The carriage drove out of the city gate and came to the suburbs, and finally dropped off Reens and his team at the entrance of the forest. After paying the final payment, the carriage quickly turned around and returned to the city. In addition to the roads that were often cleaned, the chance of encountering monsters in other places in the wild was not small, especially monsters like goblins, who liked to attack humans. Therefore, this kind of work of taking people out of the city was also a high-risk job. Of course, high risk also means high returns to some extent. Therefore, it is not uncommon to see horsemen doing this kind of work. These days, ordinary people who want to have enough food either choose to be tired or take risks. ... Reens and his team took the task of collecting 10 horns of horned rabbits. The horned rabbit is a rabbit-shaped monster with a single horn on its head that can release "paralysis lightning".

Marvin has talked about this monster, which is considered a low-level and weak monster.

The "paralysis lightning" they release can only be aimed at one target, and for humans, the body will recover after being paralyzed for a while at most.

Apart from that, there will be no extra damage, and the horned rabbit can only release "paralysis lightning" once in a short period of time.

So, they are not difficult to deal with.

The real difficulty of this task is to find 10 horned rabbits in the forest.

Although rabbits have a strong desire to reproduce and can give birth to many in one litter.

But it is still a very troublesome thing to find 10 horned rabbits in a forest full of monsters.

Therefore, the reward for this task is very high, which is two to three times that of a normal task outside the city.

It's troublesome, who told it to pay a lot of money, and it just happened that Reens and his team were short of money.

However, when Reens and his team accepted this task, they were glared at by some old dark guards.

At first, Reans and his team thought they had robbed some high-quality mission.

After asking others, they found out that this mission was left behind by some secret guards.

It was specifically for the punishment after the mission failed.

If a mission is not completed for a long time, it will be adjusted to a mandatory mission by the family.

Although this mission is troublesome, it is not very dangerous.

Therefore, some secret guards plan to wait for it to become a mandatory mission.

If they are lucky, they may be assigned this mission after the mission fails.

The plan was well made, but it was ruined by the "ignorant and uncooperative" Reans and his team.

However, speaking of good luck...

Reans felt that his luck today seemed to be very good.


"Put down the rabbit in your hand, and open your backpack for us to check."

Reans suddenly blocked a man's way and said arrogantly.

The man looked like an adventurer, with a backpack on his back, a few horned rabbits in his left hand, and a long sword in his right hand.

He looked tired, and his clothes were stained with yellow dirt.

From the direction he was going and the current time, Reans guessed that the man had probably spent the night in the forest.

He should be preparing to leave the forest with the materials he had collected and return to the city to exchange for money.

The man looked at Reans in front of him in astonishment, and he couldn't believe that he would be robbed here.

"Reans, what are you doing?"

Ben and Harriman were also a little surprised. They were carrying out their mission, so why did it suddenly become a robbery?

"He was carrying a horned rabbit in his hand, and maybe he was carrying a rabbit horn in his backpack."

"If we rob him, maybe we don't have to work hard to find horned rabbits in the forest."

"The time saved can continue to complete other tasks."

Reans explained.

Hearing this, Ben and Harriman hesitated shamefully.

Although they thought it was wrong, the oppression of "conscription" made them realize that they needed contribution points now.

Time is money, and money at this moment may be equivalent to life.

Ben and Harriman looked at the man, and then looked at the several horned rabbits in his hand.

"It's enough to just rob the horned rabbits, we don't want the others."

Ben thought for a while and said.

After all, there is still a little moral bottom line, Ben did not choose to commit murder and robbery in the end.

Instead, he reminded Reens not to kill.

As for Harriman, he didn't think so much.

He felt that Reens' words were right, so he stepped forward and surrounded the man with Reens.

to prevent the man from escaping.

"Big brother, did you hear that clearly?"

"We only want the horned rabbit in your hand and the rabbit horns in your backpack."

"If you know what's good for you, please hand over these two things obediently, otherwise... we can't guarantee that there will be no accidents."

Rians made a fierce look and threatened.

"Heh! You are robbing me, Gars. I think you are tired of living."

"It seems that you don't know my name among adventurers."

"Today, I will let you see what "Gars with a fast sword" means."

Gars put down the horned rabbit in his hand, drew out the long sword, held it with both hands and pointed it at Riens and the other two, and said confidently.


"Two big brothers, stop fighting... I'm about to vomit blood."

Gars lay on the ground, holding his head with both hands, and begged miserably.

"Fast sword, right? Gars, right?"

"Why don't you show us what a fast sword Gars is?"

"Why did you surrender so quickly? If you resist more, maybe you can get the title of 'Gars who is resistant to be beaten'?"

Rians and Harriman said quickly while punching and kicking Gars.

Of course, since Bendu reminded them not to kill, Rians and Harriman naturally did not use any heavy hands.

Don't look at Gars's howling, it's a miserable cry, but at most there are only bruises on his body.

As for the previous battle...

It must be said that Gars is still quite powerful. His swordsmanship is fast and accurate, and has reached the level of "swordsmanship tendency".

No wonder there is a title of "Fast Sword Gars".

Unfortunately, he met Rians, and after he played a few tricks, Rians saw his level.

Rians, who was not interested in playing anymore, directly drew a sword at high speed and held his throat, ending the battle.

"I was too arrogant and blind before, and I didn't see the power of you adults."

"Please be magnanimous and let me go this time."

Gars begged again.

"Okay, stop beating me."

"I looked around, and there are only 6 horns in total, including those horned rabbits."

"So, we still need to continue looking for horned rabbits."

Ben, who couldn't bear it, pulled Reans and the other two, and said.

"Why don't you collect a few more horns of horned rabbits?"

"Your three uncles have to continue to work hard to find them in the forest."

Reans kicked Gars again and said.

"It's not that I don't want to bring more horns for you, but I'm not lucky enough and only caught these few."

Gars responded carefully, worried that his words would lead to another beating.

"Let's go, time is running out, let's not waste time."

"We should be able to find the remaining four horned rabbits if we try hard."

Ben said.

He cut off the horns of the horned rabbits with a sword, put them on the ground, covered the bloody smell with mud, and put them in the backpack behind him.

After doing all this, Ben called Reens and Harriman to leave the place where they had just robbed.

"Am I unlucky or lucky?"

"I met those secret guards who like to kill people, but I was only beaten up and not killed."

"But... that person is so strong, is he an elite among the secret guards?"

Gars thought as he looked at the three people who left.

Then he gritted his teeth and touched the place where he had just been beaten, put on his backpack again, and left the scene.

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