At night, Reans lay on the bed and entered the dungeon.

Just like at noon, relying on the title of "God's Blessed One", Reans can always get the cooperation of Nemo Fira.

Although he was killed instantly by the big man who possessed Nemo Fira every time, this did not affect his gradual progress.

At this time, Reans was glad that his "sword style" was "simple".

Because of it, he could absorb experience and summarize in constant battles.

Therefore, he would continue to make rapid progress,

And with the battles with Nemo Fira again and again... Reans also began to understand what water fluctuations are?

Its essence is nothing more than "vibration" and "resonance".

Everything has its own vibration frequency, and resonance is the connection between them.

Grasping these two points, the vibration will naturally follow.

Of course, in such a short time, Reans is still unable to sense the vibration of everything.

He now only somewhat understands how Nemo Fira injured him before his fist touched his body?

At the same time, he also understands what is going on with the "dark power" that suddenly erupted in his body.

Every contact with Nemo Fira is an opportunity for her to inflict hidden injuries on his body through vibrations.

These hidden injuries will gradually accumulate, and then at a certain moment they will erupt themselves or be artificially guided out by Nemo Fira.

Therefore, Reans was inexplicably injured while fighting before.

After having this understanding, Reans was much more relaxed when fighting Nemo Fira.

Although he could not prevent Nemo Fira from inflicting "dark power" on him, as long as he always monitored his own situation, he could detonate this "dark power" in advance.

Without the accumulated hidden injuries, it was just like a small wound caused by a knife, which had little impact on Reans.

At least it would not affect him who was still fighting.

With this discovery, he did not need to force Nemo Fira to self-protect after both sides were almost injured.

"Stop, stop, stop... No more fighting."

After forcing Reans to retreat, Nemo Fira stopped and shouted suddenly.

Reans was about to swing the "sword energy" to cut Nemo Fira, leaving her no room to breathe.

At the same time, he adjusted his body that was shocked back and sprinted again...

Unexpectedly, he suddenly heard Nemo Fira's call for a ceasefire.

Reans thought quickly in his mind...

After thinking about it, if he did not stop fighting, Nemo Fira might directly summon the big guys to help.

Then, he would be killed instantly, and the meaning of fighting experience would be lost.

Therefore, there is no difference between taking the initiative to stop fighting now and being forced to "cease fighting" later.

This round of dungeon just started not long ago. He just explained the "God's Blessing" and got Nemo Fira's active cooperation.

He needed to know the reason why Nemo Fira suddenly changed his mind... It would be best if he could solve it.

Otherwise, if it happens every time, the hard work of persuading Nemo Fira before will basically be in vain.

In that case, Nemo Fira, the sword test object, will lose half of its meaning.

So, Reans stopped swinging the sword, holding the sword with his backhand, and placing the long sword behind his arm.

This is almost the posture of martial arts swordsmen stopping and putting away the sword.


After Reans approached, he said to Nemo Fira in a deep voice.

After seeing that Reans really stopped, Nemo Fira breathed a sigh of relief, and then said with a feeling of wanting to cry but not being able to:

"Not long after the beginning, I felt something was wrong."

"How many times have you fought with me?"

"I feel that you are very familiar with my fighting habits, and I feel that you can even directly predict my next attack."

"I was suppressed almost the entire time... You are almost killing me, what is the point of fighting?"

"What did you say before that you enjoyed the fun of fighting? I'm afraid only you enjoy it."

"Even if we do that kind of thing, it's better for both of us to feel comfortable."

Reans ignored Nemo Fira's sudden dirty joke and asked her directly:

"What do you want to do?"

"Although I don't know how much time has passed in reality, you can suppress me now."

"It probably won't take long before I have basically no training effect on you."

Nemo Fira said.

"Well, it's true. You're a little tired in less than 20 times."

"But, you don't need to

Worry, your value is still very great... whether you are assisted by the dean or in the final state. "

"I can't deal with them now."

"You are a gold mine that has not been fully mined for me, so I will not give up on you."

Rien said with a joking tone..

"Hehe... should I thank you?"

Nemo Fira said unhappily.

"You're welcome... Tell me, what do you want? "

Riens responded with a smile, and then asked Nemo Fira directly.

Hearing this, Reens also roughly understood that Nemo Fira just wanted to negotiate some conditions.

It is likely that she wanted to gain some benefits for herself in reality.

If it is not excessive, Reens does not mind giving it to her, as a reward for her previous cooperation.

However, if it involves exposing his own secrets, Reens will never do it.


Nemo Fira smiled a little embarrassedly, and then said:

"Look, if my strength has not improved, it will not be very disappointing to you?"

"So, I wonder if you can guide me in reality?"

"Based on your understanding of me, you will definitely be able to bring me greater room for improvement."

"In that case, I, who am stronger, can also bring you better experience results."

"How about it? How about my proposal?"

Nemo Fira asked Reens back.

"Not very good."

"Don't you know yourself yet? In real life, you have always pretended to be a weak priest. "

"You want me to guide you... what? Guide you in battle? Then how can I explain why I know you so well?"

"And I will not do anything to expose my secrets in real life."

Riens refused.

"However, if you can tell me the secrets of this town."

"I will find a way to meet your request without exposing myself. "

Rians asked Nemo Fira in return, saying.

He had done so many free things...

Rians also wanted to try to take advantage of this opportunity to get information about the magic ritual from Nemo Fira?

However, his sudden reversal of roles obviously increased Nemo Fira's distrust.

Or, she had no intention of exposing the town's secrets at all.

Anyway, Nemo Fira did not continue to talk about this topic, but directly raised her fist and hit Reans.

There was still some anger on her face...

I don't know if it was the anger after being rejected, or the shame and anger after being accused of pretending to be weak?

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