A day at Hogwarts

Granger pulls out the Whomping Willow

Let's say that in Azkaban, there are a hundred or twenty rebellious young dementors who love to cause trouble. They usually refuse to obey the rules and go to the sea to find fishing boats and attract fishermen for fun. This time I came to Hogwarts to look for Black. I felt tired after doing nothing for a long time, so I went to Hogsmeade Village to search for people under the guise of going to the peak. I was scolded for making a big fuss, which made me even more troubled.

On this day, the teachers and students of Hogwarts were playing on the Quidditch pitch. It was very lively, which was a good meal for the Dementors. Several rogue dementors saw this, and then went to discuss with the rogues: "The garden is very lively today, let's have some fun together, and have a good meal, wouldn't it be nice?" One of them said: " It wouldn't be a good idea to offend Dumbledore." Another said: "It doesn't matter, he's just one person, there are hundreds of us." Another said: "I heard there are people flying in the sky, we are all together. Surrounding him is just a prank. Dumbledore is afraid that we will hurt others, so he won't dare to move." The dementors said, "Okay!" It has been agreed upon and we will recruit our companions.

He also said that Smith went out to the greenhouse, looked around and saw the one hundred twenty or thirty rogue dementors in groups, and felt angry. I just know that this Smith is an ordinary man, and he released six guardian angels to teach: Wherever the sound of cannon fire occurs, the tigers in front of the mountains are frightened; when the fighter plane falls, the dragons in the sea become frightened. The one hundred twenty or thirty rogue dementors were stunned and stunned. Their bodies hurt so much after being beaten that they wanted to leave, but they were chased and beaten.

Let’s talk about Granger. He is a man who doesn’t give way to women, and puts justice first. He lurks in the Slytherin stands as a friend. When he sees a dementor coming, he uses Snape to stop one. When Granger saw Porter flying away with the wind, he became very anxious. He jumped out of the stadium and chased after him.

It is said that there are a dozen willows in Hogwarts. The tree is more than ten feet tall. Its body is as thick as a barrel, and its branches are as small as arms. It can hit anyone who comes close. It can crack rocks with its strength, but birds can't get close. The potter and the broom were blown by the wind and fell on the tree. The willow branches were curled up and hit. The broomstick is just made of ordinary wood. It cannot withstand the thick and thin branches of the vinegar bowl. It breaks into two pieces with just one blow and falls to the ground in two or three blows.

Granger was so anxious that he walked quickly. When he rushed to the tree, he saw that the Whomping Willow had rolled up Potter high and beat him like a gong. He didn't know whether he was dead or alive. I saw Granger looking at him. Burning the tree was afraid of harming Potter, so he slapped away the willow branches, walked to the tree, rolled up his sleeves, lowered his right hand, turned his body upside down, and pulled out his left hand. He cut it off, took advantage of his waist, pulled up the whomping willow plant by the roots, and threw it aside.

Blake also came looking for Potter. When he saw him from a distance, he fell to the ground and shouted in his heart: "This witch is not a mortal, she is the true angel who came to the mortal world as the fat monk said! How can I pull it out if I don't have the strength of tens of thousands of kilograms in the body?" Affordable!”

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