A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 312 Percy’s stepping stone

As a roll of lead wire was slowly immersed, the brown potion suddenly boiled, exuding the smell of aged durian.

The smell is also one of the indicators of whether the alchemical reaction is successful, so it can only be tolerated.

"Very good!" Professor Delacour looked satisfied, "That's it for tonight."

Tonight, under his guidance, Charles prepared two potions that perfectly achieved the desired effect. The lead wire reacted in it for three days to achieve the desired results.

There are several cabinets in the alchemy classroom dedicated to storing odorous items. Charles put the glass bottles in and closed them. Professor Delacour waved his wand, and the surrounding air suddenly became as fresh as the lawn after the rain.

"Would you like some meringue?" Professor Delacour placed snacks and tea sets on the podium, "Gabrielle made them."

Charles originally wanted to decline and go back to do his homework, but when he heard that it was the dessert made by Gabrielle, it didn't matter what the homework was.

Two minutes later.


"She mistook salt for sugar."

"Dip it in honey."


Professor Delacour was very curious about the Forbidden Forest and had often heard it mentioned by Fred and George, but now that there were dementors and couldn't enter, he could only ask Charles.

Charles had a black line. Those two guys were obviously trying to trick the professor into agreeing to go to the Forbidden Forest.

He was quite familiar with the Forbidden Forest, so he picked some interesting things to talk about, and finally talked about the war between centaurs and Acromantulas.

Professor Delacour was amazed when he heard this, and suddenly asked Charles seemingly casually: "I heard that you have a girlfriend?"

Charles had a question mark on his head and said innocently: "No, who said that. Now I focus on my studies and don't think about these things."

At this moment, he felt wary in his heart, and he couldn't figure out whether Professor Delacour had heard some rumors or asked this question for some reason.

"Oh, maybe someone made a mistake." Professor Delacour seemed to have no intention of asking further, "That's how it is in school. Sometimes you say a few words to someone, and others will look in that direction when they see it. think."

Charles nodded. There had been secret rumors circulating in the class for a while that he was having an affair with Hermione. Ginny believed it at first.

Professor Delacour smiled again and said, "I heard that you are very popular, and you received two gifts on Valentine's Day this year."

Charles didn't expect him to mention this. The more serious of the two gifts was from his eldest daughter. I don't know if he knew. If he didn't know, he would have hit the wand without asking. If he Knowing that I just said that learning is the most important thing, what does that mean?

He finally decided to tell the truth selectively: "My grandfather was worried that I wouldn't receive the gift and would be laughed at, so he sent me a gift. He often doesn't act according to common sense. The gift he gave to Professor McGonagall that day was so spectacular. , there are nine owls together."

Professor Delacour said calmly: "That's not as good as the phoenix sending gifts."

Charles realized something was wrong and immediately said: "Ruby will turn into a ball if she gets fatter. She needs to let her exercise more."

He looked at his watch and said in surprise: "Ah, it's getting late. I have to go back to the common room."

With that, he ran faster than Rita Skeeter.

It was past gate hours and students were not allowed to leave the common room, with only Filch on patrol.

Charles was walking in the corridor, when suddenly the two armors on the roadside in front of him moved on their own, walked to the middle, and opened a doorway in the wall like lifting a door curtain. The solid stone in the past was as soft as the curtain, and when the curtain was lifted, the Stack up.

It wasn't at all strange to meet Fred and George coming out of weird places in the castle at this time, but having Percy with them and not being preachy was a little unusual.

Charles hid in the shadow of the armor in the distance, curious and wanted to eavesdrop.

Halfway through, George asked Percy: "Do you think the things Slytherin left behind a thousand years ago are still useful?"

Fred continued: "I heard that Hogwarts almost lost the last Potions Championship due to lack of innovation. You have to think carefully."

Charles was moved when he heard this. Could it be that they had found some potion secret book left by Slytherin?

But think about it, this is normal. Fred and George spent three days exploring the castle. It was not surprising that they found Slytherin's study. The things in it were named Weasley.

Percy said to his two brothers: "What I need is not Slytherin's prescription, but his ideas."

"Over the years, many potions and their antidotes have been lost due to legal reasons. All that remains of those potions is a brief introduction in the book, and some of the ideas behind them have also disappeared."

"I can only follow the rules in potions. If I want to achieve good results in the potions championship, I must work hard in areas that no one is good at."

As soon as he finished speaking, Fred started to complain: "Yes, yes, Mr. Weasley will graduate next year. He must participate in the Potions Championship, shine in the competition, and make his resume beautiful and attractive. One look and I made him the Minister of Magic directly."

George continued: "Fred, let's go find Director Smith and ask him to prepare an office with a bathroom for Mr. Weasley."

The Centaur Liaison Office is a cold palace within the cold palace of the Ministry of Magic. They are not involved in arresting Black. Eleanor spends her days fishing there and visiting other offices, leaving ambitious people like Percy to do it. It was an ordeal there.

Percy ignored the complaints from his two younger brothers and said seriously: "I will be very busy next time. You must set an example for Ron and Ginny..."

Fred: "What are you going to do?"

George: "Busy to go to the Hog's Head?"

Percy blushed and continued to say seriously: "You are in fifth grade this year. I want to remind you that if girls don't want to, you can't force them..."

Fred and George studied the ceiling of the castle, not listening to the bastard chanting.

Charles listened briefly and understood a little bit.

Percy wanted to use the Potions Championship as a stepping stone to enter the Ministry of Magic, but he was not talented enough. However, he had Slytherin's secret book, so he found another way to create and detoxify poisons.

Practice has proven that this approach is feasible. There was also a character like this among the main team members of the previous term. However, there are also many students in Slytherin College who are engaged in this kind of research, so the competition is expected to be fierce.

Charles waited outside the common room for a while after the three Weasleys entered, lest they find him eavesdropping.

There was something going on at the third year table tonight, Ron and Hermione got into a fight.

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