A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 198 I want a notebook

Here in Gryffindor, boys are not allowed to enter the girls' dormitories, but girls can move around unhindered in the boys' dormitories.

Everyone was busy in the common room, and no one noticed that Ginny walked up the stairs leading to the boys' dormitory.

In fact, it doesn't matter if she notices it. Everyone will just think that she is looking for some brother.

Ginny carefully walked up the stairs, saw that there was no one in the corridor, and tiptoed towards the second-year students' dormitory.

During dinner today, when Ginny was paying attention to Harry as usual, she heard him and Charles talking about a strange notebook. From it, it was certain that the culprit who petrified Percy and others was in Charles' hands. .

Many students now went to the Duel Club, and Ginny didn't see Charles in the common room, so she assumed he was also there.

It's just that Ginny wasn't sure whether Charles kept the notebook in the dormitory or took it with him. It was okay to leave it in the dormitory, but if he took it with him, he would have to find an excuse to ask.

Ginny was very worried. She heard Harry say that asking Charles for help would have to pay a price. If he wanted to let himself...

The little girl was very distressed because she couldn't do her second grade homework.

The door to Charles and Seamus' room was closed, and Ginny put her ear to it and heard no sound at all.

She swallowed nervously, pressed her slightly trembling hand on the door, and pushed it out hard.


The girl's screams stopped abruptly.

Ginny covered her mouth, nervous as she saw the situation in the room.

Between the two beds, there was a nail standing upside down on the ground. On the tip of the nail stood an upside-down Charles. He had his legs together and his body stretched straight. His left hand was behind his waist, and only the tip of his right index finger pointed above the nail.

If you look closely, you can see that there is no contact between his fingertips and the tip of the nail, and there is enough space to fit a piece of parchment.

Charles didn't seem to hear Ginny's cry and continued to float upside down quietly, motionless.

Ginny didn't dare to make a sound or move for fear of scaring Charles and causing him to fall.

After a few minutes, Charles suddenly waved his right hand, and his whole body rose half a meter high, then turned over and landed safely.


He took a deep breath and waved his hand to bring a towel hanging on the bed. This towel was steaming, and it was very comfortable to use to wipe sweat at this time.

"Ginny?" Charles pretended not to know why she appeared here, "Why are you here?"

"Oh, you want to see those biting cabbages that Fred and George mentioned. I'll take you to see them."

After saying that, he took Ginny to the dormitory not far away.

The new breed of biting cabbage in the empty dormitory is now as big as a volleyball, its teeth reflecting the silvery metallic sheen.

Charles was like giving a lesson to Ginny. Not only did he explain the origins and key points of growing these cabbages, he also gave Ginny beef jerky and long tweezers to feed the cabbage.

This guy was eating beef jerky that was the same as cabbage and still kept talking: "These cabbages bloom in April and will be moved outside to produce seeds before the holidays."

"Professors Sprout and Snape said that the leaves of this kind of cabbage have good medicinal value and can be sold at a good price."

"Especially their teeth, which have special magic power and can easily penetrate the armor in the corridor."

After he finished speaking, Ginny said carefully: "Charles, I want..."

Charles immediately said enthusiastically: "You want to plant it, no problem. When the seeds are mature, I will give you some. You can take them home and plant them in a circle outside your garden to prevent thieves."

His expression looked like he was recommending his favorite games to others.

Ginny just shook her head and noticed a very disappointed expression on Charles' face, and immediately said: "Thank you, I think mother will be very happy."

She continued: "I want to ask you..."

Charles immediately said: "You are asking why I floated like that just now. It's actually nothing. It is a method of training concentration and can increase the speed of casting spells. I can teach you if you want to learn it."

Ginny immediately shook her head and said in a quick tone: "My notebook was damaged by ink. I wanted to ask Ron if he has an empty notebook. Do you have a blank notebook? An old one will do."

She finished her words in one breath. She just came up with this excuse. She felt good about herself and thought Charles would believe it.

Charles looked convinced and said, "Blank notebook, I have extra here, I'll get it to you."

He put some stationery on the table in the dormitory to record what Tom said, and asked Ginny to wait here for a while before going back and getting a new notebook.

After a while, Charles returned to the room where the cabbage was grown. After handing over the new notebook, Ginny looked embarrassed and said, "This is new. It's too expensive. I just want the old one."

This excuse was hard to find. If it is used so easily, it will be difficult to ask Charles for a notebook again. You can't pour a bottle of ink into a new notebook tomorrow. If you do that, you can wrest "crazy" from Luna. "Girl" title.

Charles smiled, put the notebook in Ginny's arms, and said earnestly: "You are a kind child, but you are not very smart yet."

Ginny's body suddenly shook, she looked at Charles in disbelief, a layer of cold sweat broke out on her forehead, and asked tremblingly: "You...you know?"

Charles curled his lips, smiled proudly, and said, "Of course I know, but I know Harry very well, and I know very well that his wooden head is not very interested in poetry, and he cannot appreciate the poems you wrote with so much passion."

"I heard that Zuko's Magic Joke Shop has a new batch of golden snitches in the shape of hearts. Harry, the Quidditch-minded guy, will definitely like them."

"Let's do this. During this time, you can help me water and fertilize the cabbage, and I'll give you enough wages to buy a heart-shaped Quidditch."

At this time, Ginny's face was red, covering her face with the notebook in her hand, and she had the idea of ​​​​running away, but her legs couldn't move. Finally, she asked in a voice that was not much louder than a mosquito buzzing: "How do you know? "

She thought Charles knew about the weird notebook and the monster he released, but she didn't expect it to be this.

Charles smiled and said, "Didn't you notice someone calling you when you were in a daze in the common room?"

Now Ginny pressed the notebook hard against her face, as if doing so would prevent what had happened before from happening again.

Charles smiled. When he saw Ginny in a daze in the common room last night, he thought she was affected by the Horcrux Notebook. He went over and shouted twice but got no response. He became even more worried. Finally, when he saw The draft of a love poem on the parchment in front of her breathed a sigh of relief.

After Ginny took the notebook away from her face, she found that Charles had run away at some point, and the only sound in the room was the sound of biting cabbage and chewing beef jerky.

Charles was sure that Ginny came here for the Horcrux Notebook, but he still needed to get something useful from Tom, so he couldn't give it to her yet.

It was still early and the activities in the Duel Club were not over yet, so Charles decided to go there and have a look.

Not long after he left the common room, he saw Peeves getting a basin from somewhere and pouring a large basin of bath liquid on the corridor.

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