After the two of them had a long time to talk, they had a long time to talk.

"Good morning, Woolley."

When Reens saw his roommate, he greeted him.

As roommates in adjacent beds, Reens felt that he and Woolley got along well, so he greeted him naturally.

Greeting people with a smile was Reens' professional habit in his previous life. He always catered to the people around him and would not offend someone easily.

This was probably an unconscious behavior initiated out of self-protection because he was in a weak position.

Whether in his previous life or now, his social status has not changed much, and he is an ordinary civilian.

As an ordinary person, his ability to resist risks is relatively low, so it is very necessary to have a good relationship with his neighbors.

The most basic goal of the so-called human relations is to avoid risks.

Handling good neighborhood relations, even if the situation of "more friends, more roads" cannot happen, can also minimize possible hostility.

Only by increasing your weight in other people's hearts, others will consider your existence when deciding things.

Of course, human nature is complex and people are diverse.

Some people just can't handle the relationship with him no matter what, in that case, giving up on him is also a good choice.

"Well, okay."

Woolley responded to Reens lightly, with a cold expression, as if he didn't want to communicate with him.


Reens was a little confused. He saw Woolley's cold behavior, so he didn't understand it.

Yesterday, Reens remembered that it was Woolley who took the initiative to greet him. At that time, he was smiling and enthusiastic.

Reens also responded with a more enthusiastic smile, so the two of them talked happily before the start of training yesterday and had a harmonious relationship.

It was just that during the training, Reens was either exhausted to death or on the verge of being beaten to death, and had no time to socialize.

However, Woolley was basically the same, and his physical condition was only slightly better than Reens.

Under such cruel training, could he still be in the mood to think about other things?

So did something happen that he didn't know about?

Or did Woolley suddenly realize that interpersonal relationships were of little use in the training camp.

So he decided to deal with the training wholeheartedly to increase his chances of survival?

However, Reens soon overturned this speculation because he saw Woolley and Wendel talking enthusiastically to each other.

[So you think I am worthless? It seems necessary to find time to "ask". 】

Reens didn't care much about Woolley's alienation, and he didn't even care much about Woolley as a person.

But Woolley's behavior made him feel a sense of crisis. He was not sure whether this would bring him new dangers?

So Reens felt that he needed to spend some energy on the copy and "ask" Mr. Woolley.

But now the training is more important. If you can't make it through the training, everything will be over.


This morning's training was similar to yesterday's, but Reens felt a little more relaxed than yesterday.

Because he was familiar with the strength of his body, and the sword practice in the dungeon last night, his control over his muscles has improved.

Although, because he was practicing swords in the dungeon, he didn't form muscle memory in his real body.

But the muscle strength recorded in the memory during the sword practice was enough for Reens to actively use the relevant body parts to exert force during training to reduce his physical consumption.

Of course, because of his body, Reens didn't complete the training indicators perfectly.

So he still received some punishment, but much less than yesterday.

At lunch time, after Reens poured a bowl of "red medicine" into his mouth, his fatigue and injuries began to reduce rapidly.

The effect was obvious, but it made Reens a little worried.

The development of anything in the world cannot be separated from the price.

The more obvious the effect of "Red Potion", the greater the cost to achieve this effect.

Unfortunately, not only other trainers, but also Reigns cannot do without "Red Potion".

This is like a mortgage. For many people who want to get married, a house has become a rigid need.

But their own savings are not enough to buy a house in full, so they can only take out a mortgage.

At this time, the mortgage has become the price that most people who want to get married must bear.

The training intensity of the training camp is very high. If there is no support from "Red Potion", Reigns is sure that the entire training camp will never be able to get married.

Only a very small number of people can persist.

And this very small number will probably not exceed 5 people.

This is not a number that Reans made up, but according to his observation, the number of people who can easily complete the training indicators in the training camp is about 5.

Even if others can complete the training indicators, it is more reluctant.

Without enough rest time, fatigue will continue to accumulate until it eventually overwhelms the body and mind.

This is also the reason why "Red Potion" is indispensable. Even Reans cannot completely eliminate physical fatigue through the copy.

Therefore, Reans can only hope that the price of "Red Potion" is not paid by themselves.

At least I hope that this price is not too heavy for them.

When mentioning the unknown price of "Red Potion", Reans has to think of the copy.

Whether it is to obtain the copy ability or the price to pay for using the copy, it is unknown.

Yes, when using the copy ability, Reans did not notice any consumption.

There is no such thing as a pie falling from the sky. Even if a pie really falls, whether you want to catch it or pick it up, you will need to consume energy.

This is also a price.

But even what this price is, Reens doesn't know.

Physical strength? Impossible, on the contrary, when he entered the copy, his physical strength was recovering.

Mental strength? Possible, but Reens didn't feel any signs of mental exhaustion, on the contrary, he became more and more energetic.

Lifespan? Possible, but Reens didn't have a way to check his own lifespan.

Reens had thought about the cost of the copy when he was still in the slave exchange.

Mainly because there was nothing else to do except being in a daze and sleeping at that time.

When bored, the brain's divergent thinking jumped out of this problem.

However, Reens' final conclusion is that it doesn't matter.

No matter how you think about it, as long as the copy ability still follows the law of conservation of energy, then this powerful ability must pay a lot of energy every time it is used.

And he in the past and he now can't afford this price.

So let's leave this kind of problem to him who will really have to pay the price in the future.


Lunch break, free time.

Reens adjusted the time in the copy to this morning.

He was going to "inquire" about his "good roommate" Wu Li.

"Well, okay."

The scene reappeared, and the same cold words came out of Wu Li's mouth.

But this time Reens would not let him leave after he finished speaking.

"Hey, Wu Li, why is your expression so cold? We are roommates, and we sleep in the same bed. You are so cold. Are you unhappy with me?!"

Reens strode forward and patted Wu Li's back to stop him from leaving, and then said to him with an expression and tone of "I'm angry".

Perhaps because of Reens's question, Wu Li was stunned for a while, but he responded immediately.

"No, I'm just a little tired, which makes me not in the right state, so don't bother me."

After saying this, anyone can see Wu Li's resolute attitude of alienation.

However, Reens wasted his sword practice time to come here not to hear this sentence.

Since Wu Li was determined not to communicate with him again, he could only give up the peaceful communication method to get words.

It just so happened that he was not good at any kind of speech, so it was better to use some "abnormal means".

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