The white space.

"In fact, it seems that it is not a bad idea to be with Nemo Fira."

After feeling the power of the whole world against him again, Reens pretended to be serious.

Of course, this was just a joke.

But what he wanted to express was Reens's yearning for the legendary realm.

That was really an extremely powerful and mysterious realm.

Even though he was much stronger than he was a few months ago, he still had no strength to resist that person.

After a short pause in the white space, Reens immediately entered the dungeon again.

However, the reason for his entry into the dungeon this time was no longer that teacher Atel.

Since it was confirmed that she was not a great magician, but a poor female knight who was unlucky enough to be infected with that strange curse.

Reans was too lazy to pay attention to her.

Of course, because he didn't want to see a swordsmanship genius fall into that kind of curse...

He was still planning to tell Nemo Fira about the curse in a few days.

See if she has a solution?

Although Atel had basically no ability to resist his sword before.

But her body's reaction still gave Reans a clue.

He speculated that Atel might be a genius who had reached the "swordsmanship style" realm.

A few months ago, when Reans took the [Element Baptism Potion] to be promoted to a knight...

Lucretia also praised him, saying that it was difficult to find another genius like him who had reached the "swordsmanship style" realm before becoming a knight.

But unexpectedly, a few months later, he met one.

Out of pity for the genius, Reans simply helped her.

Of course, if the curse really couldn't be lifted, then her fate would basically not be very good.

Given Nemo Fira's personality, she will most likely be sent to the Trial Chamber of the Skylight Church.

Scene change.

Reens appears in the dean's room and continues to complete his magic studies with the dean.

Now this is the reason why he still stays in the academy.

As for the magic ritual?

Although he is still a little curious, he can't get the secret out of Nemo Fira and the dean.

So, he can only give up.

Moreover, he didn't stay in Hughes Town because of this ritual in the first place.


At night, a dinner to welcome Artel to join the company was held in the cafeteria.


"Warm welcome, Teacher Artel officially joins the academy."

The teachers raised their glasses to Artel and shouted happily.

"Thank you everyone! Cheers!"

Artel also raised his glass and responded with a smile.

After that, she put the glass to her mouth and drank a mouthful of the juice inside.

With Artel taking the lead, the teachers also toasted their glasses.

Of course, many teachers' glasses were not filled with juice, but with real wine.

The end of the toast ceremony at the beginning meant that the dinner officially began, and the atmosphere became more heated.

Unlike the time when Reens joined the company, it was a little late, so it could not be arranged in advance.

Therefore, there were not enough wine and drinks, not enough for the teachers and students present to get a glass of wine.

So, everyone just ate and chatted.

Later, another teacher asked Reens if he wanted to hold another welcome banquet for him?

However, after Reens politely refused, no one talked about it anymore.

This time, Artel joined the company at noon, and there was enough time to prepare for the dinner.

Therefore, the teachers even reserved the cafeteria and did not allow the students to enter.

In order to make this welcome banquet more formal,

Regardless of gender, most teachers put on formal dresses that they would not wear on ordinary days but only on major festivals.

Especially those male teachers in their twenties and thirties, all dressed up like decent people.

They surrounded Artel, buzzing like bees collecting honey.

Reens didn't know if they would feel embarrassed, but he saw that Artel looked embarrassed.

"Didn't anyone tell you to come in better clothes?"

Nemo Fira sat down next to Reens and asked him softly.

At this time, she was also wearing a dress, and the blue and white background matched her hair color very well...

The close-fitting and chest-lifting design showed her all the time.

Her perfect figure.

Every male teacher present was impressed, but thinking of the rumors that had been spread before, they could only watch silently.

And after seeing Nemo Fira sitting next to Reans, and even the two of them were very close...

Their long-dead hearts finally let go.

Fortunately, the arrival of Teacher Atel made up for their broken hearts.

A closer look showed that although Teacher Atel was not wearing a dress, his heroic face was matched with the same close-fitting clothes.

Wow, such a big guy...

So, the teachers "talked" to Atel more enthusiastically.

"Yes... but I don't have money to buy a dress, and I don't want to wear that kind of inconvenient clothes."

"Besides, not all teachers wear dresses, so it shouldn't be a problem."

Reans swallowed the food in his mouth, and then took a sip of the juice in the wine glass, and responded indifferently.

"Didn't you notice?"

"Those wearing formal attire are relatively young teachers, and they are all unmarried."

Nemo Fira explained softly.

"Oh, I see, so what does it have to do with me?"

Riens took another bite of the food on the table and responded.

"Are you playing dumb with me?"

Nemo Fira said viciously.

"Alas, love is really terrible."

"I remember that we only knew each other for 5 months, and I look ordinary."

"It shouldn't be worth your pursuit, right?"

"Besides, you are a pastor, a follower of God, is it really okay to fall into love?"

Riens put down the wine glass in his hand and said helplessly.

"God does not prohibit marriage and love, and even encourages us to pursue love."

"Besides, appearance is not something that cannot be changed."

"Believe me, with my level, I can definitely make you perfect in my aesthetics."

"Of course, if you have any requirements, I can also sacrifice my aesthetics a little."

"But, I guarantee that I can definitely make you a handsome guy."

Nemo Fira said confidently.

When Reans mentioned "priest", the dean who had been paying attention to the two of them heard it and immediately cast a magic to reduce their presence.

Noticing this, Nemo Fira spoke without hesitation.

"It's really an enlightened doctrine, worthy of being called 'life'."

"But it's impossible for us, Nemo Fira."

"If my first stop is here, then it's possible... But in that case, it's hard for you to like me."

"And after walking out of there, I can't have the so-called love anymore."

Reans said calmly.

"Really? Is it too late?"

Nemo Fira said with a gloomy look.

Then, she immediately picked up Reans's wine glass and drank it. After drinking it, she said with some dissatisfaction:

"Why is it juice?"

"Where's the wine? I want to drink now."

"Also, you must drink with me. You can't leave unless you are drunk."

After that, she held the wine barrel beside the dining table with both hands and put it on the dining table.

With a "bang", the food on the table jumped out of the plate.

If it weren't for the dean's magic to cover this scene, I'm afraid every teacher who saw it would change their perception of Nemo Fira.

Then, she opened the stopper of the wine barrel, and a strong aroma of wine began to spread.

After filling her own and Reans's glasses with wine, Nemo Fira drank it all in one gulp.

After drinking it, her face was a little red, and her eyes were also a little red.


Nemo Fira said.

Reens looked at her quietly, then picked up his glass and drank the first glass of wine since he came into this world.

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