A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 405 The Most Elite Death Eaters

"How much?"

Bock was stunned for a moment and took a step back subconsciously.

Kidnapping is nothing more than seeking money and sex. Now that the Malfoy family has no money, they can only seek the latter.

And the young master of the Malfoy family is really good-looking. Now that the old master Malfoy is gone, no one stands up for him. It is not surprising that he is targeted by some people.

Bock said cautiously: "My guest, I am joking."

Black was disappointed and said: "Tsk, I thought you could do it."

He was about to pick up the purse and leave.

Black has been guessing where Malfoy lives. This time he came to verify it. Now that he sees so many things of the Lestrange family on the market, he can be sure that Malfoy lives in his aunt's house, so there is no need to spend this money.

Seeing that this big business was about to be lost, Burke immediately said: "I can introduce you to a few wizards from Ghana. They lost the bet in the semi-final of the Quidditch World Cup. They came to sell things yesterday. They said they can do some work."

"I also know that Master Malfoy comes to Knockturn Alley every once in a while."

Black nodded, left a deposit, and said before leaving: "I want it alive, complete, and preferably without damage."

Burke immediately agreed: "No problem."

After returning to No. 3 Privet Drive, Harry asked: "Is it really okay to do this?"

"I'm worried that Professor Dumbledore will be angry."

Black said indifferently: "I will ask for ten days, and let him go if I can't get the answer."

One night a few days later, Black came to Borgin and Burke's antique shop and "bought" a coffin.

Afterwards, Black told Dumbledore that he would take Harry back to the old house to live for a few days, and Dumbledore agreed.

Harry felt very fresh and curious about this house, and was even more curious about Kreacher, the second house elf he had ever seen.

Harry compared Kreacher with Dobby and found that Kreacher was like an emotionless machine in front of him. Black told him to follow his orders and he would do whatever he asked him to do, and he would never do anything extra.

Until one day, Harry asked Kreacher to tell everyone's story in front of the Black family tree. When Harry told the story of Regulus Black, he showed admiration, and Kreacher's attitude changed a little.

The most intuitive manifestation was that Kreacher dared to beat Harry in playing cards.

There is a dungeon in the Black family's old house, and Black was imprisoned in it many times before.

Now Black goes to the dungeon himself from nine to five every day, and Kreacher and Harry don't need to go in, so Harry doesn't know what the situation is.

On the third day, Harry asked Black how the situation was.

Black said: "He keeps saying that he doesn't know."

Harry asked: "Will he really not know?"

Black shook his head and said: "Death Eaters will definitely say that they don't know."

On the fifth day, Harry asked how the situation was again.

Black said solemnly, "He still says he doesn't know. He seems to be a well-trained Death Eater."

On the eighth day, Harry asked again about the progress.

Black said solemnly, "I really underestimated him. He must be a Death Eater that Voldemort values."

Harry asked, "What happened?"

Black said, "He started to frame Charles, saying that he was working for Charles."

After listening, Harry said seriously, "He even came up with such an excuse. It seems that he is indeed the most elite Death Eater who is doing great things for Voldemort."

On the eleventh day, Harry and Black sat in the living room of 3 Privet Drive in silence.

Dumbledore had just finished playing a game of "Tokimeki Memorial" that Charles had asked someone to buy but had not yet been able to play. When he went downstairs to get the happy water, he saw that the two guys were not in a good condition, so he asked: "What happened?"

Black couldn't say that he spent a lot of money and two kilograms of truth serum to interrogate Malfoy for ten days and got nothing, so he had to let him go, so he made an excuse: "My new motorcycle was towed away by the Muggle police because it was not registered."

This was not the first time such a thing happened, so Dumbledore believed it and said with a little relief: "At least you didn't cast a spell on the Muggle police like last time."

Black followed the words: "This time it was Harry who stopped me."

Harry nodded in agreement.

At the same time, at the table outside Florin Fosco's ice cream shop in Diagon Alley, Malfoy sat there like a marble statue, his eyes were dull and his face was bloodless. The ice cream in front of him was half melted and he didn't eat a bite.

A man came over from the Leaky Cauldron. He was a freshman this year and spotted Malfoy at a glance.

This person also ordered an ice cream in the ice cream shop, and sat at the table opposite Malfoy, eating and observing.

Seeing that Malfoy was still breathing, this person was relieved, thinking that he was not dead and just looked like he was played badly, so he didn't have to go to Azkaban, so he ate the ice cream and left.

Malfoy had been sitting there in a daze. It didn't matter that he was tortured for ten days. What mattered was that Charles's check for 10,000 Galleons was robbed, and he didn't know what to do.

It was dark, and the ice cream shop was about to close. Malfoy thought of a way, gritted his teeth, and had to do it.

Harry didn't have time to think about Malfoy at the moment.

Jack came back from London at noon, and Penny came to help him prepare dinner.

Because there was a large nest of wizards here, and most of them couldn't cook, Penny sometimes prepared their dinner together.

That day, Petunia came over with a weird expression and handed Harry an even weirder envelope.

The envelope was covered with stamps on both sides, with only a small space to write the recipient's address and name.

This letter was written by Molly Weasley to the Dursleys, inviting Harry to stay at their house in a few days until the end of the summer vacation.

Harry asked Petunia, "Can I go?"

Vernon and Petunia wanted him to get out of here quickly. Today, the postman was suspicious of this abnormal envelope when delivering the letter, and finally Vernon used the Indians' ignorance to get away.

Petunia said, "You can go tomorrow."

Harry jumped for joy.

At this time, Percy said, "The house is getting more and more lively this summer."

Harry suddenly thought of something. This year, the eldest Weasley was going to bring his girlfriend home, and Percy also had this plan. He asked Charles how to find an excuse in the common room.

So Harry asked Percy, "Has Ron learned to do somersaults?"

Percy's face suddenly turned red, and he began to change the subject: "By the way, Bill's girlfriend Bakalova is a veela, don't be too surprised when the time comes."

"Veela?!" The person who exclaimed was actually Petunia, "She's that kind of... very beautiful woman?"

Then she explained, "Lily mentioned it once before."

Harry had heard Hermione talk about veelas, and Professor Delacour's family had also met Lady Angelina when they went to Hogsmeade for Christmas, so he was a little surprised that Bill's girlfriend was a veela.

What surprised him even more was that his aunt actually knew about it, and he couldn't help but complain, "Then do you know about Dementors?"

Petunia shuddered and nodded.

This scared Harry.

Petunia continued, "Lily said... when you meet Dementors, you will think of very bad things."

Harry couldn't help but sigh and said, "Yeah, I think of that day when my mother..."

He didn't want to recall what happened that day, but suddenly found that Petunia's eyes were wide open, as if she was going to beat someone up if he didn't continue talking.

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