A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 365 How to invite a girl home

"Good evening Professor McGonagall."

"The time is right, let's go."

Charles was just focused on turning into an owl and practicing flying, and almost forgot about other things tonight.

Professor McGonagall took Charles into the library. There was only Mrs. Pince and Filch who brought her hot milk tea.

Filch blushed when he saw Professor McGonagall coming in, said hello and hurried away.

"He's quite nice." Professor McGonagall joked about Mrs. Pince, "No one has ever brought me milk tea at night."

Mrs. Pince turned back and said to Charles: "Mr. Smith, please hurry up and write home."

Professor McGonagall didn't answer, showed her the principal's note, and then took Charles to the restricted book area.

On the way, the professor said to Charles: "I didn't expect you didn't secretly learn Animagus."

Charles replied: "I'm afraid I'll eat the mandrake blades when I eat."

Professor McGonagall said: "Someone in Ravenclaw House has been keeping his mouth shut for half a month. I only found out when I asked him to answer a question yesterday."

Charles just smiled and said nothing to her about Catherine Clayter.

The two of them walked to the end of the forbidden book area. Professor McGonagall used her wand to tap on different bricks. The order and number of times were different each time. Charles could not see the way out.

A bronze door soon appeared on the wall, with the Hogwarts school emblem on it. Professor McGonagall's wand tapped on the Gryffindor logo, and the door slowly opened by itself.

Behind the door was a spiral staircase. As the candles on both sides lit themselves, the two of them descended to the bottom floor, and the real forbidden book area appeared in front of Charles.

When you walk out of the stairs, the first thing you see is various empty boxes piled on both sides. These were found from many places in the castle and the forbidden book area when Dumbledore first became the principal and organized a general cleaning. They should have contained things before, but when they were found, they were all Just dust.

Now these empty boxes looked like a pile of old stuff here, and Charles thought to himself, who knew what would become if someone broke in.

It is divided into several floors and must have been renovated. It is different from what Charles saw in the old man's "memory".

There were several ghosts floating under the ceiling. They had never appeared in other parts of the castle. They came around silently after seeing Professor McGonagall and Charles.

The ghosts left after Professor McGonagall showed them the note from the principal.

Charles sat down at the desk by himself, and Professor McGonagall went to help him get the books that the principal allowed him to borrow.

Professor Delacour sat at another table next to him. There were several books brought back from Merlin's Cemetery on the table, and he read them carefully.

Percy, Joyce and Cedric are here too, preparing for the Potions Championships that will start soon.

Professor Flitwick and Lupine sat side by side, with a pile of books in front of them.

Professor McGonagall quickly brought a book that Charles needed, which was about cracking the protective spell. If it spread, it could easily be used by thieves to steal.

The books in the forbidden book area are not necessarily dangerous or powerful to wizards, but some may cause harm to society.

Charles opened the book, found what he needed from the table of contents, and began to read carefully and take notes in his notebook.

Some of these contents were understandable to him, but some were incomprehensible to him, so he recorded them and supplemented them with prerequisite knowledge when he had time.

Everyone was concentrating on their own things, no one spoke, there was only the sound of turning books and quills rubbing on parchment.

Time flies when you are concentrating on doing things, and before you know it, it is already half past ten in the evening.

The candles on the candlestick dimmed three times to remind everyone to leave as soon as possible and the place needed to be "disinfected".

Charles had finished reading what he needed half an hour ago and was currently organizing his notes. He handed the book to Professor McGonagall, put away his notebook and left in a hurry.

In the Gryffindor common room, Ruby lets Rifle and Ron's new owl piglets climb on Crookshanks, and then lets Crookshanks run around with them.

Tomorrow is the weekend, and many students are still awake. Everyone is eating snacks and talking about how quickly the appendages on the Firebolt can catch the Golden Snitch in tomorrow's competition.

Charles took out a pot of beer beef stewed with beef, onions, potatoes, beer, bay leaves, pepper, etc. and fed it to Ruby, Harry, and Hermione. Ruby called Crookshanks and Piglet to come over and eat together. Only for viewing.

At this time, a seventh-grade girl pulled Percy over, pointed at Charles and said to him: "You'd better ask Charles, he will definitely know."

Charles was confused and looked at Percy in confusion. What did he know?

Percy's face turned red, he was hesitating and speechless, and he completely lost the serious and wise look he had just in the restricted area of ​​the library.

The girl continued: "Charles received two gifts for Valentine's Day last year. I don't know how many he will receive this year."

Now Charles was even more confused. Didn't Percy have a girlfriend? Why did he still ask him for advice?

The smell of gossip spread, attracting Fred and George, and the spoons in Ron and Ginny's hands slowed down.

But Percy was still blushing and hemming and hawing, speechless and scratching his head. Charles thought to himself, could he have something to hide?

Finally, it was the girl who said, "Percy wants to invite Penello home during the summer vacation. I don't know what kind of excuse he is going to make."

"Oh!" Anyway, the biggest ones were Fred and George.

"Great!" said Fred. "It's going to be a lot of fun at home this summer."

"That's right." Charles interrupted George, "Bill will bring his girlfriend home this summer."

George asked him in surprise: "How do you know?"

Charles smiled and said: "Bill abducted the daughter of Professor Delacour's mother-in-law's third sister's neighbor's classmate. People wrote to me asking about Bill's character."

The people around him were confused by this large circle of connections. After all, Hermione, who was the smartest, didn't realize the other party's identity.

Fred added: "And Charlie."

Ron said in surprise: "Charlie won't bring a dragon home, will he?"

Fred said seriously: "It's possible."

Charles held his chin and asked Percy thoughtfully: "Are you going to just take it home, or are you going to propose?"

Before Percy could answer, the girl who pulled him over asked, "What if I propose?"

Harry learned to answer quickly: "Charles once taught a neighbor to propose marriage and ask his girlfriend if she would like to be buried in his family cemetery after death."

The people around him were stunned for a moment, then laughed when they realized what was happening.

Charles said to Harry angrily: "You can't remember to wash your hands before eating cake, but you remember these clearly."

Percy hurriedly shook his head and waved his hands and said, "It's... not that far yet."

Charles thought for a while and said solemnly: "You can find an irreplaceable excuse to make her curious. For example... you told her that your brother can do somersaults and would you like to go to your house to have a look."

Fred and George looked at each other and immediately looked at Ron. Fred asked him: "Ron, I never thought you could do somersaults?"

George also said: "I've never seen you turn it over to us."

Ron was dumbfounded, how could he be shot even while lying down.

"Yeah!" Hermione suddenly remembered something. She looked at Charles, then at Harry, and asked Charles seriously: "You told me before that your neighbor could do somersaults, and asked me if I wanted to see it. Look, are you talking about Harry?"

Charles nodded silently, having originally planned to let the two of them get to know each other earlier.

Harry gritted his teeth and asked Charles: "Is this why you made me practice somersaults that summer?"

Charles nodded silently again.

Seeing the fun, Seamus didn't take it too seriously, and asked Harry curiously: "How many somersaults can you do at one time, twenty?"

On the other side, Ron ignored how many somersaults Harry could do, and asked nervously when he saw Percy looking at him thoughtfully: "You don't really want me to do somersaults, do you?"

Fred and George murmured for a while, and finally said firmly: "It seems there is a magic spell that can make people do somersaults."

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