After arriving at the outer city, Reens and his team began to leave the team in batches. When they left, their temporary superiors also reminded them not to forget the 9 o'clock enlistment selection. Reens walked on the streets of the outer city with a sword in his arms and a face of a mature man in his twenties or thirties. The so-called "illusion mask" refers to a magic prop that looks a bit like a human skin mask, but it is not made of human skin. There is an exchange in the warehouse, but it is very expensive, one mask costs 4,000 contribution points. Reens was originally going to save money to exchange one, but he didn't expect to get it in advance after completing a mission. It is introduced that it is made of materials from a monster called "illusion lizard". How is it made specifically? Reens didn't know.

Anyway, this thing works very well, it's light, fits the face well, and is very breathable.

If you don't touch it with your hands, Reens can't feel that he is wearing anything on his face.

Moreover, this magic prop can customize the appearance.

Unfortunately, the appearance of this "illusion mask" on Reens' face has been set in advance.

Otherwise, Reens really wants to try the feeling of being a handsome guy.

Adonis should be chosen as the appearance material. That guy is handsome, lucky, and familiar.

A similar face may make his luck better?

Back to the topic.

Reens is thinking about whether to apply for an adventurer's certificate?

After all, he has a weapon in his hand. How can ordinary outer city residents carry a long sword?

Only adventurers, who often go out for adventures and do commissions, need to prepare weapons for themselves, right?


Reens grabbed a hand that reached into his pocket with his right hand and twisted it.

"Ah... it hurts."

Rians let go of his right hand, then kicked the thief next to him to the ground, and then drew his sword to his neck.

The passers-by who saw this scene quickly moved away, leaving a separation zone between Rians and the thief who fell to the ground.

"What do you think will happen if I kill you with a sword now?"

Rians bent down and looked down at the thief, then said lightly.

When he returned to his "hometown" before, he was also robbed, but he didn't care at that time because he had no money.

But now he has his hard-earned props and a small amount of money for food.

If he was really robbed, he would be so angry that he would kill someone.

Literally killing people, because he had no money, Rians had to find some gang members to "borrow some money" as start-up capital.

Therefore, seeing that someone dared to steal from him in a dirty way, Rians was a little angry.

Isn't his fierce face plus the long sword in his hand enough to deter?

"Brother, not really, not really... You will go to jail if you kill someone in public."

"For a lowly person like me, you don't have to make such a big sacrifice."

The thief responded with a pale face.

"Even if I don't kill you, it's not too much to cut off your hands, right?"

Rins continued, with a threatening tone.

"Ah... Wait, I understand, I understand."

As he said that, the thief immediately handed his cloth bag filled with money to Rins.

"Brother, these are all I have. Although the amount is not large, it is all my wealth."

"It is my admiration for you and my filial piety to you. Please don't be polite."

The thief said with a smile.

Rins took the cloth bag, opened it, and found more than a dozen silver coins and several copper coins in it.

Are all thieves so rich? It may be the money lost by a victim.

However, Rins didn't care.

After earning extra money, Reens readily let the thief go.

Since fate has arranged for someone to deliver the money, Reens naturally no longer hesitated and turned directly to the headquarters of the Adventurer's Association in Kara City.

While there is still time, go to the Adventurer's Association to get yourself a reasonable identity.

In this way, when you go to be a spy, you can be more secretive.


The Adventurer's Association of Kara City is built in the outer city area. Although it is also a big force, it is different from the church.

The headquarters of the Adventurer's Association is very down-to-earth, in other words, it is in line with the style of the outer city area.

Although it occupies a large area, the decoration inside is very simple.

There are no exquisite murals, nor are there any porcelain potted plants, but only spacious atmosphere and ruggedness.


Adventurers dressed in different styles came in and out of the association. Some of them carried long swords, while others carried bows and spears on their backs.

Even in the hall of the association, Reens saw a few guys dressed as magicians.

I don’t know if they are extraordinary people?

Because there are quite a few people in the hall, although not everyone is talking, but even if there are only a few, the hall is crowded enough.

Reens looked at the adventurers in front of him curiously, and he felt a familiar feeling in them.

It seems that I have seen similar scenes somewhere?


Reens quickly found out where his illusion was... It was their dress.

Reens had seen this kind of "miscellaneous army" dress last night.

So, those people in the Peg family camp last night might be adventurers.


Reens thought in his heart.

The Peg family, from the information Reens learned, is almost the third family in Kara City.

And such a noble family can't even provide guards to fight against the secret guards, and they need to pay for them.

This point has to be said to be a bit beyond Reens's expectations.

From another perspective, the Glenbogen family may be too strong.

If you think about it carefully, their eighty secret guards last night were not weak.

After all, each secret guard can kill a monster alone, and almost all of them are good at swordsmanship.

Imagine the scene of eighty wind wolves or flame lions attacking a place at the same time.

I'm afraid that just one round of charge can cause a lot of damage.

I don't know if the Glenbogen family can still control the family's secret guards without the constraints of the slave contract?

"So, what is the key point of the Grunbagen family's unique 'slave contract'?"

"How did it make a contract that could only be signed in two directions become a many-to-many contract?"

"Perhaps if we find that key thing, we can cancel the contracts of all the secret guards."

"Forget it... Let's leave it to Ben. Doesn't he want to explore the secrets of the Grunbagen family?"

"If he really finds this thing that he doesn't know whether it exists, he can use it to control nearly two hundred secret guards."

"Maybe it can help him or what they want to do..."

Riens thought wildly in his mind.

He shook his head slightly to dispel the distracting thoughts in his heart. He ignored the noise around him and walked to the counter in the association hall.

After paying two silver coins and "taking" a photo, Riens finally got his adventurer's certificate.

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