A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 376 How about you transfer here?

Charles was very curious about Kodostoriz's teaching. Now that he had Elizabeth and the others as his translators, he no longer had to be a translator and could audit the course.

The classroom for the magic item manufacturing class was on the top floor of the main castle. The students taking this class were all in the sixth and seventh grades. They had to complete the prerequisite courses in the first to fifth grades and pass them before they could choose this class.

Charles decided to audit the class. After breakfast, Dumbledore took the time to tell him in the corridor not to cause trouble here, especially not to mention Grindelwald.

As soon as he finished his instructions, Professor Chepkin of this class took the initiative to find Charles.

"Are you Smith?" Professor Chepkin looked a bit familiar, "I'm glad you can come to my class."

Charles replied politely: "Hello, Professor Chepkin. I'm glad to learn from you."

Professor Chepkin waved his hand and said: "Don't be so polite, let's call you by your name."

Here, there are some differences in the details of "you" (Ты) and "you" (Вы). "You" is used by subordinates to superiors, juniors to elders, and honorifics, and is also relatively indifferent, while "you" is used among friends and peers, and appears to be closer.

Professor Chepkin said to Charles enthusiastically, "Do you want to transfer here? We are very interested in your research."

Dumbledore was very unhappy with this poaching behavior in person, and couldn't help coughing twice.

Professor Chepkin acted as if he hadn't heard it, and said to Charles seriously: "Mikhail and I have discussed that your ideas on alchemy are very innovative. Once successful, they will change the world. If you are willing to come to Kodosdorez, we will fully support your research."

Charles' heart was moved.

Professor Chepkin continued to whisper: "Two comrades are also interested in your research, and they have a high opinion of it."

Charles asked curiously: "Who is it?"

Professor Chepkin just replied: "They want to see you, and they will arrange it."

After he finished speaking, he patted Charles on the back and said: "I have to go to the classroom first. If you are not paying attention later, hehe, I will ask you to give Bai a bath."

Charles watched Professor Chepkin's back disappear in the crowd in the corridor, thinking, always feeling that there was some kind of big secret hidden here.

Dumbledore looked at Charles, thinking that he should not turn back, after all, the industry was next to Hogwarts.

Charles did not notice Dumbledore's reaction, and thought as he walked.

He had previously written to ask Valentina whether alchemy had conducted research on metal resistance. He did not expect that the professors had keenly discovered what he was going to do. There might be some discrepancies in the details, but the general direction should be correct.

"Charles!" Harry patted his shoulder from behind at this time, "What class are you going to?"

Charles replied, "Magic Item Manufacturing, what about you?"

He found that Harry's three people were with Seamus, and they were obviously going to the same place.

Harry said, "Neville went to the Herb Planting Class, let's go to the Spell Combat Class to see, I wanted to find you to go with me last night, but your room door was locked."

Charles made an excuse for what happened last night: "We were in a meeting last night."

Seamus said unbelievingly, "I think he was with the girl, Ruby ran to my room."

Charles nodded immediately: "Ah, yes, yes, with four girls."

Seamus shook his head and said, "Boasting."

As they talked, they separated, and the classrooms were in different directions.

Charles came to the classroom and sat down in the last row, with many guests next to him.

He saw Louis Manz and Kitov sitting in the first row together, and after thinking about it, he decided to sit in the last row.

"Hello, Mr. Smith."

Sitting next to Charles was a boy from the Japanese Magic Institute, wearing a light golden haori, which showed that he was well-educated.

After chatting with him for a while, Charles learned that this Honda Jianxiu was the neighbor of his pen pal Yamada Boguang. The two often went to school and went home together. The snacks that Yamada Boguang often sent, such as the lively Taiyaki, were bought from his snack shop.

Before the two chatted more, Professor Chepkin came to the classroom, followed by a young polar bear, who was carrying a bunch of flying brooms.

The class started, and the classroom suddenly became quiet.

Professor Chepkin picked up the list and said seriously: "Please raise your hands if you are not here."

The students of Kodosdoriz were used to it, and several guests laughed out loud.

Professor Chepkin threw the list into the air, and the list folded into a paper airplane and flew to the podium.

He began, "As you all know, yesterday the students of the Budyonny Club flew the No. 25 flying broom at a speed close to Mach 1.1, and once again saved the school's roof."

"Later, I checked all the brooms and found that the broomsticks of each broom had different types and degrees of damage."

"This is exactly what I will talk about in class today. I will use these brooms as examples."

He waved his wand and a metal broom flew in front of him and floated in the air.

Then he pointed his wand and a huge projection of the broom appeared above his head, so that the students could see where the problem was.

Charles saw that the metal broomstick of this broom had many wrinkles perpendicular to the central axis near the fixed position, which should be caused by metal fatigue.

Professor Chepkin waved his wand again, letting the broom branches spread out. The places where this problem occurred were circled by blue light circles.

He told the students: "When the broom is flying, the tail branch will cause metal fatigue and damage due to long-term violent vibration. If it is not treated and continued to be used, it will break."

"Yesterday afternoon, a classmate told me that there was no such situation on the wooden broom before. This classmate was wrong. Wood also has material fatigue because wood has greater toughness and can absorb some energy during violent vibrations, and the fatigued areas do not look obvious."

"There are many ways to deal with this problem. The best way is to change the design and avoid vibration as much as possible. The most passive way is to strengthen the fatigued position."

"Next, I will talk about how to strengthen metal parts without changing the design, or when you don't know how to change the design."

"There are two main ways to strengthen. The most commonly used one is through alchemy. and strengthening spells to strengthen the properties of the material and make it more durable. "

"Sometimes alchemy and strengthening spells will conflict with the spells on the parts, so another method is used to strengthen the structure. The first type of strengthening can be performed on the reinforced structure, and at the same time, it is necessary to avoid spell interference. "

"Yesterday, the core module of the Space Club was affected by the control spell when the heating spell was activated because of the poor anti-interference. "

"This effect is gradually accumulated, and the control spell is getting worse and worse, and finally completely ineffective. "

"Students who have previewed the textbook already know that next month we will teach how to prevent spell interference in complex spell environments. This is the focus of this course. Please prepare well. "

Professor Chepkin first talked about the outline of today's lecture, and then started to talk about the details.

Charles listened very carefully, and soon had a very familiar feeling, as if he had discussed the problem of magic machinery with others somewhere.

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