A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 346 Smarter than expected

Slughorn was familiar with the group of bureaucrats in the Ministry of Magic. When he heard about the change in the Centaur Liaison Office, he thought it was some unlucky guy who was going to be fired again and didn't care. He didn't expect that the director was actually Charles.

"What's going on?" Slughorn suddenly felt that the world seemed to be changing too fast. "Charles, how did you get to the Centaur Liaison Office?"

Charles replied: "I met centaurs in the Forbidden Forest, became good friends with them, and gave them some help."

"Later, in order to better help the centaurs, I approached the Ministry of Magic and asked for this position."

Slughorn was surprised at first, and then smiled with a smile that said nothing, and asked Charles: "Is it fun in the Forbidden Forest?"

Charles felt that he thought he got this position because he went to the Forbidden Forest, so he just smiled. After all, it was unreasonable to do business under the Ministry of Magic. People who knew inside understood it tacitly, so there was no need to explain it clearly.

Slughorn didn't say much. After taking a sip of red wine, he said, "It's not easy to handle this task now. Do you have any ideas?"

He has always regarded himself as a counselor, and now he is still planning to give Charles advice.

Charles was well prepared for this and said: "This large-scale trial will be conducted at St. Mungo's Hospital under the leadership of the Ministry of Magic. The specific medical-related work will be handled by St. Mungo's Hospital. The Ministry of Magic will coordinate externally with the Ministry of Magic of various countries. , Do a good job in logistics support and security work internally.”

Slughorn looked at the young man seriously. He originally wanted to remind him tactfully that he only needed to leave the matter to St. Mungo's Hospital. Professional matters could be handled by laymen and there would be many mistakes.

He didn't expect that Charles could actually clearly divide the responsibilities of the Ministry of Magic and St. Mungo's Hospital.

Charles continued: "I have initially identified two candidates. One is the first werewolf in the UK to test the drug. He is responsible for interacting with the werewolves who participated in the drug test at St. Mungo's Hospital; the other is a very responsible person. A very capable and active young man who takes charge of the ministry.”

"I'm going to make a donation to St. Mungo's Hospital to build a ward specifically for the treatment of werewolves."

After hearing this, Slughorn said: "Hey, Charles, I've been thinking about how smart you are, and now I find that you are smarter than I thought."

Others present also followed Slughorn's words and praised Charles one after another, but Charles just responded with a shy smile.

Now that he has some achievements, modesty and restraint cannot change the existence of these achievements. It can also make people think that this child is easy to get along with.

The matter of the werewolf antidote came to an end, and then Slughorn began to ask the members of the Slug Club one by one how they were doing, and if they encountered difficulties, he would come up with some ideas to help solve them.

Although Slughorn often gets some benefits from club members, he can really help solve problems when members are in trouble, so everyone is happy to join this group.

After asking around, he finally asked Charles: "I heard that you also opened a company, how is the business?"

Charles replied: "My company currently has a protection inspection project, which mainly looks for loopholes in the defense magic of houses, safes, etc. and solves them."

Then he told the Fire Dragon Guard Bureau's business in the Ministry of Magic of Iceland. This matter was detrimental to Iceland's face, so the client did not publicize it, and almost no outsiders knew about it.

"Really?" Daria, the opera actress, looked interested.

Slughorn asked her: "Dahlia, has anyone who admires you come to your house again?"

Daria said distressedly: "It's okay just for admirers, they only want my signature. In the past month, someone sneaked into my house three times and stole my jewelry."

"The Aurors have been here a few times but have no clues."

She is a popular opera singer. The actions of some fans have troubled her, and the recent thieves have made her even more frightened.

When Charles saw the business coming, he immediately said, "I'll ask the person in charge of the security department to contact you next Monday."

Daria asked with some embarrassment: "Is it okay today?"

She knew that it was difficult to find someone to work on weekends, but it was too scary to have a thief in her home. She didn't know what would happen to her family in the future.

Charles deliberately hesitated, and waited for Slughorn to ask him to help her before saying, "Okay, I will take you to Farbarton Castle later to find Moss Jeff, who is the head of the security department."

Daria raised her glass and thanked Charles.

The people present here are all well-off wizards who have requirements for house theft prevention and are quite interested in this business.

But everyone should take a look first. If there is any effect on Dalia, it won’t be too late to follow up.

At almost two o'clock in the afternoon, the lunch hosted by Slughorn ended and everyone said goodbye to each other.

Before leaving, Slughorn handed a letter to Charles and said, "This is the letter your teacher asked me to bring you."

Charles thanked him, took the letter, and took Daria to Fallbottom Castle.

Now Dementors will not come to Farbarton Castle. Moss Jeff has moved here and their department has also started working here.

This weekend, Jeff and a group of young people rode broomsticks and played dog fights in the open space in front of the castle.

A water bomb launcher is added to the front of their broom, which will stain people's bodies when hit.

These people were divided into two teams, one team was Jeff and the others, and the other team was Spencer and others from the Umbrella Pharmaceutical Factory in the north. Ruby was causing trouble among them, and there were several Hogwarts students nearby. Everyone had a great time. Very happy.

After Charles came over, he waved to everyone. The group stopped playing games and flew down one after another. Spencer and the others also came over to say hello.

He told Jeff and the others about Daria's family, and Jeff immediately agreed. Among the others were Daria's fans. When they heard that he was helping her catch a thief, they were so excited that they even went there without changing their wet clothes. .

Charles didn't need to worry about the next thing. He took Daria to the lounge of the castle to drink tea. After Jeff and the others changed clothes, they went to her house.

After the others left, Charles curiously took out the letter handed over by Slughorn. It turned out that it was full of verbal remarks asking him whether he had eaten well and whether he had deserted in class. They were probably just props for the old man's performance.

Charles recalled the lunch just now, as if Slughorn hadn't mentioned his intention to join the Slug Club.

But when he thought about it, this kind of joining was not so formal, but appeared a few times when Slughorn organized team building, which meant joining.

Charles decided to let nature take its course. Some things being too deliberate and utilitarian would be counterproductive.

He left Fallbottom Castle, "biu" apparated to the house rented by the Centaur Liaison Office, and continued to measure the resistance of the lead wires.

The data shows that the resistance value of alchemically processed lead wire does not change over time.

Charles thought that the other wire measurements could be taken next week.

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