The sky was full of clouds, and the sky was full of clouds.

"You should fly higher, but this is indoors, and you can't fly very high."

Before he finished speaking, Reens had already arrived in front of the dean floating in the air, and stabbed him in the chest with a thunderous stab.

This indoor refers to the interior of the entire large teacher dormitory.

Except for some teachers who have houses outside, other teachers almost all live here.

The same is true for the dean's room.

Just now he was about to lead Reens to the currently vacant room.

And since it is indoors, the height of the roof is naturally limited.

The dean only flew to a height of 3 or 4 meters...

For Reens, this height can be reached with a little effort.

Facing Reans' attack, the dean looked serious, the magic circle flashed, and a translucent shield with a very complex elemental structure in Reans' eyes blocked the stabbing attack.

But the impact of the stabbing still pushed the dean to the roof.



Almost the same sound was heard.

But one was made by the dean, and the other was the sound of Reans landing.

Although Reans can also use the wind element to keep himself in the air for a short time, this feeling of not touching the ground cannot be used to exert force and move well.

So, there is no need, Reans will not leave himself in the air as a target for others.


Another huge sound came from the roof.

Along with this sound, a large number of tiles and wood blocks fell down, and at the same time, the sunlight outside shone into the house through the dust.

The entire teacher's dormitory has only one floor, and the sound just now was the dean using magic to break the roof and fly out.

"Escape? Or don't want to fight here?"

Riens looked at the hole above his head and the figure of the dean flying away, and then looked at the others who came to check the situation because of the noise, and said softly.

"Forget it, don't think about it, just chase him."

After saying that, Riens jumped directly in the direction of the hole in the roof...

Then he stepped on the twisted air in mid-air to take advantage of the force, completed a double jump, and directly climbed onto the 5-6 meter high roof.

And Riens's behavior that almost violated physics directly caused the teachers who were watching to exclaim.

"Wow! What kind of monster is this? It can actually jump twice in the air?"

"And what happened just now? Why is there a big hole in the roof?"

"This hole is so big, the roof won't collapse, right?"

One of the brown-haired, young male teachers who looked to be in his thirties said in surprise.


After climbing onto the roof, Riens saw the dean floating higher in the air waiting for him.

"It seems that you don't want to escape, but you don't want to implicate ordinary people... Mr. Dean is really kind-hearted."

"Unfortunately, I don't have that kind of kindness... So, if you don't come down, I will go down and kill them all."

Rians first praised, then instantly changed his face and threatened the dean.

Again, if he can avoid air combat, Rians will never do it.

Although double jumps, triple jumps and the like can be used, Rians has not yet been able to skillfully use this kind of aerial ladder.

The battle is changing rapidly, and he himself is fast.

So in every battle, Rians is often in a state of high-speed movement.

But this kind of aerial ladder that can achieve multiple jumps is essentially to increase the density of the air, making its hardness close to or even comparable to the ground.

At present, although Rians can achieve this effect.

But the condensation of each aerial ladder takes time, and he cannot complete it instantly.

The reason for this situation, in addition to lack of proficiency...

There is also not enough wind element in the body, and the external wind element that can be affected is limited.

Elements need to be accumulated slowly, and Reens cannot solve this problem in a short time.

"Aren't you afraid of being wanted by major forces for wantonly killing ordinary people?"

"Besides, there shouldn't be much hatred between us, why do we have to do that?"

The dean's face sank when he heard this, and he said to Reens in a deep voice.

"As long as you tell me the secret of the magic ritual, I will leave here immediately and will never appear in front of you again."

Reens vowed.

Reens made this promise casually, and he didn't care whether the dean believed it or not.

Of course, Reens would abide by it, but the promise of the copy can generally only take effect in the copy.



The dean was surprised by Reens' serious tone. He felt that Reens seemed to really fulfill his promise.

However, it was impossible for the dean to tell him the secret of the town's magic ceremony just because of Reens' promise and threat.

"This ceremony has been reported to the four major forces. It involves the interests of all parties. Are you sure you want to get involved?"

The dean said again in a deep voice.

His threat was expressed in his words.

"Ha! What interests of all parties? How can I be considered a party if I am not included in it?"

"So, either you kill me or tell me the relevant secrets."

"Also, no need to wait... Since the priest of 'life', Nemo Fira, has not appeared yet."

"It means that she does not want to participate in the fight between you and me."

"It also shows that the role you play in the magic ceremony of this town does not seem to be as important as I thought."

Reens responded to the dean.

"No, Mr. Dean is still very important."

"After all, the maintenance of the ceremony requires people who are familiar with magic and related fields."

A gentle voice appeared on the roof, and Nemo Fira's figure also appeared in the eyes of the two.

"It's like this again... Why can't I detect her approach? Is this also an ability brought by divinity?"

Riens looked at the beautiful figure not far away with a serious look.

"This knight brother, such a direct look."

"Although I know I am beautiful and have a good figure, I will be shy when you look at me like this."

Nemo Fira felt Reens's gaze, and then smiled faintly.

Although she said she was shy, Nemo Fira did not show any signs of blushing, and the smile on her face remained unchanged.

She even straightened her chest to show her proud capital.

"Do you want to get involved in my fight with him?"

"Forget it, it doesn't matter who you ask... Then this beautiful priest lady of the 'Life Seeking Truth Society'."

"Can you tell me what exactly this magic ritual that enveloped the entire town of Hughes is?"

"What exactly is its function, and why is it worthy of the attention of the four major forces?"

"Miss priest, can you give me an answer?"

Riens asked Nemo Fira seriously.


Nemo Fira just chuckled and didn't respond.

"Really, is this the answer you gave me... It seems that this battle is inevitable."

The fighting spirit in Reiens' eyes became more intense...

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