A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 328 Something will definitely happen tonight

"There's a dinner tonight."

"I feel like I can't eat anymore."

When many students at Hogwarts returned to the castle, they suddenly remembered that there was a dinner tonight, but they had already eaten quite full at the Dancing Grass Restaurant.

"It doesn't matter." Someone thought of a solution, "Mrs. Pomfrey has a potion to treat indigestion. After drinking it, you won't feel hungry for a long time."

Then the infirmary was filled with people, making Madam Pomfrey furious.

Charles was exhausted from spending the afternoon pretending to be cute in front of Celestine Warbeck and Fudge.

He still had to save energy to deal with Dumbledore. Some things today were not easy to fool around.

What surprised Charles was that Dumbledore just sighed and said nothing after seeing him. He didn't know what he and Grindelwald talked about.

Charles thought it would be best this way. The big shots were busy with the big shot's business, and he was busy with his own business.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Charles listened to Dobby report preliminary statistics in the office.

There were many Cetina Warbeck fans in the restaurant today, far more than expected, and the chefs were so tired that they had to sit on their chairs to work.

The elves have unique cooking magic. For example, beef that has been stewed for 30 minutes can be stewed in 10 seconds, but it is very energy-consuming and the meat will become old after a few seconds.

They have been working under high mental stress at noon today. One chef has to operate ten stoves, which consumes a lot of money.

The first floor of the restaurant is open to the public from 11:00 to 22:00. The private rooms on the second and third floors are divided into two periods: 11:00 to 14:30 for lunch and 17:30 to 22:00 for dinner. Breakfast and afternoon Tea was canceled at Aberforth's suggestion.

Doing business is not only about fighting and killing, but also about worldliness, which is different from the Three Broomsticks bar.

Now that the lunch rush is over, the chefs can take a break, drink a bottle of Happy Water and eat lunch.

Charles said to Dobby: "After get off work in the evening, print out today's business statistics...and ask the owl at the post office to give them to me."

He originally wanted Dobby to send it over, but thinking that Black might come tonight, he let the owl send it.

Dobby bowed slightly and said, "Yes, boss."

Charles took out a document and gave it to him and said, "This is the information on wandering elves provided by the Ministry of Magic."

Now it seems that there are not enough working elves, so we need to recruit more.

Dobby immediately said: "I'll go get them back tonight!"

Charles shook his head slightly and said, "Let's go tomorrow. Tonight you go to the Pig's Head Bar to celebrate. Aberforth and I have agreed that I'll treat you."

He left after arranging some more work. Today there is a Halloween dinner and costume party at Hogwarts.

Dobby returned to his office next door, first turned on the diesel generator in the power room, sat at his desk and turned on the computer. The keyboard automatically entered "win" and pressed Enter. Then the mouse also moved on its own to open a restaurant management software.

This software was created by Charles who put forward the requirements and interface, and then asked Penny to go to Oxford University to find a professor in the Department of Biochemistry whom she had known many years ago to help introduce a few people. It is very convenient to use, and Dobby can learn it in one go. Charles asked the venture capital funds in Switzerland to fund their establishment of a company specializing in the research and development of catering management software.

Dobby looked at the statistical table, and at the same time operated the keyboard to enter data, manually save it once every 30 seconds, and click statistics. The lunch period's turnover, direct material cost, auxiliary material cost, beverage cost, gross profit and other data came out. , and there is also an inventory list of ingredients, which will be printed out after being compiled together in the evening.

Tonight, the cafeteria changed into a festive skin. Countless jack-o-lanterns were hung on the ceiling of the starry sky. A group of bats were circling among the pumpkins. The pumpkins were tied with many orange streamers that spewed flames. They were floating lazily under the ceiling, like It's Charles' Animagus form.

Charles received a warm welcome when he entered the canteen, and many people came to say hello to him.

Everyone knows that he is awesome, and the opening of Dancing Grass Restaurant today has set a new level of awesomeness for him.

As soon as Charles sat down, Seamus next to him immediately asked excitedly: "How are you, is it coming soon?"

Charles replied: "Aidan Linzi said he would send over his signed Golden Snitch when he gets back."

Seamus, who is Irish, begged Charles to get an autograph after learning that Ireland captain Aidan Linzy was attending the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

According to Simo's idea, it is enough to get a signature on the paper. It is best to get a signed jersey. The Golden Snitch would not even think about it.

A famous professional seeker like Aidan Linzi would not give away golden snitches casually. The ones he gave away were all caught in memorable games, which are much more precious than jerseys.

Seamus was so excited that his face turned as red as Ron's hair, and he kept patting Charles on the back.

Harry and others next to him were extremely envious, but they had no choice but to mention it to Seamus.

Simo said excitedly: "Hahahaha, Figo will definitely go crazy with envy!"

The first thing that comes to his mind now is how to show off to his cousin.

Someone cast an expectant look at Charles, but Charles pretended not to notice and started enjoying tonight's pumpkin dinner.

He was not familiar with Aidan Linzi, and he came here because of Ollivander's sake. If Seamus hadn't been the youngest recipient of the Order of Merlin, a first-class medal in Ireland, he could have ignored him.

While everyone was eating, the ghosts in the castle suddenly flew out through the dining table and performed a flight under the ceiling, which caused cheers from the students.

Next, the almost headless Nick cooperates with several ghosts to recreate the scene where his head was almost chopped off.

The pleasant dinner was over, and the students left the cafeteria noisily. The couples went to the Starlight Garden to fall in love, the singles went to the fancy dress party, and some people returned to the common room.

"Why don't you leave?" Professor Delacour found that Charles was still sitting in the cafeteria and had not left.

Charles said seriously: "Do you still remember what I mentioned in the summer? There will be problems on Halloween these two years. The first year a troll came out, and the second year a basilisk came out. I don't know what will happen this year. accidents."

Professor Delacour patted his coat pocket confidently and said, "Don't worry, I've been prepared."

Charles was curious about what good things he had in his pocket, but Professor Delacour just smiled mysteriously and did not answer.

Sure enough, more than ten minutes later, the whole castle heard the sound of all students returning to the cafeteria immediately, while emphasizing that this was not a drill.

Soon, the students returned to the cafeteria confused and kept asking what happened.

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