A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 391 The conspiracy behind

At twelve o'clock, the other three teams all came out of the competition venue and submitted their works.

The audience felt very boring these days. Apart from the previous battle, the only thing that could arouse their interest was Charles' cooking show.

Now it is finally the scoring stage. There will be a play-off later, which is quite interesting.

The judging panel is composed of the principals of the four participating schools and the other five guest schools. The participating schools avoid their own teams.

There are ten kinds of potions, each with a full score of ten. After the judges score, the highest and lowest scores are removed, and then the average is calculated to three decimal places.

The members of the Hogwarts team are very nervous. Joyce, Ashford and Qiu Zhang, three girls from the pharmaceutical group, hugged each other. Cedric looked calm but kept shaking his feet. Percy combed his hair with his hands every thirty seconds.

The members of the action team were not much better. They kept discussing various possibilities, but one of them was missing.

After Charles came out, he and Rita Skeeter ran to the side. They looked like they were interviewing, but their eyes kept looking at the students of the magic school.

The two of them whispered for a long time, and then Skeeter went to the students' seats of the magic school and began to interview them.

"What do you think of Vagadou pretending to be the magic school?"

"Will you cause trouble for Vagadou outside the stadium?"

"Will you use uncomfortable spells on Vagadou's students in revenge?"

"If you attack Vagadou's students, will you be punished by the school?"

"If this matter is not discovered and exposed, will you commit seppuku?"


Charles admired Skeeter in his heart. He was worthy of being an authentic British. He had to learn this skill of sowing discord slowly.

Now Takashima Tadao was grading potions and had no time to pay attention to those young people.

The hot-blooded students were originally just sulking and waiting for the principal to make a decision. After a few questions, they all became excited and began to discuss the possibility of revenge on Vagadou.

The professor leading the magic institute noticed that the students were in a bad mood and immediately tried to appease them.

However, the appeasement did not work, but instead aroused the young people's traditional Japanese art - overthrowing the superiors and walking alone.

Several senior students looked at each other and then said they wanted to go to the temporary bathroom together.

The professor of the magic institute knew that they were going to make trouble, but there was no reason to stop them from going to the bathroom, so he could only wave his hand and let them go.

At this time, the students of Vagadu were in a mess. Some accused others of leaking secrets, some accused a student of not shielding the owl used for surveillance, and a student who was responsible for monitoring the movements of the magic institute team was jointly accused of failing to warn. For a time, the blame was flying all over the sky.

No one noticed that a green beetle the size of a fingernail flew to the side, landed on the ground, and then crawled among the crowd, releasing some colorless and odorless gas under the chair.

Not long after, the students of Vagadu suddenly felt a rumbling in their stomachs and their sphincters were in urgent need.

Not all teams have members like Charles who have cooking skills. They just eat something to survive, and it is hard to say whether it is hygienic.

So, a group of people stood up and ran towards the temporary toilet in the distance.

The temporary toilet was a little off-center, surrounded by trees that blocked the view. There was basically no one there, and the students from the magic school who arrived earlier had already ambushed here.

The students of Vagadu didn't expect that someone would ambush them, so they ran to the temporary toilet. As soon as everyone went in and closed the door, the students from the magic school appeared immediately.

Half a minute later, the temporary toilet exploded, and more than a dozen toilets flew into the blue sky with the passengers on them, accompanied by bursts of terrified roars.

Then the toilets dived and dropped bombs on the pit, and the people on the toilets were naturally thrown out.

The tentacle octopus appeared again, and they surrounded the pit, grabbing whoever came up and throwing it back.

"You deserve it." Valentina looked over there and ignored it, and kept stuffing snacks into Charles' hands.

She made a snack called "Chak Chak", which was a bit like Shaqima, made of flour, eggs, vodka, roasted almonds, honey and a lot of sugar, and kneaded into a small ball.

Charles and Louis Mantz, two Western Europeans, thought the dessert was too sweet, but Lily Smith from the United States thought it was good, and the two girls began to discuss how to make desserts.

Ruby liked this dessert very much, but Charles carried it for a while and found that this guy was two kilograms heavier than five days ago, so he forbade it to eat sweets.

So when everyone was chatting, Ruby kept pecking Charles' head to express her dissatisfaction.

"It's really strange." Louis Mantz didn't understand, "Why did Vagadu target you?"

It was just a competition between schools. Even if Vagadu wanted to do something tricky, there was no reason to pretend to be a magic school. Why not just go there yourself?

Kitov said: "It's nothing strange, it's related to international politics."

Mantz's family is a senior official of the French Ministry of Magic. He has heard some rumors and whispered: "I heard that some countries are dissatisfied with some of Dumbledore's actions. Those people want to replace him with Akinbade."

Kitov also lowered his voice: "If Charles hadn't exposed the matter of Vagado this time, Hogwarts would have been at odds with magic, and the next competition would most likely cause a major conflict."

"Yes." Charles nodded, "We will definitely be very angry and can't swallow this breath."

Kitov continued his words: "Especially you and Seamus Finnigan, you will definitely go to the Institute of Magic in two years, and the fight will be big then."

Manz also said: "And Potter, he has a great reputation, if he gets injured, it will have a big impact."

Charles nodded. If Vagadou's action is really successful, the reaction in Britain will definitely be huge.

Moreover, Dumbledore might be blamed. At least some Ministry of Magic officials such as Fudge would be happy for such a thing to happen privately.

Charles asked in confusion: "Why are those countries dissatisfied with Dumbledore? Did he do anything to hinder them?"

Manz said: "I have heard some rumors. It's not that Dumbledore did something, but that he let some things happen."

"In recent years, the proportion of wizards born from ordinary people has increased. They have brought new ideas and new changes."

"Some people in the International Wizarding Confederation are very disgusted with this kind of thing and hope to restrain it, but Dumbledore has been dragging this matter on by using his position as the president."

"Akinbad is the person they chose to fight against Dumbledore. In fact, his ideas are very conservative."

After listening, Charles said: "That's true. I met a friend in Vagado before. She was conducting very subversive research and had results, but she was expelled from Vagado."

He remembered the story of Catherine Clayt.

The human body transformation that Catherine studied was epoch-making, but she was expelled by the diehards in the school because of it.

For the principal, it is easy to save a student if he intends to, especially if it is just an academic conflict rather than a crime, and it is very simple to save him.

But Akinbade finally agreed to expel Catherine, which was very clear about his position.

The three of them talked about the antidote for werewolves again. Charles asked Manz to talk to his family and help find a few werewolf volunteers in France.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the scoring was over, and Nikita began to announce the scores of each school.

Charles immediately returned to the seat of the Hogwarts team and waited for the results to be announced.

"Will we win?" Seamus looked nervous, "We should win."

Charles said calmly: "There are still playoffs. Even if we are not the first, we still have a chance to win if we are not far behind."

The current results cannot determine the winner, and everyone's nervous hearts are slightly relaxed.

"Magic Institute, 97.514 points;"

"Kodosdoriz, 97.117 points;"

"Hogwarts, 96.666 points;"

"Vagado, 92.333 points."

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