was silenced all of a sudden. This guy was only in his second year and had already killed someone earlier than himself.

"Could he be a genius like himself?" Tom thought.

His soul as a professor suddenly burned, so he should train Charles well and see how high he could reach.

A page full of words appeared on the notebook, and finally Tom displayed: "You start with these first, and ask me if you don't understand anything."

Charles quickly recorded these contents in his notebook. He no longer cares about black magic or not. Anyway, he has learned the Avada Kedavra, a simplified version of the Soul-Impering Curse, and the three unforgivable curses. After understanding half of it, he was considered the number one person in Azkaban.

After recording and thanking him, he smiled slightly and slowly wrote: "Do you know about Horcruxes?"

"Do you know how to make a Horcrux?"

"I asked the teacher, but he only explained what a Horcrux was, not how to do it."

Tom was silent, and no new words appeared in his notebook for more than ten minutes.

Charles thought he had run out of ink, so he poured another bottle of ink into it.

"Enough ink!" Tom responded, "The Horcrux is too far away for you. Lay the foundation first. If an accident occurs during the production process, the soul will be irreparably damaged."

He thought he could scare Charles, but he didn't expect this guy to write like a spoiled child: "Mr. Riddle, who is unmatched in intelligence at Hogwarts, just tell me. I just want to know how it works. I definitely wouldn’t try it now.”

Tom was silent for a moment, thinking that if he could win Charles over, he might be able to get the energy he had been looking for for a long time, and then he could regain his true body.

As for the real body, the one who was almost killed by the baby is no longer qualified to be "Voldemort". He must be destroyed and replaced by himself.

"I will only tell you the general process of making a Horcrux."

Tom's writing appears on the notebook.

"Making a Horcrux requires a very unique magical energy. It was once stored somewhere in Hogwarts, and it should still be there now."

"If you want to make a Horcrux, you must first find this magic power. Otherwise, I won't tell you the specific method. It will only harm you."

Charles frowned slightly, feeling that what he said made sense. He would have believed it if he hadn't known that the energy Voldemort was looking for was ancient magical power that could be used by very few people, including the old man.

He learned from the old man that that kind of ancient magical power required people with special talents to use it. He, Dumbledore, and Voldemort obviously did not have such talents. After the old man, no one could find clues that required talents to see.

To Charles, it didn't matter whether he had this power or not, and he didn't bother to look for it, but that didn't stop him from dealing with Tom first.

"Okay," Charles wrote, "I'll be looking for the kind of power you're talking about. Can you give me a clue?"

Tom immediately responded: "Sure, I'll give you the clue."

"But you can't tell anyone about this, not even Dumbledore or your teacher Voldemort."

Charles pretended to be surprised and wrote: "How do you know who my teacher is???"

He wrote a long list of question marks and seemed very shocked.

Tom just said lightly: "I know him and he knows me."

After a moment he added: "We are relatives."

Charles chose to believe: "So that's it."

Tom added: "Don't tell him about my affairs, our relationship is not very good."

Charles still believed: "I understand, I will definitely not tell him."

Tom asked him to keep it a secret just to save trouble. It didn't matter if he was discovered. As the boss of the Horcruxes, he had a lot of communication with the main body and recorded a lot of experiences and research on magic. The main body would not destroy him.

Charles also vaguely guessed that this notebook was Voldemort's "removable hard drive" and thought it would be a pity to destroy it directly. Maybe it contained Voldemort's Gringotts account and password, so he tried to see if he could get it out.

Not long after, the process of making a Horcrux appeared on the notebook, starting with killing people.

These contents are very general, but it does not prevent Charles from recording them.

Although Charles could have gone to the restricted book section to find books about Horcruxes, the personal statements of the people involved were more useful, and the details were certainly more detailed than those recorded in the books.

Maybe there are some errors in the book, and the person involved can correct them.

Charles recorded these contents with a cipher quill, and even Voldemort would only think it was a recipe when he saw it.

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