A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 360 The company is now open

After the Dementors returned to Azkaban, business at the Three Broomsticks was booming again, with local and out-of-town guests filling the bar.

The core members of Phoenix Logistics also came to Hogsmeade after Christmas to hold their first official meeting.

The night before the meeting, everyone went to the Three Broomsticks Bar to get to know the new colleagues.

Ax Prewett looked a little nervous. He was eight or nine years old when he last came here. He couldn't remember.

The same goes for Chris Hemsworth. He just had a complete plastic surgery yesterday and relied on magic medicine to heal the wounds quickly. Now he is still a little afraid of being recognized by people he used to know.

For example, there was an Auror at a table not far away who had provided him with information back then.

Everyone thinks they are new here, so they don’t pay much attention.

Ruby and Gabrielle also came to join in the fun, sitting together and forming a juice-drinking trio with Charles.

Moss Jeff said somewhat depressedly: "The Black incident is really dramatic. I also brought a unique American magic wand to prepare to deal with him."

He said and took out the black wand from his pocket.

"Can you let me see it?" Gabrielle was very interested in this Colt python wand.

Charles said hurriedly: "No, children can't play with this."

Kitov was just as depressed as Moss. He also took out what he had prepared and said, "I finally applied for it. It was just approved yesterday. It seems I won't be able to use it."

Their Orthodox Christmas is January 7th, and the holiday is later than in Western Europe.

Gabrielle's big watery eyes shone, and she looked very interested in the RPG-7 wand.

Charles didn't want to talk.

Fleur, who was sitting on the other side of him, asked Louis Manz: "You didn't bring that with you, did you?"

Louis nodded and took out an arm-long... flying fish from his pocket.

I don’t know what this flying fish is made of, but it looks exactly like a real fish. Its head, scales, and fins are lifelike, and its eyes are even more alive, as if they are alive.

Louis explained that this was a popular weapon in Beauxbatons in recent years.

Charles finally understands that all of you are talents.

Blake was chatting with Harry and the others at the table next to him. Cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He was glad that he was no longer a wanted criminal.

Black was exonerated and the real culprit got the punishment he deserved. Moss was the most unhappy.

Moss said depressingly: "Before, everyone was afraid that Blake would break into the house and placed many orders for alarm systems. But now that it is safe, many people have canceled."

He was too busy to stop some time ago. Although he was a little tired, he felt very accomplished.

After returning home for the holidays, I suddenly felt free and a bit uncomfortable.

Kitov shrugged and said, "There's nothing we can do about it. We can't deliberately find a robber to scare people."

Louis thought for a while and said: "You can try going to Germany. It's not peaceful there recently."

Furong also said: "There is a robber in Germany who often steals things and robs."

Gabrielle said excitedly: "Let's go catch that robber!"

Charles blinked. A group of British, Americans, French and Soviets went to Germany to cause trouble. What a classic reproduction.

After giving Gabriel a piece of cream cake, he said: "Louis's suggestion is good. Safety protection is not a consumable and can expand the market."

Kitov continued: "We can make the field of view wider, not only to prevent robbers and thieves, but also wild animals and even mosquitoes."

"That's right!" Moss patted the table excitedly, "Wild boars often run into my girlfriend's farm. Many farms have this problem. This is a big business!"

“We can go one step further and keep pests out of the farmland!”

Charles also nodded. There are not many mosquitoes in the UK, but there are many mosquitoes in Germany. When he was sucked by vampires, he was bullied by mosquitoes.

Farms need to use a lot of pesticides every year. In addition to the pesticides themselves, there are also labor costs and machinery costs for spraying pesticides, which is a big expense.

At this point Chris joined the chat: "I think those Charles dolls could make a difference."

"Sending documents between different departments in the Ministry of Magic is very troublesome. Not all wizards can have documents flown to the corresponding offices. They can only walk there by themselves."

"I heard from Charles yesterday about the communication system our company is going to develop. I think we can research a special internal system for the Ministry of Magic to facilitate communication between various offices in the Ministry."

He has worked in the Ministry of Magic for many years and knows the situation in the Ministry very well. After understanding what the company does, he knows where to make money.

Moreover, he has just joined the company and needs to perform well.

Charles felt that what he said made sense and said: "This direction is not bad. Let's discuss it at the formal meeting tomorrow."

Chris breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed like it was off to a good start.

Everyone then talked about whatever came to mind, and even Aix would interject a few words from time to time, talking about some old things they heard when they were children, including some bad words about the Weasley family.

At the next table, Ron glanced at his distant uncle with a strange look on his face from time to time, wanting to say something, but the people at that table didn't seem to be friendly, so they could only pretend they didn't hear him.

The people at the table left after chatting until Gabrielle became a little sleepy and her little head was pounding.

The next afternoon, Charles and others held a formal meeting in the conference room of Fallbottom Castle.

The meeting first formally appointed Charles as the president of Phoenix Logistics to take charge of the overall situation.

Then, the renovated Chris Hemsworth was appointed as the magic director, responsible for building the company's magic management system and supervising the magic integration and coordination between departments.

The magic technology in the company now comes from four magic schools: Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, Ilvermorny and Kodostoriz, which belong to four different systems. Each system has its own advantages and unique tricks. It is not easy to integrate them.

Chris used to be a silent person in the British Ministry of Magic. He was one of the British wizards whose magic level was no less than that of the professors of Hogwarts, and even higher than that of the professors in some unique fields.

Charles arranged the meeting in the afternoon so that Chris could chat with others.

In the morning chat, Chris showed his magic talent and had some understanding of the magic of other magic academies, which convinced the three young people.

Charles was curious about what he had studied before, but Chris attached great importance to his identity as a silent person and adhered to the principle of not revealing the content of his work. He tactfully rejected Charles's inquiry, and Charles stopped asking.

The third person appointed was the financial director, Axe Prewett, who was in charge of everyone's salary.

Next, Moss Jeff was appointed to be in charge of the security department, Kitov was in charge of the communications department, Louis Mantz was in charge of the artificial intelligence department, and Dobby was in charge of the logistics department and the employee cafeteria. These were all agreed upon before.

After the appointment, Kitov and Louis reported on their previous work, Moss and Dobby reported on their work during this period, Axe proposed the framework of the company's financial system, Chris reported on the draft of the Ministry of Magic's government affairs system that was improved overnight last night, and Charles sorted out the next product line and asked each department to propose the number and standards of recruiting people.

During the meeting, Fleur served as a recorder, and Gabrielle helped everyone pour tea and water.

Everyone saw that the boss had a complicated relationship with them, and maybe she would be the boss's wife in the future, so they didn't care.

But Charles still had a headache. Now there were only technical and financial personnel in the company, no administrative personnel.

None of his acquaintances were capable of administrative work, and he couldn't ask Penny to come here to work.

Dobby can only take care of the administration part, and Chris is in charge of recruiting. When he has time, he will ask who can do the job. If that doesn't work, he will recruit from the society.

So a makeshift team without an administrative department was set up. It will have to wait until Kitov and Louis graduate this summer before it can be officially launched.

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